Annotated Bibliography – Address To The Nation Speeches

Valeria Cortez

Prof. Jewell

English 1101

Annotated Bibliography

Bush, George. “9/11 Address to the Nation on Terrorist Attacks.” Address To The Nation, 11 September 2001, Oval Office Address, Televised by NBC News.
In George W. Bush speech “9/11 Address to the Nation on Terrorist Attacks.” Bush began his speech with a concerned and serious, yet uplifting tone; stating that the American people and their way of life have been the victims of several terrorist attacks. He then portrayed the victims, stating that they were passengers of the airplanes hijacked by terrorists and workers in the buildings which were attacked. He reminded the audience that they were people from all walks of life. He was trying to call the attention of everyone so we can all get together as one nation. “This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace” (Bush 6). The Audience of this speech is the American people. Bush used several methods of rhetoric appeals, for the purpose of trying not only to inform his audience but also for them to be aware of what could come in the future. He used ethos into the speech by asking the audience to pray for those who lament. “Tonight I ask for prayers for all who grieve” (Bush 5). And also to provoke unity in the county. He used logos by giving one main example of factual based information. This conveys the message surrounding the sense of urgency and suggests the little information that is available gives a sense of the unfolding tragedy.

Bush, George.“ Outlines Iraqi Threat” Address To The Nation, 7 October 2002, Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati Union Terminal, Cincinnati, OH.
In George W. Bush’s speech “ Outlines Iraqi Threat”, Bush attempted to justify the invasion of Iraq. He claimed that al-Qaida possessed, “chemical and biological weapons.” (Bush 1). Through the whole speech Bush is dedicated as well as determined to protect his country in any way possible. He argued that the vulnerability of the United States following the September 11 attacks of 2001, combined with Iraq’s alleged continued possession and manufacture of weapons of mass destruction and its support for terrorist groups. The audience of this speech is the American people, when he was delivering his speech at the Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal. Outside, approximately 3000 people gathered to were protesting against the upcoming war. To persuade his audience Bush used diction to harness fear to influence his viewers. The tone is consistently assertive and used reason to support the central points. Bush also used an appeal to emotion when he asks viewers why we were only facing the problem at that time. He continued to explain that if action was not taken, al-Qaida would engage in nuclear war. This is a huge statement, but Bush made it work through an appeal to logic, where the threat of nuclear warfare being only a year away felt more possible than ever. “America is a great friend of Iraq.”

Trump, Donald.“Congressional Baseball Practice Shooting” Address To The Nation, 14 June 2019, Televised Speech, White House, Washington, D.C.
In Donald Trump’s speech “Government Shutdown and Congressional Baseball Practice Shooting”, Trump informed the nation that a gunman opened fire on a congressional baseball practice, injuring Rep. Steve Scalise, the Louisiana Republican and House majority whip, along with four others. President Trump purpose of this speech is to inform and call for unity after the shooting. He provided all the information about the shooting by maintaining a calm and serene tone. He used rhetorical devices to convey the idea that the country has to stay together and calmed. He used pathos when he said “He will recover from this assault and, Steve, I want you to know that you have the prayers not only of the entire city behind you but of an entire nation and frankly the entire world,” by causing the audience to feel sorrow for the victims of the shooting. He also used logos by providing the audience with information of what happened to the gunman, “Authorities are continuing to investigate the crime, and the assailant has now died from his injuries. The FBI is leading the investigation and will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available.” this supports his desire to keep the nation calmed and together, because it assures the nation that the shooter is dead and would not be causing any other problems to the country.

