This week I kept working on the rest of the signs for the shop. They were pleased with the first 3 signs, so I kept the theme going and worked on the last 3. I also started working on their instagram account, which needs a bit more work, to gain more followers and raise awareness of TREAD which is one of the biggest bike shops in New York City. My goal is to post pictures of the store and the products they have, the new renovations, inspirational quotes for the cyclists and more…

These are the other 3 signs:

bmx folding kids

One thought on “NANCY ACEVEDO ENTRY #7

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Nancy,

    It’s great to see the creative solutions you’re coming up with for the bike store. I strongly suggest you take photos of the signs once they are fabricated and installed. From a design standpoint it would be interesting, as I suggested in last week’s post, to see how one format with changing text and colors would work. You have quite a few choices to pick from. Again, I need to see longer posts, 250–300 words per week. Also, as a matter of style, figures (numbers) below ten are generally spelled out. Check “Rules of Thumb” for guidelines on this.


    Professor Mason


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