Copyright Laws

Copyright laws has set a standard of understanding that the hard work of one individual shouldn’t be stolen and taken advantage of by another. These laws were set in place in order to be sure that the provider of creativity receives all significant rights over all use of their work, but when does these rights go over board? We have all experienced hearing the news of a specific cooperation that has one millions of dollars due to strict copyright laws. Another example is downloading music. We all have downloaded something that is looked at as “illegal”. Everyone does it. I personally believe there should be come a point where if everyone is performing a specific act why should it even be considered illegal. The law isn’t being respected anyway.

1 thought on “Copyright Laws

  1. Benny

    I also had question about music we download. Most music now days have copyrights protecting them. However, it’s easily downloaded over the internet, or you can copy it the old fashion way, record it through radio. I think the copyright law should be more refined to music industries. Even though you paid for music through iTunes or other provider, you are not allowed to play the music in public. This also applies to a movie too. But doesn’t that make us criminal just listening to it from someone’s car or through radio. Doesn’t that mean we have to pay for it even we heard it or saw it unwillingly?


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