Trump, Donald.“Government Shutdown and the Proposed United States-Mexico Border wall” Address To The Nation, 8 January 2019, Pressed Conference, Oval Office, White House, Washington, D.C.
In Donald Trump’s speech “Government Shutdown and the Proposed United States-Mexico Border wall”, Trump declared a “growing humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border.” He also stated that he had the authority to declare a national emergency to be able to build the wall. By using a determined tone, he implored Congress to take up immigration reform and asked citizens to press their lawmakers on the issue. President Trump strategically used rhetoric appeals to persuade congress and also american citizens. He used pathos by saying “Over the years, thousands of Americans have been brutally killed by those who illegally entered our country and thousands more lives will be lost if we don’t act right now” to convey the idea that illegal immigrants are guilty thousands of deaths, by causing the audience to feel sorrow and guilty of the deaths caused by illegal immigrants. Trump also used ethos by saying “To every citizen, call Congress and tell them to finally after all of these decades secure our border,””This is a choice between right and wrong, justice and injustice.” to make his audience reflect and reconsider their moral beliefs, what could be good and bad for the nation.

Obama, Barack.“Immigration Reform” Address To The Nation, 20 November 2014, Pressed Conference, Oval Office, White House, Washington, D.C.
In Barack Obama’s speech, “Immigration Reform” Obama stated that America was built by immigrants and that today we as a country are facing a broken immigration system (Obama 10). By using a respectful and determined tone, Obama claimed that this problem should be handled with a fix that is modern and one that works with the new era of immigration. Obama claimed that he was doing what he could to improve the immigration policies. President Obama was cautious in his speech, as he used ethos to seem relatable.”As my predecessor, President Bush, once put it: “They are a part of American life.” He quoted former President George W. Bush in an attempt to relate to the republicans who constantly oppose him, as an attempt to persuade the conservatives to consider his ideas. He also used emotional appeals when he stated, “For more than 200 years, our tradition of welcoming immigrants from around the world has given us a tremendous advantage over other nations.” (Obama 1). This line remind the audience that we Americans too, one day were immigrants. Also when he points out that “undocumented immigrants who desperately want to embrace those responsibilities see little option but to remain in the shadows, or risk their families being torn apart.” (Obama 1). The idea that people work hard every day and still are not respected for their labor brings a sense of heartbreak. Obama used pathos as his strongest tool to make his argument because he did not deal with politics and it is made of the issue just as a human being.

Obama, Barack.“The Killing of Osama Bin Laden” Address To The Nation, 1 May 2011, Pressed Conference, White House, Washington, D.C.
In Barack Obama’s speech, “The Killing of Osama Bin Laden” Obama announced the death of the person responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Osama bin Laden in a Special Forces operation. By using a determined and confident tone, Obama kept the details limited, focusing on the reasons for targeting bin Laden and the process by which he and his team assessed intelligence and found the leader’s compound. In his speech, the president used powerful rhetorical tools to effectively deliver different, yet equally powerful messages to multiple audiences. The main rhetorical appeal from this speech is ethos, while the title of President of the United States carries its own credibility, being known as the president who killed Osama Bin Laden greatly builds the man’s validity. He also used pathos by retelling of the destruction of 9/11, which is followed by a powerful summoning of the ghosts of the past: “The worst images are those that were unseen to the world: the empty…leaving a gaping hole in our hearts.” These images provoke all the emotions that every American felt on September 11, 2001. Obama does this so he can call the American people to unify and become “one American family”, as they did on that fateful day. He creates the feeling of hope as he calls the death of Osama Bin Laden the “most significant achievement to date” for the War on Terror.

Annotated Bibliography

Ain’ t I a woman by sojourner truth

“Ain’ t I a woman “was a speech delivered in 1851 at the women’s right convention Akron Ohio by sojourner truth who was born into slavery. “Ain ’t I a Women” became one of the most popular speeches in women empowerment and the author as well. In her speech we can see how she explains to the audience several times that there is no inequality between women and men example when she says “I could work as much and eat as much as a man – when I could get it – and bear the lash as well! And ain’t I a woman?”. We can also see how she tells her audience that women are as important valuable as men, so they deserve the same rights for example when says” Then that little man in black there, he says women can’t have as much rights as men, cause Christ wasn’t a woman! Where did your Christ come from? Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him”. In her speech she uses ethos as when she said” i have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother’s grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain’t I a woman?” also ethos because for her its logic for women to have the same rights as men in her speech she repeats the sentence “ain’t i a woman “to prove that inequality between women and men is something that shouldn’t exist because she’s a woman and she is able to do everything men can do.


