Learning Log #4

Edge Lighting

Butterfly Lighting

3 Point light with reflector

3 Point with hait light

Edge light with color

In this week we learned 4 different light setups. They were edge lighting, butterfly lighting, 3 Point light with reflector, and 3 Point with hait light. We tried 4 different lighting setups and they came out differently with each light setup. For example, butterfly light gave a glamorous look. On the other hand, 3 point light setup gave an official type of look. But i liked edge lighting better because i got to use some color gel and it came out just the way i wanted. It was because of the harshness and the size of the light.


Learning log #4


Edge lighting


Butterfly Lighting

3point-lighting with hair light

3point lighting with hair light

In this class session, we learn different lighting using multiple lights. Having different directional lights really change the mood of the photo. Like the butterfly lighting really made the model pop-out. Learn a lot this day using different light techniques.

Midterm Concept- Amaris Marte

My midterm concept is Red Ridding Hood; a modern version but a twist of a girl wears a red coat or a lot of red and walks to where her friend she’s going to meet in the city. As she is walking there is a wolf/ man following her trying to kidnap her he then approaches her and asks innocently for help but as her friend catches up to her she notices this and accompanies her to the bakery where they were going to meet.

Midterm Concept

My midterm concept is a photographer version of Death Note the anime. The photographer finds a camera in a public park with odd markings on the side. He/She decide to look for hints through the gallery. The gallery is filled with blank images and one image of instructions. Based on your settings determine the outcome of the subject. Unaware of its power, the photographer took some photos while hitting home. Turn on the tv and notice the news stating multiple deaths in New York City. Then realized those people are the ones he/she photographed earlier that day.

Learning Log #4


  1. 3 point lighting with background light

2. 3 point lighting with hair light

3. Butterfly Lighting


4. Edge Lighting


For this week, We were learning all about 3 point lighting. It was a bit of fun having all of us in the group be the model of the day instead of both me and my groupmate Jason. For these shots, I love how the 3 points lighting with the background lighting was my most successful shot especially since my group and i use the green gel for our background. but this week shooting had to be one of my favorites.

Learn Log #4

this is an example of edge lighting

this is an example of butterfly / clamshell lighting

this is an example of lighting with background light

this is an example of 3 point light with hair light

For these shots I let the lighting determine what my subject’s mood reflected in each photo. For example, in the edge lighting and lighting with background light, I kept things more edgy since the light was harsher. For the butterfly / clamshell lighting I wanted to capture my subject in a lighter mood. Lastly for the 3 point lighting with hair light, I felt the mood was more dramatic so I had my subject mimic that emotion.

Learning Log #4 – Portrait Lighting 2

3 Point Background

Butterfly Light

Edge Lighting

3 Point Hair Light

In todays class, we learn a second set of portrait lighting. The four are three point lighting with background, butterfly light, edge lighting, and three point hair light. Three point background uses three different lighting, two on the sides and one in the back. Butterfly lighting is having the light over the subject creating a butterfly shadow under the nose. Edge lighting uses two lights on each side to create a highlight edge around the subject. And lastly, three point hair uses one main light and a soft secondary lighting with a reflector or none.