Monthly Archives: November 2012

Homework Journal 2.

I have learned alot from doing all this research  Iv notably learned that their are many different ways i can search for things, weather it be online via LibX or online catalogs. Also to search using key phrases and words, such as OR.I will defiantly use these ideas out of class because there 50x easier  to work with and i will get a more defined answer while searching for what im looking for. I can also pass this knowledge i have learned to other people who may need help as well. Because it will defiantly help them out like these methods have been helping me out with my research topic and other work as well.






Notes from today, and reading/blogging assignments for Monday 11/19 (also, blogging amnesty for the 11/12 blogging assignment)

Today we discussed how and why to evaluate information in any format. The Grimmelman article merits a second read for those of you who are investigating the political, social, or economic aspects of information, so please review. If you did not get a chance to review the website evaluation guides, please do so:


On Monday 11/19 we will discuss the writing of an academic research paper. Please read Badke Ch. 10 and  Appendix 1 pp. 235-238. Your blogging assignment is one research journal blog post; prompt follows:

 Over the past few weeks we read about and worked on:

1.advanced internet searching
2.searching library catalogs
3.searching article databases.
•What have you learned in these classes that’s new to you?
•How do you see yourself using your new skills outside of our course?

Also, don’t forget about the blogging amnesty I announced on Monday:

Blogging Amnesty: Because there has been confusion about the due dates of reading and blogging assignments, you have until Friday, November 16 to complete the blogging assignment originally due today (November 12). This  blogging assignment is to comment on a classmate’s blog post — either one 100 word comment or 2 comments totaling 100 words.

Your research paper outline is due on November 21 and the first draft of the research paper is due on November 28. Please get in touch with questions about either assignment.

Slides from today are available here.


~Prof. L

Notes from today, and reading/blogging/writing assignments for November 14

Today we discussed using library databases to find articles. On Wednesday, we will discuss how and why to evaluate sources in any format. Please review the following 2 websites:

UC Berkeley Library, Evaluating Web Pages:  Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask
Cornell University Libraries, Critically analyzing information sources.

and read the following 2 articles:

Fister, B. (2003). The devil in the details: Media representation of ritual abuse and evaluation of sources. SIMILE: Studies in Media and Information Literacy Education, 3(2), 1-14.

Grimmelman, J. (2008/2009). The Google dilemma. New York Law School Law Review, 53, 939-950.

Blogging Amnesty: Because there has been confusion about the due dates of reading and blogging assignments, you have until Friday, November 16 to complete the blogging assignment originally due today (November 12). This  blogging assignment is to comment on a classmate’s blog post — either one 100 word comment or 2 comments totaling 100 words.

The annotated bibliography is due on Wednesday, November 14. Please get in touch if you have questions about the assignment.

Slides from today are available here.

CUNY posted more Hurricane Sandy help and information that might help with any questions you have about financial aid, enrollment, and attendance.

~Prof. L.

Blog post 2


Using the downtime acquired due to the arrival of Super-storm Sandy, I tried my best to make up some old work and ensure that I’d make progress on my four research papers due very soon at the end of the year. I feel that progress is being made, I’m fighting off distractions, but this will still be a very tough time for me. Regarding the project for this class, I have found more sources, and did most of my annotated bibliography and will have that handed in for Thursday’s class. Restructuring my question has helped to find new sources, but not to much; I’ll still be looking for more.

Blog response 2

Reading Destiny’s blog post, I found out how much Google scholar helped us to better start our assignment. Also the topic she want to write about it is one of the most popular topic that students like to search about; indeed I had the same topic in my mind, but I guessed that too many people will probably choose this topic as their research topic, so I decided to do my research about something quite abstract in order to understand its working. As, I said previously, I was almost ready to drop my topic, and picked a topic about social network, but thank to Google scholar and some books that I found in our library; I realized that I will have a lot to write about it.

Homework 10.

Issues iv been dealing with is finding reliable sources, and i always cant seem to come up with a good introduction sentence as well. Now that we have search engines such as google and yahoo it makes things 20x’s better because now i can search using key words and phrases, instead of struggling to always find what i am looking. Before learning about keywords and phrases in this class researching information on these search engine type sites was much harder to work with. Im also putting key words and phrases i quotes so i get a more specific results of what i am looking for when working with my research topic.


1st Journal ASS.

Due to FrankinStorm Sandy things have gotten difficult for me. I stared looking for articles using Google search bar.  So far the most difficult part of my research centers was getting my question set. I always have a problem with starting my papers. I normally don’t know if my question is good enough. I have thought about interviewing one of my English Prof. which is going to be writing a book on my subject. My subject has to deal with how grammar of students has gotten worst due to the abbreviations. I find that when I write I normally write “u” instead of “YOU”.. I have done it in my essays. I guess its because of texting… lol

Notes from today, and reading and blogging homework for Monday, November 12

Today we discussed finding information (books and other media) in library catalogs, including the CUNY catalog and WorldCat As you search for information on your topic, don’t forget about other resources available to you, including those of the New York Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library and Queens Library systems.Remember that resources in other academic libraries in Brooklyn are available to you via the ALB consortium.

On Monday, November 12 we will discuss finding information in library databases. Please read Badke pp. 94-120, and pay special attention to section 5.9, for further study. Your blogging assignment is to comment on a classmate’s blog post — either one 100 word comment or 2 comments totaling 100 words.

The college has made a plan to make up for the instructional time missed during Hurricane Sandy. Friday, December 21 will be the last day of classes, on which we will finish up the group presentations.

Slides for today are available here.

Please get in touch with any questions you have about the annotated bibliography, which is due on Wednesday, November 14. I will be out of town from tonight through Sunday evening but will make an effort to check email regularly.


~Prof. L.

Advance Research_HW 11

Until Monday, I had never heard of Google scholar. I was having a bit of an issue with finding credible sources of information about my research topic. I found that there was a lot of opinion filled articles and editorials which come in handy but wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. I found that the tips that were showed in class did help eliminate some of that. By forcing the search engine to look for specific domains and using quotations to find something specific, I felt more comfortable with the search results. The one thing I did notice was that even though some of the results were of higher quality, they weren’t available for me to use. Why not make information available to everybody? It’s very frustrating.

Research Tool

I was skeptical about the topic I picked after the comments and suggestion made by professor; I was wondering if I follow what she said, I won’t have enough to write; also if I don’t do what she want, I won’t get a good grade. However, after reading some sources about my topic, I found out that she was right because there are so many issues about this topic that must be discussed and reformed for the well-being of everyone. Next, I must recognize the last class has strongly contributed to the finding of those sources. Especially Google scholar, it has helped me to find any kinds of sources I needed, and I think that my sources are credible. In word, I can state that Google scholar helped me to be confident about what my professor want me to do.