<<Sojourner truth ,women’s right convention ,1851 , Akron Ohio ,national park service publisher>>





Was a speech delivered on the day of the girl child October 12 2017 by Lakshmi Puri UN women executive director during the UN commemoration of the international day of the girl child.  In this speech Lakshmi Puri explain through fact and statistics how many girls around the world are in difficulties need help empowerment and how the un women is planning to fix that. Her audience on that day was women but she is generally trying to reach everyone interested in helping through that progress for young girls .With a firm serious and interested tone she uses a lot of logos the show how many girls around the world need help example :“every 10 minutes, somewhere in the world an adolescent girl dies because of violence >”she uses pathos as well to have the maximum support on this journey of helping young girls <”Together we will unleash girls’ power in all its dimensions”. The fact that she repeats the word together several times at the end of her speech shows that she wants her audience and everyone to join her in her fight for young girl rights and safety around the world.


<<Laksmi Puri ,Unicef child day of the girl child, October 12 2017, publisher UN WOMEN,>>


Women’s rights are human rights by Hillary Clinton

“Women’s rights are human rights “was a speech given in 1995 by the former first lady of the us Hillary Clinton at the 4th world conference on women in Beijing. in her speech she deliver the stereotypes the injustices that happen to women everyday around the world but also the way some women in foreign countries are coming together to Help change those injustices her tone throughout this speech was precise direct and clear her primary audience was adults women and men .She uses  ethos  as when said ”if  women are free from violence their families will flourish

“  also a lot pathos example :”I’ve met women in India and Bangladesh who are  taking out small loans to buy milk cows or rickshaws or thread in order to create a livelihood for themselves and their families” through those words she shows that women are very important in the community their rights safety health … is something that should be taken serious because women can change the way the society lives.

Hillary Clinton , 4th world conference for women ,1995 ,Beijing ,publisher, <>


Madonna billboard women music

This speech is given by Madonna at billboard women music 2016 in New York city.  in her speech she explains the difficulties the barriers that women go through in the music industry. her audience is women in general her main argument is women rights. Women can be what they want whether in the music industry or anywhere else. her clear tone was undercut with choking heaviness that even forced her to pause sometimes even though her voice sounds sad her statements were very clear and direct to understand. Madonna ‘ speech is a pure definition of pathos mostly because she uses her own experience as examples ,opens up about the difficulties she went through and how they made her who she is .Example when she said at the end of her speech ”you have no idea how much your support mean to me , “to everyone who gave me hell and said I could not that I would not that I must not your resistance made me push harder made stronger made me the woman I am today”. Atfer that statement you could read in the audience eyes  the compassion they had for her .

<<Madonna , billboard women music, 2016, New York city , publisher WOMEN’S,>>


“I’ m a feminist” by Emma Watson

“I’m a feminist “was a speech given by the actress Emma Watson at the united nation at New York in 2014. Her main argument in that speech is the fact that nowadays people think being a feminist fighting for women mean you are against men which is not true. And to prove that EMMA Watson gave the formal definition of feminism which I quote “feminism by definition is the belief that men and women should have equal rights”. beside that she also speaks about the injustices she had at the beginning of her career because she was a girl. For example when she said “I think it is right socially i’ m afforded the same right as men”. Emma Watson uses a lot of ethos as when she said “when at 14 I started to be sexualized by certain elements of the media” all that shows her audience which was mostly adult women the unfair emotions she went through growing and the emotions many young girls are going through because of inequality of sex and society judgment

Emma Watson, united nation, 2014, New York, publisher CNN




“A message to all women” by Jon Jorgenson  

“a message to all women was a speech given by Jon Jorgenson in july 2013. in his speech he uses very specific poet words to put women in confidence. His main argument is that all women are worthy and unique in their way as when he said “you are beautiful you are kind you are smart you are funny you are unique”. He uses theses specific words for a raison and that raison is to empower women around the world to show them they are worthy. with a very confident and trustable tone Jorgenson uses ethos throughout the whole speech because his main point is uplifting women and for that he has to reach their emotions for them to believe in his words but mostly to believe in themselves.

