Author Archives: Benny

Google Scholar

I used Google scholar search to find this “Conceptions in the Code: What ‘the Copyright Wars’ Tell Us About Creativity, Social Change and Normative Conflicts in the Digital Society“ by Stefan Larsson.  However this scholarly journal didn’t pop up at first by term copyrights creativity. I had to change search setting to year 2012 to 2013. Most scholarly articles found by Google scholar were any title that included my search term. And some journals had my search term, but were misleading. And that was hard to decide until you skim through it. I had same problems you would get from regular internet search, however you can pretty much know that any article shown by Google scholar search is trust worthy.

Search engine optimization and international branding

In our everyday life, we use search engine to find information. According to Agostini, most websites receive traffic from search engines through two types of keywords. Generic category keywords which defined as general word we use such as green tee shirts and branded keyword which search by brand name. In his experiment on, search result came out differently depending on letters and language. Even miss typed words will display different result. Most sites use these terms and modify to their website to get more traffic. Agostini argues that this method used by search engine can be misleading and effective at the same time. So we must be able to aware of it.

What is a Database, How does a search engine work? [Group]

Group Project 10/15

[Frank, Sandy, Benny]

What is a Database, How does a search engine works?

Database –

A collection of data that can be found using categorized procedures are called a data base. The amount of information that’s out there is infinite but with a database it’s all organized. We can use simple keywords or certain commands to help narrow our search. Word such as OR, And, and Not. These commands serve as three main keywords that helps narrow down your search to relevant links on which you’re searching for. Using few words or too many keywords might prevent you from finding the right type of useful data. Other option that can be used are Hierarchies. Hierarchies help by filtering out the context of a phrase avoiding confusion on the meaning of the keyword.

Search Engine –

Most websites receive traffic from search engines through generic category keywords and branded keywords. And this varies depending on how you spelled out the word, and that language you used. Generic keywords traffic refers to search term such as green-t-shirts or red jacket and branded keywords are terms searched by brand name such as Nike or Adidas. The ideal way to get more traffic is to find what term people use to search to enter the website, and include that word in the site for more traffic.


  1. How would you determine if the information we use isn’t bunch of garbage mixed in with useful information?
  2. What strategies do you use when researching information within a search engine database?
  3. Are there any search engines that make it easier to find usable information?
  4. What search engine tactics do you find more useful? Such as Or, And, and Not or using Hierarchies?
  5. Are you satisfied with your search using category keyword and branded keywords?
  6. If company refines words in their website to have more traffic, wouldn’t that mislead your search?


Aaron Swartz: Opening Access to Knowledge

Internet activist Aaron Swartz committed suicide after downloading 4 million articles from JSTOR and got charged with 13 felony offenses. The writer Pamela Samuelson argues that charges against Aaron was necessary but Aaron’s mission or goal was worthy. Many JSTOR articles were funded through research grants and governments and foundations, so Aaron had no idea that he didn’t have to pay for it. Even articles are not covered by which listed above, some articles written by university professors are covered by their salary. And JSTOR were written by scholars to share the knowledge. Pamela argues that copyright is being an obstacle to knowledge and articles like JSTOR should be open-access for scholarly work.

plagiarism: a lie of the mind

In the article “plagiarism: a Lie of the mind” the author says that plagiarism is not impossible to avoid. You have to establish the ownership of the words you use, meaning that, you understand it to describe it in your distinctive way. Author gives some example with common phrases we use such as last gasp or wit’s end which started by famous writer. However copying those catchy phrases doesn’t make it plagiarism. But if you copy exact word for word, then its plagiarism. Also author mentions that you don’t have to write it in all your words. You can use quotation or attribution. Since everything we say or write is in our own words, then it can’t be plagiarism.

Copyright = Copy it Right

According to Grey’s video, copyright laws have been protecting the creator since 1710. Copyright is contract between author and the society, to not to copy and build it’s original. I’m not sure about all creator or author but the creator of Star Wars, George Lucas thought that his copyright to his movies were too short so it was extended. I think Grey is trying to ask if that is necessary. Only one who will benefit from long copyright is the corporate or company. Even some creative film maker comes with remake of Star Wars, it still wouldn’t damage its original. And i couldn’t agree more with this because last episode of Dexter was horrible and someone should remake the last episode.

Check out these Copyrights


Second Post for Sep.11

As a physical book lover, I sort of enjoyed reading post artifact books & publishing. The author tells us that book is a system and shows different steps in classic publishing. Starting off with pre-artifact system, where author tries to design and shape his or her piece and gets published into the great immutable artifact, which can’t be edited like digital book now days. Then books will be sent to distributors then to the readers. This is called post-artifact system. I liked how author mentioned about connections in classic post artifact system also I could feel that author is telling us how classic publishers spend so much effort to publish his or her perfection, and as readers, we treasure the final piece. That system is disappearing due to digital books.

First Post for Sep.9

In chapter 1, Badke briefly goes over what is information. How it was traditionally transcended orally then now it’s being transferred to digital. And we should question the information we find online rather it’s accurate and true. Just like the book title, to find information, it’s like a finding a way though a fog.

In chapter 8, Badke talks about how to read and write for research and mentions different types of note taking and advantages and disadvantages. Also he warns us that we shouldn’t take plagiarism lightly.

I was pretty skeptical about note taking. What if Badke is wrong? Shouldn’t we use the method we feel more comfortable with? I just felt like his advantages and disadvantages are not accurate. Some disadvantages are possible to overcome.