Tag Archives: Research

Learning or breaking the law

Research and copyrighted material has become so vital in the past years. People who are attempting to spread knowledge are getting accused of breaking the law. In Pamela Samuel’s article, she wrote about a person named, Aaron Swartz, who was an internet activist and was accused of fraud and computer abuse, resulting in him committing suicide. His goal was to provide more access to knowledge in the internet. I agree that he was careless in these decisions and that he should have thought about copyright and possible consequences. In Brian Martin’s writing, he discussed what research was, and how almost every profession utilizes it. In my opinion i believe that the copyright law is overrated and the penalties shouldn’t be severe because it makes people feel limited to knowledge.

Knowledge Oct. 7

Information and knowledge is what helps a society grow. It is important to not only have the information but also have access to the information. In the Samuelson article, she discussed Aaron Swartz, who made it his mission to promote broader access to knowledge. Swartz felt that the public should have access to academic and scholarly journals and articles, so that they could broaden and advance their knowledge instead of being limited. In the Brian Martin chapter, he discusses the factors that influence research and thereby limit it. When a group funds a specific research, it is generally to fit their agenda and to benefit themselves. Research should allow for people interested to engage with it and broaden the idea of knowledge and information.

Information is Golden

Knowledge is power. Information has been a valuable commodity, probably since man came into existence. We have built upon pieces of information, networking these ideas to help leap frog us to the next ground breaking idea. Now it takes a person years to learn the foundations to reach a new apex. Researching becomes expensive and important to understanding more about life.  Martin’s article, The Politics of Research, gives us an in depth understanding at the complex value of research. The second article by Samuelson, Aaron Swartz: Opening Access to Knowledge, tells us of the lengths individuals will go to share research, and the extent of what people will do to protect it. Having research accessible is an important factor in developing new ideas. Research must be made available to everyone, to stimulate more ideas.


From The Aggressive yet comical point the articles and videos stood in defense of i would have to disagree . they spoke on how copy rights aren’t fair and are a choke hold. on the contrary i believe that copy writes are good and stand in place for the majority. if i had work out there and someone was to create something off my idea i want a type of intensive of any form not always money but recognition for your creation,because i helped to make it what it is. it sucks for the deep thinkers and the time spent doing these things and someone else to claim that its thiers and that they did it and i stand on the side of the law with my best foot forward

Researching in research.

Researching information leads us to new ideas. Ideas that help advance our thoughts to understanding subjects from different angles. Wikipedia has users researching various internet pages of endless subjects. The same pages are being vandalized and edited again by their creators. Wikipedia has been created by researchers for researchers, with it’s most impressive aspect being that it is non-profit. It is rather charming as Baker might have put it. Math being used to create research data has also been applied to researching cures for dieases in Tufte’s article. These large amounts of data are necessary to find little details that are invaluable as seen in Lohr’s reading about John Snow and the town’s well handle. The “Web 2.0” article shows us that all this researched data we find on the web. Which includes us and just about everything else we can think of, is evolving into a world wide web were we are the main subjects being researched.


All it took was a simple story to pass on information from generation to the next. The discovery of paper allowed for information to be easily stored for someone to use more readily but then the creation of the world wide web opened up a portal to infinite amount of information. In chapter 8 William Badke teaches us effective research methods, how to use the right amount of information to supposrt your research, to determine which book relevant  to your topic, the pros and cons to using tablets and computers. he give a few tips on how to be better note takers, How to avoid plagiarism, and to give credit to the source author.