Jon Jorgenson , 2013, Publisher  JonJorgenson

Annotated Bibliography: Myth

Noah Smith

Prof Jewell

English 1101

Annotated Bibliography

Wilford, John Noble. “Greek Myths: Not Necessarily Mythical.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 4 July 2000,

This article discusses how mythology may not have been all ‘myth’. Noble uses research done by Adrienne Mayor in order to create this article. Noble speaks about how Mayor found that places used in stories of greek myth seem to be fossil sites. These fossil sites are most likely the reason as to why these myths came along and were made into stories. The greeks could have been inspired by these findings or the creatures/people themselves causing them to make up such stories which seem to have evidence of having existed just not in the way that they portray it. It was also found that the story of Heracles (known hero) who saved Hesione (trojan princess) where he slayed a monster resembles a fossil that seemed to have belonged to a giraffe which is now extinct. More fossils had also been found belonging to other large mammals and such which was further connected to other stories that were made in greek mythology. The author in this text uses the fact that the sites that were spoken about in greek mythology seemed to have fossils that were heavily connected to the stories that were spoken about. Since there are facts to back up these myths it doesn’t deny the fact that the greeks were not too far off seeing as they were able to use these animals in stories without any real knowledge on paleontology. Thus, the author is speaking in a formal tone using logos by stating facts that are connected to greek mythology stories, such as the case with Heracles saving Hesione from the extinct giraffe.

Padilla, Mark W. The Myths of Herakles in Ancient Greece: Survey and Profile. University Press of America, 1998.

Padilla speaks about the twelve labors that Hercules, who is also known as Heracles carried out. Padilla tells us how Hercules was a popular figure due to him being seen in all sorts of artwork. In this book Padilla continues to speak of the myths that Hercules is represented in and what he is known for. Hercules was a symbol to many people in greece and many were inspired by the stories told about such a person. Padilla goes on to use multiple sources that explain the origin of Hercules. Padilla says how these stories use appeal to the beliefs of the greeks due to the ‘mythology’ that they had believed in. Some greeks saw this as a true religion which is what makes it have such an impact on how they learned and passed down these stories. Also by stating how Hercules was seen in all sorts of artwork and using him as a symbol put on shield and weapons greatly impacted how all of this was perceived. 

Cartwright, Mark. “Greek Mythology.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient History Encyclopedia, 29 Oct. 2019,

Cartwright states that ‘myths’ is a bad term due to the negative thought around it being fake. Cartwright speaks about how greek myths were used for educational and religious purposes, as well as the intention for entertainment. Myths were passed down through many forms. One of them being orally which was just telling the story and then the people hearing that story passing it on to the next. It was then put in the form of a poem which was put in written form. Lastly, it was passed down using pottery and such. Buildings were decorated in order to celebrate some of these beliefs of the stories that were told. The stories that were told were also to explain how things came to be, one example would be how the world was created. Cartwright also speaks about how stories about heroes and such were used to give an idea of how poor behavior could lead to something tragic and such, so people would not end up doing anything rash and learn from these stories. Thus, Cartwright is stating that some logos and ethos was used in these stories in order to provide reasons as to how the world was made as stated earlier, and as well as those reading the stories to feel connected and learn from any mistakes that the characters made in order to not make the same mistakes. 

Gwen, et al. “Greek Mythology, Origin of Greek Mythology.” Greek Myths & Greek Mythology, 3 Nov. 2010,

Gwen starts out speaking about what greek mythology is about, and how it opens people up to a whole new world. Greeks were polytheistic due to the many Gods that were believed in. The origin of greek mythology came from two very old poems created by Homer which is the first text that was made that depicted stories of greek mythology. Using these beliefs lead to it being passed down in other forms. These stories began to be depicted through plays and such and art. This gives an idea to how big of an influence greek mythology as had on history. For it to have been passed down for so many years and impacting both culture and history. Gwen also speaks about how philosophers, scholars, and such use greek mythology to try and give explanations about the world and its ethics. Overall, for greek mythology to be such a huge influence it has appealed to many types of audiences causing them to want to continue passing down such stories may it be through writing, movies, or even artwork. 

