Research Tool

I was skeptical about the topic I picked after the comments and suggestion made by professor; I was wondering if I follow what she said, I won’t have enough to write; also if I don’t do what she want, I won’t get a good grade. However, after reading some sources about my topic, I found out that she was right because there are so many issues about this topic that must be discussed and reformed for the well-being of everyone. Next, I must recognize the last class has strongly contributed to the finding of those sources. Especially Google scholar, it has helped me to find any kinds of sources I needed, and I think that my sources are credible. In word, I can state that Google scholar helped me to be confident about what my professor want me to do.

2 responses to “Research Tool

  1. i agree with you 100% on how that these sites such as google scholar and other search sites can help you find the topics and answers to questions you are looking for. They have helped me as well in looking for my topic as well which is about copyright laws. You can probably agree that without these new research strategies it would be much more hard to do most of this work. Because there much more advanced skills then what was around in the past, because the internet, was not as popular back then, compared to todays day and age.

  2. I agree, preparing for a paper is not easy and, as students we encounter many issues on how to begin writing. Before going over research methods in class, I also was nervous about my topic. after developing a thesis question it helped me somewhat narrow down the areas that I will be discussing. Google scholar has been reliable but sometimes it still is challenging to find exactly what your looking for. recent and upcoming assignments are great ways to organize our material and sources, this may be useful when we begin drafting/writing our papers. Without research strategies, writing a paper would be much more difficult.

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