Blog response 2

Reading Destiny’s blog post, I found out how much Google scholar helped us to better start our assignment. Also the topic she want to write about it is one of the most popular topic that students like to search about; indeed I had the same topic in my mind, but I guessed that too many people will probably choose this topic as their research topic, so I decided to do my research about something quite abstract in order to understand its working. As, I said previously, I was almost ready to drop my topic, and picked a topic about social network, but thank to Google scholar and some books that I found in our library; I realized that I will have a lot to write about it.

Homework 10.

Issues iv been dealing with is finding reliable sources, and i always cant seem to come up with a good introduction sentence as well. Now that we have search engines such as google and yahoo it makes things 20x’s better because now i can search using key words and phrases, instead of struggling to always find what i am looking. Before learning about keywords and phrases in this class researching information on these search engine type sites was much harder to work with. Im also putting key words and phrases i quotes so i get a more specific results of what i am looking for when working with my research topic.


1st Journal ASS.

Due to FrankinStorm Sandy things have gotten difficult for me. I stared looking for articles using Google search bar.  So far the most difficult part of my research centers was getting my question set. I always have a problem with starting my papers. I normally don’t know if my question is good enough. I have thought about interviewing one of my English Prof. which is going to be writing a book on my subject. My subject has to deal with how grammar of students has gotten worst due to the abbreviations. I find that when I write I normally write “u” instead of “YOU”.. I have done it in my essays. I guess its because of texting… lol

Notes from today, and reading and blogging homework for Monday, November 12

Today we discussed finding information (books and other media) in library catalogs, including the CUNY catalog and WorldCat As you search for information on your topic, don’t forget about other resources available to you, including those of the New York Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library and Queens Library systems.Remember that resources in other academic libraries in Brooklyn are available to you via the ALB consortium.

On Monday, November 12 we will discuss finding information in library databases. Please read Badke pp. 94-120, and pay special attention to section 5.9, for further study. Your blogging assignment is to comment on a classmate’s blog post — either one 100 word comment or 2 comments totaling 100 words.

The college has made a plan to make up for the instructional time missed during Hurricane Sandy. Friday, December 21 will be the last day of classes, on which we will finish up the group presentations.

Slides for today are available here.

Please get in touch with any questions you have about the annotated bibliography, which is due on Wednesday, November 14. I will be out of town from tonight through Sunday evening but will make an effort to check email regularly.


~Prof. L.

Advance Research_HW 11

Until Monday, I had never heard of Google scholar. I was having a bit of an issue with finding credible sources of information about my research topic. I found that there was a lot of opinion filled articles and editorials which come in handy but wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. I found that the tips that were showed in class did help eliminate some of that. By forcing the search engine to look for specific domains and using quotations to find something specific, I felt more comfortable with the search results. The one thing I did notice was that even though some of the results were of higher quality, they weren’t available for me to use. Why not make information available to everybody? It’s very frustrating.

Research Tool

I was skeptical about the topic I picked after the comments and suggestion made by professor; I was wondering if I follow what she said, I won’t have enough to write; also if I don’t do what she want, I won’t get a good grade. However, after reading some sources about my topic, I found out that she was right because there are so many issues about this topic that must be discussed and reformed for the well-being of everyone. Next, I must recognize the last class has strongly contributed to the finding of those sources. Especially Google scholar, it has helped me to find any kinds of sources I needed, and I think that my sources are credible. In word, I can state that Google scholar helped me to be confident about what my professor want me to do.

Research Jornal: Advance Internet Searching -Destiny Modeste


The topic I choose to research was how do teen users of social networking (Facebook) sites understand and comply with the privacy policies of these sites, and how well they understand will affect their professional and academic future. In order to begin research in this topic, I started using google scholar once again. In the search box, I typed in “teen Facebook privacy.”  Multiple things appeared; including a scholarly source entitled, “Imagined Communities: Awareness, Information Sharing, and Privacy on the Facebook.”‘ opposed to using just the normal Google search engine, I found hat scholars gave me a more narrow search in which I prefer. Google Scholars was extremely easy to use and I belief it gives out credible sources. 

-Destiny Modeste

Homework _11 advance search strategies

I only used google scholar once, I was starting to look for related articles about my proposed topic. I did have trouble because I found articles that were not really giving me the information related to my topic. In Mondays class I was able to understand how to use google scholar and its settings, and now I have practice by searching again related articles. I did find a couple and very interesting articles which I have posted it in easybib. This would help me get back to the articles I have found making it easier instead of just going back to the website to find the articles again. The articles are somewhat different because the last articles I found are up to date then the other articles I have found before. Which makes it interesting because my topic relates to social networking and it is what is being used the most and changing frequently.

hw#11 journal response

In class we discussed many strategies that we can use to help advance our searches. This has been very successful with helping me locate useful information for my research paper. My favorite is google scholar. I like google scholar because it is much more trust worthy than regular google searches and,
I feel more comfortable and secure using it. Eliminating stop words has also taught me how to advance my searches. Before knowing about google scholar, I was nervous about writing my paper. Now that we went over a few different strategies, I now have more confidence. Easybib has been a great help as well because it teaches us how to be organized, it locates reliable information and my favorite part about easybib is how it sites the articles.

Reading and blogging homework for Wednesday 11/7

By tomorrow we should get an update of how we’ll make up the classes missed due to the college closure during Hurricane Sandy. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out. In the meantime, I posted an updated schedule of readings and assignments. Today we discussed advanced internet searching, including Google Scholar and the importance of setting up Library Links in your Google Scholar settings, various browser add-ons such as LibX for searching and Zotero for citation management, and briefly touched on EasyBib, which we investigated a few weeks ago. EasyBib also has browser extensions for Chrome (and Firefox?) that allow you to quickly cite or evaluate a website or online article or e-book. Please note that the library’s EasyBib demo now ends on November 30. On Wednesday, we’ll discuss searching & finding in library catalogs. Please read Badke, ch. 5 pp. 89-93 and review the Library of Congress Classification Outline.

Please write one research journal blog post in response to the prompt below:

In class today you tried out advanced search strategies and scholarly internet resources from the Badke reading to search for sources on your research topic. Describe 1 advanced strategy or scholarly resource you used. Did you find different information sources than you found doing a regular internet search (just using Google, Yahoo, etc.), and if so, how are they different? Did you encounter any difficulties that you haven’t encountered in a regular internet search?
Slides for today are available here.
Go vote tomorrow! Check the updated list of NYC polling sites that have been changed due to Sandy damage if you think there’s a chance that your usual polling site has been moved.