Sakoulas, Thomas. Greek Mythology,

This author talks about how what we now call mythology was the culture of ancient Greek. They had many beliefs spiritually and traditions that were taken place. One of them being telling the stories that were passed down. Sakoulas gives a list of heroes and important characters that were spoken about in these stories. It also gives a brief summary of who they were and what their role in the story was as well. Ancient Greek culture also gave headway to what we call now Pagan religion. Pagan religion refers to those who are polytheistic otherwise known as those who believed in more than one God. He also goes on to state how even though religions like this one were suppressed in order for other ones to become more known, it was still passed down showing how much the audience it was passed to believed in the stories and heroes. It is fascinating to see how these stories have impacted many people and it still does today seeing as there are popular books that have been made or are still being made and people go on to read them.

The Labors of Hercules,

Although there is no true author for this, it is one of the many stories from greek mythology. This story gives an idea to how the people who it was told to were impacted and truly believed in these stories which lead to implicating it into their culture, making it a religion, and etc. This story speaks about how Hera, whom is a Goddess, aimed to make trouble for Hercules. Hercules ended up losing his mind which caused him to kill his wife and children. Hercules asked for forgiveness from the Gods and was tasked with punishment for twelve years. The twelve labors consisted of Hercules over the course of twelve years, to go on and slay very strong monsters and carry out impossible tasks. Hercules ended up succeeding in all tasks. Through these struggles it is said that Hercules was the symbol of pathos seeing as how many people became influenced by this story convincing people to see it as a true story. Thus, this story gives an idea to how it made people feel seeing as they connected to Hercules by reading or hearing about his struggles which most likely made them feel some type of way that made them want to continue passing these stories on.

Annotated Bibliographies

Abbas Roba. (Editorial & Opinion) “From Good ideas to Practical Solution”, September 20th, 2018,

In “From Good ideas to Practical Solution” Roba Abbas agrees that good designers should develop their skills to solve technology solution. Abbas writes that “negative or undesired solution needs to be recognized and celebrated”, indicating that is important to find any issues within the system. Identifying any negative solution can be solved that can led to make better improvement. Though to Roba (op-ed), she indicates that “ dangers associated with secondary uses of robotic systems, which we perceive as issue that requires attention early in the design” this tell us that designers need to set up their celebration before they start to design their system. Even though people have educated their self to be a design, is still important to have a high-level math skill to find any issues before building a new system. Though to her argument she tries to tell designers that this generation, it hard to develop new technology that is better than what we have today. Therefore, she uses a formal voice to explain the designer why is important to develop our “technological ideas” to solve solution. Her decision is to include to the designers that if they want to develop better technology, they need to improve their skills such as math or problem solving that’s involve with solving solution. Based on her information, it seems like she is working on is to persuade her audiences that include with the designers that having to solve solution can led them to develop better technology. This publish in technology and society which is opinion editorial in September 20,2018.

Lee Albert. “DIY ethos the Maker movement” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, Nov. 12, 1997,

In “DIY ethos fuels the Maker movement” Albert lee states that what is being a part of technology maker means to them. He explains his idea by saying that “makers are part of a community believes in open source culture of helping each other with projects” (paragraph 7). For example, electrical engineers develop new systems that can help scientific to calculate the weather. This indicates that designers help the community by helping other subject to improve our society. Lee also mentions that makers use “object like PVC piping into motion controllers for their video games” (paragraph 3). This evidence shows that designers like to use everyday things to make something new that can come in handy for in the future such as making a watch or a robot. In paragraph 1, lee explain “Makers Movement” by indicating that creators learn better by doing it by their self. Based on his information, he persuades to the audiences that are the creators. Lee uses a joyful tone that includes action or a feel of joy by explain how makers like to design things that can be useful in everyday life. This (op-ed) appear in Los Angeles Times, Nov. 12, 1997.

