journal entry 13

Final preparations made, and it was time to print my project. By the way, I am speaking of Monday figured I would start from there since I mentioned The Seventy-sixth Hornor’s Convocation cover due date last week. So I took a trip over to Remsen Graphics to print, because last time I went to Fedex, yeah silly me. The print for the cover was vibrant and attractive. After leaving Remsen Graphics, I went over to WC Art & Drafting to purchase a precut board for mounting, rubber cement, and X-Acto knife. Made it to class, and then I mounted my print with a border all around like the professor asked. Some of the students rushed or did not follow instructions, so they ruined the artwork. Some displays were crooked or bubbly because they put too much glue not allowing it to dry.

After the client viewed the work and left the professor briefed us on the next project right away. We were each instructed to design a book cover for City Tech Writers Volume 11, and the design should be a visual metaphor. An idea came to me immediately; I wanted to do something to represent the heart of a writer.

Fast forwarding to Tuesday, Scott nor Naeem contacted me for the second week, so once again no new updates about the internship; However, with the free time I decided to get started on my sketches for the next book cover.


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