journal entry #2 – joey

In classes I have taken before writing a research paper has been hard especially when it comes to finding good quality research.  Throughout this class many techniques of finding research have been given to us in order to find it.  Some of the things I have already used in order to find different research for different classes but finding research for my topic has been very difficult.  I thought it would be a breeze because of the studies we did to find research but as I learned more the research found wasn’t good enough and I really didn’t think it would be this time consuming.

journal response

In class we reviewed many ways to research that has helped me with numerous amounts of things such as, finding an article or piece of information that is reliable and where to look for them. Databases are helping me find scholarly articles that I need for my paper. JSTOR is one of them. When I was gathering articles/info for my annotated bibliography, JSTOR helped me find articles that dealt with the law aspect of my assignment. Google scholar helped, but not so much as I hoped because when I would type something in the search engine, it would pull up articles in different languages or something that was completely irrelevant. In order to recieve worthy information, I had to put much effort in refining my searches

Hw Journal 2_Miguel olivares

During the past few lectures, I have really discovered some new useful techniques on how to find adequate information on the web. I think the most helpful of them all was Google scholar. I hadn’t heard of it until we covered it in class and I kind of wish it hadn’t taken me so long to discover it. I also didn’t know that we could put in a request for a specific article at the school library if I can’t get access to it on my own. I’ve also become more selective when clicking on links or choosing an article to get information from. Things like the domain, author’s credentials and whether it’s something that has been updated or revised are some of the things that I now tend to look at more than I ever did before.

report of annotated biblliography

While I was searching the sources for my annotated bibliography, I realized that the theory and the practice are two things very far from each other. In fact, after the lecture on the techniques of research, I felt confident because right away I did not try to find the good sources for my project; I wondered that it would be easy for me to find my sources since I knew how to Google scholar, where to find sources on city tech website and so on. However, when I started my research, I found out that to find good source is a tough work, but I have to recognize that without the research technique discussed in class, I would not be able to do what I did.

Hw Journal 2

Through out these past lectures on how to make a better research process, has been helpful. There is more easier strategies that I have learned in order to evaluate sources in any format, and why is important. The keys for internet searching, l and how to use the settings of ibrary catalogs including other databases. Before taking this course I would use the city tech library catalogs but after the lecture we had in using this kind of source was helpful. I would not use the settings right to better find what I was looking for, which made it stressful to find the close enough information related to my topic. Doing a annotated bibliography was my first experience and I would probably take my time to do outside of this course because I feel the sources included in the research paper are important. Summarizing the sources reminds us more of the topic and helps us stay in topic for our research paper to make sense with proper academic information.

RES. jour.2

I thought that looking for information that i can use in my research document would be easy. It was difficult because i was looking in the wrong  data bases. when i went back to my notes i had some terms written down that helped me find some information. Now i need to begin to put the information in order and set my outline up. i think once i do my outline, writing the paper would be easy because I have the information all i need to do is put into order and begin to write the paper. I hope the outline comes along well because i think that is the most important part of a paper.

Homework Journal 2.

I have learned alot from doing all this research  Iv notably learned that their are many different ways i can search for things, weather it be online via LibX or online catalogs. Also to search using key phrases and words, such as OR.I will defiantly use these ideas out of class because there 50x easier  to work with and i will get a more defined answer while searching for what im looking for. I can also pass this knowledge i have learned to other people who may need help as well. Because it will defiantly help them out like these methods have been helping me out with my research topic and other work as well.






Notes from today, and reading/blogging assignments for Monday 11/19 (also, blogging amnesty for the 11/12 blogging assignment)

Today we discussed how and why to evaluate information in any format. The Grimmelman article merits a second read for those of you who are investigating the political, social, or economic aspects of information, so please review. If you did not get a chance to review the website evaluation guides, please do so:


On Monday 11/19 we will discuss the writing of an academic research paper. Please read Badke Ch. 10 and  Appendix 1 pp. 235-238. Your blogging assignment is one research journal blog post; prompt follows:

 Over the past few weeks we read about and worked on:

1.advanced internet searching
2.searching library catalogs
3.searching article databases.
•What have you learned in these classes that’s new to you?
•How do you see yourself using your new skills outside of our course?

Also, don’t forget about the blogging amnesty I announced on Monday:

Blogging Amnesty: Because there has been confusion about the due dates of reading and blogging assignments, you have until Friday, November 16 to complete the blogging assignment originally due today (November 12). This  blogging assignment is to comment on a classmate’s blog post — either one 100 word comment or 2 comments totaling 100 words.

Your research paper outline is due on November 21 and the first draft of the research paper is due on November 28. Please get in touch with questions about either assignment.

Slides from today are available here.


~Prof. L

Notes from today, and reading/blogging/writing assignments for November 14

Today we discussed using library databases to find articles. On Wednesday, we will discuss how and why to evaluate sources in any format. Please review the following 2 websites:

UC Berkeley Library, Evaluating Web Pages:  Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask
Cornell University Libraries, Critically analyzing information sources.

and read the following 2 articles:

Fister, B. (2003). The devil in the details: Media representation of ritual abuse and evaluation of sources. SIMILE: Studies in Media and Information Literacy Education, 3(2), 1-14.

Grimmelman, J. (2008/2009). The Google dilemma. New York Law School Law Review, 53, 939-950.

Blogging Amnesty: Because there has been confusion about the due dates of reading and blogging assignments, you have until Friday, November 16 to complete the blogging assignment originally due today (November 12). This  blogging assignment is to comment on a classmate’s blog post — either one 100 word comment or 2 comments totaling 100 words.

The annotated bibliography is due on Wednesday, November 14. Please get in touch if you have questions about the assignment.

Slides from today are available here.

CUNY posted more Hurricane Sandy help and information that might help with any questions you have about financial aid, enrollment, and attendance.

~Prof. L.

Blog post 2


Using the downtime acquired due to the arrival of Super-storm Sandy, I tried my best to make up some old work and ensure that I’d make progress on my four research papers due very soon at the end of the year. I feel that progress is being made, I’m fighting off distractions, but this will still be a very tough time for me. Regarding the project for this class, I have found more sources, and did most of my annotated bibliography and will have that handed in for Thursday’s class. Restructuring my question has helped to find new sources, but not to much; I’ll still be looking for more.