Goshay Charita. “Op-ed: We’re all addicted to technology” Burlington Country Times, Burlington Country Times posted Aug 25, 2019,

In “We’re all addicted to technology” Charita Goshay argues that many of us are being distracted by technology. Goshay writes that “five-years-old don’t work, so where are they getting cell phones, video games and iPads”, this shows that to many young people spend too much time our internet that they for to do their homework. This information tells us that this new generation stop student from doing their work such as homework or classwork. Goshay explain that prohibiting cellphones in the classroom is like “cats and mouse” that adults is trying to catch the student for using their cellphones. He also believes that “banning phones during school can only be a healthy thing”. By employing this information, he tries to argue that students should focus more on getting their education than the things that doesn’t related to their classwork. Goshay also explain why adults also can get addicted to technology. Parents use their cellphone to commutcate their kids to keep track what they are doing in school. Based on Goshay argument, he uses a serious tone includes a strong voice to the students. This seem like he is working to persuade his audience that includes the young people, to spend more time on their work for school than technology such as video games, iPads or cellphones. This opinion editorial appears in Burlington Country Times posted Aug 25, 2019.

Wulf Wm. A. “Education for an Age of Technology (op-ed), National Academy Op-ed Service, June 26, 1998,

In Wm. A Wulf (op-ed) “Education of Age of Technology” Wulf believe that we live in an area that technology is now important to our society. Wulf agrees that “scientific and mathematical literacy are seen as important educational objective in the United States”, without math or science we wouldn’t be able to develop any technology (paragraph 5). Without math or science, we wouldn’t able to do our jobs that includes being a dentist or doing construction. He writes that “the Earth circles the sun in one year is part of the body of knowledge”, based on his argument, this evidence shows us that without science we wouldn’t know what is going on in space (paragraph 9). For example, scientific uses the satellites to help astronaut to estimate the outside from the earth such as the moon, the sun, the stars or other planets. Through to his (op-ed), he trying to persuade his audiences that involve with the scientific and the people who use technology for their everyday lives. He uses a formal tone that includes a long-range voice to explain why is important to use technology. He tries to explain his argument that using technology help us to be educated and make our lives mush easier. Going back to the information were he mention that science and math seem to be an “important educational objective” he stating that without these subjects our society would be health. This op-ed appears in National Academy Op-ed Service, June 26, 1998.

Grossman Alice. “Op-Ed Communication the Role of technology in Transportation” Enotrans, September 20, 2018,

In “Better communicating the Role of Technology in Transportation” Alice Grossman argues that transportation networks need to be improve that includes safety and congestion. He explains that technology is important role for transportation system. Grossman writes that “federal transportation policy is not to build for sake of building or advance technology” this indicating that the purpose to build good technology is to help to improve safety. Useful tools can provide better focus to solve congestions. Grossman states that our technology be missing the opportunity to communicate “with decision- makers and their offices”. This show that our technology can’t handle far away networks so that a group of transportation professionals can better make safety decision. Today people still got issues with their cellphone “tracking travel” such as the late nesses of trains and buses. Though to his information, he is working on to persuade the audiences that include with transportation professional that we need to develop better technology to prevent congestion and improve safety travels. He uses an optimistic tone so that later in the future we should see better improvement for our safety a prevent congestion. This op-ed appears Enotrans, September 20, 2018.

Terens Natalie. “Op-Ed: New Technology Broadens Approach to Healthcare in Trenton”, NJSPTLIGHT, September 5, 2019,

In Natalie Terens “New Technology Broadens Approach to Healthcare in Trenton” Terens believe that new technology can help people with their economic and social conditions. Terens explains his argument by indicating that we now for the system to provide social needs. Terens writes that “NowPow can be used to alone, or integrated with our Health Information Exchange”, this healthcare company system can communicate people to help to get well and send medicine to care for diseases (paragraph 7). Having a company that provide a system to communicate with others makes it easier for people who not feeling well to go to the doctor. Natalie also mention that NowPow have a tool to help people to access to “housing transportation, food insecurity and other social needs” (paragraph 12). Having to provide better tools to healthcare professionals can build up better healthy food and medicine. Based on Terens information, patients can now live a longer healthy though to their new technology. Terens makes an argument with formal voice to the people who are going to die. This seems like he tries to persuade his audience that are the patients. This op-ed appears in NJSPTLIGHT, September 5, 2019.

How Social Media Affect mental health and social relations.

FNU Adeel 

ENG 1101:English                



  Effects of Social Media  By “TIM BONO” March 10 2018, New York Post. 

             The author demonstrates writes about how social media affects student educational activities. The more time you spend on social media is the worst for your education activities . It can also change  your life from good to worse by creating jealousy and can lead to social isolation. By taking a break from social media it can help you with psychological problems.Social media is a big distraction for students and it affects their grades negatively. Pictures and posts can spread more negativity in your mind. 

     The Effect Of Social Media from the Text Page 6  by ‘’Chen and LIang (2011)’’  

The author states  that social networking is absolutely affecting student effectiveness as well as their grades. Therefore, educators need to be worried about this problem and attempt to find better ways to solve it  although, framed within an academic context,the concepts outlined here can be used to investigate the use of communication technology. In the home workplace and many other settings. in for a diversity of different we were like teenagers young adults the elderly or families” this evidence indicates that social media does hurt their academic performance and grades most of the young generation spent most of the time on social media tools like Facebook and not focusing on their studies. We use social media at every place even when we are in class .

  Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health “TEDx Program.” TED, Bailey Parnell, 22 June 2017,

Author tells how social is making people sick like  , Stress’. It’s not just her getting depression because of social media it’s her family and friends and everyone around her. She also says how back in the 90’s people were use to talk to each other with friends and family but now on their no family no friends.They just just spent enough time with their family.There are so many people in the world who face social media harassment people lose their lives because get exposed by their friends their pictures and their private life. ‘Tayler Clementi’ Gives up  on his life because his friends posted his private pictures on social media because they think it’s just funny and they will get some likes.    

“The social media is overcoming us” by Tysons Virginia, Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport | TED Tysons June  2016.

 The author tells us about the use of social media and how it’s growing faster. New generation people use social media as a source of entertainment.Sometime it comes in the way of your education . Social media is the biggest distraction in our study for example you are studying and your friend texts you and you start talking to them.When you try to study it makes you to think about videos and posts that you missed. We always check our phones  before sleep to just do is quick check if somebody texted. We spend a lot of time on social media even up late at night and feel sleepy in class so this why you get sleep disorder. Before using social media you never think that its harmful for you. Without social media it could be hard for two weeks like you are missing something in your life but it could be very productive. 

     Charles, Shamard, and M.d. “Social Media Linked to Rise in Mental Health Disorders in Teens, Survey Finds.”, NBCUniversal News Group, 15 Mar. 2019,

         The author apprise that social media linked to rise in mental health disorders in teens. In addition, people suffering with mental issues like Anxiety, Depression and other mental disorders which gets complicated in today’s world. According to the text, “Young adults born after 1995 are experiencing more mental health issues. Researchers point to lack of sleep and the rise of social media”. This Quote illustrates that young adults who were born after 1995, suffering from mental issues because social media takes place and how people get addicted to it. Aslo, it become need for them. Moreover, “We found a substantial increase in major depression or suicidal thoughts, psychological distress, and more attempted suicides after 2010, versus the mid-2000s, and that increase was by far the largest in adolescents and young adults,” said lead author Jean Twenge, author of the book “iGen” and professor of psychology at San Diego State University”. This quotes shows that increase in usage of social media lead to harmful psychological health issues, and more suicides happen in 2010. Therfore, how digital communication versus face-to-face social interaction influences mood disorders and suicide-related outcomesmore social media use is associated with increased reported symptoms of social anxiety, social isolation, and feelings of loneliness. As a result, Social media is harmful for all ages because it’s addictive which destroys life, time, and maintenance of health. Make imbalances in your life.


Global FocusNorth America. `.Jonah Berger “”The Impact of Social Media: Is It Irreplaceable?”Knowledge@Wharton,           

    The author demonstrates that  “Social media has plenty of detractors, but by and large, do Americans agree with Brown’s sentiment? In 2018, 42% of those surveyed in a Pew Research Center survey said they had taken a break from checking the platform for a period of several weeks or more, while 26% said they had deleted the Facebook app from their cell phone”. The author says people deleted facebook app because it’s very addictive and a waste of time.  Social media is a big problem for nowadays generation for example it creates problems in your social relationship. In addition, teens do self esteem about themselves because when people start valuing themselves on number of followers or likes, it creates a situation that requires more and more likes or followers in order to achieve the same feeling, and it’s not healthy or sustainable. As a result, I can say for myself that Social Media and Instagram in particular have sometimes been damaging to my mental health, and as a result of that I’ve had to take time off from the app to get back into my own life and away from watching others.


Annotated Bibliography

Album Reviews

Rolling stone My Beautiful Dark twisted Fantasy


According to Rolling Stones the Album “My Dark Beautiful Fantasy” by Kanye West is one of the most influential albums ever. The writer Rob Shieffielld claims that no other artist could have made this album. This album is coasting on heroic levels of dementia, pimping on top of Mount Olympus they say. Many of the audience would come to agree with this album review because of the overall great reviews this album has gotten. The writer says this album is a mixture of multiple genres of music from hip hop to RNB. The author says he broke the rules of making of a hip hop album. As he combines many elements of music together. Overall from all these statements the author tries to prove that this is Kanye’s best album yet.


Sheffield,Rob.My Dark Beautiful twisted fantasy.The rolling stone

November 25,2010 5:45 AM ET


Pitchfork The Life of Pablo 


According to pitchfork the album “The life of pablo” is unique to Kanye West’s other projects. It has freewheeling energy that is infectious to the discography. The album had a chaotic rollout which was likely. The writer Jayson Greene compares Pablo Picasso and Kanye wests and claims that they have many similarities. The album supposedly doesn’t have many major statements like his earlier projects. Instead of worrying about a theme Kanye wanted the concept of the album to be top notch the writer Greene claims. Many of the audience that have listened to this album would say it is very diverse and well put together. Overall Pitchfork would say that the album The Life of Pablo was diverse and very creative.


Greene,Jayson,The Life of Pablo. Pitch Fork

February 16, 2016


Genius Graduation


According to Genius the album “Graduation by Kanye West” is near perfect as they gave the album a 95/100 rating. The writer Sweatman claims that this album has a lot of popularised electronic sounds. The writer has many different feelings about different songs. He thinks that the song “stronger” is the biggest hit and many of the audience would tend to agree with him. He also brings up that Kanye crushed 50 cent. He crushed 50 cent in album sales and basically made 50 cent retire. Many of the styles in this album is very different. They are different from his earlier albums like “Late Registration”. Overall This album is one of the greatest rap and hip hop albums of all time from genius’s aspect. 


Sweatman,Graduation. Genius

Posted 3 years ago


Billboard Yeezus


According to billboard “Yeezus” is a medley of several genres — new wave, punk, rock, and of course hip-hop. The writer billboard says the album has many vintage soul sounds and is very different from what the audience expected. The author says part of the album is about love. Majority of the album is mostly directed to the naysayers as he is angry while making the music. The author also claims that kanye pronounced himself as the Michael Jordan of hip hop. Songs are different but have many of the same production like “hold my liquor” and “new slaves”. The roll out of the album was very unorthodox. Overall this album was just different according to Billboard.


Billboard,Yeezus. Billboard

June 14, 2013


Variety Jesus is King


According to Variety, The album “Jesus is King” continues flashes of inspiration and is divine. The writer “Andrew Barker” says this album was heavily delayed and the fans were complaining. The album thoroughly is not very good the writer says. The only way you would enjoy the album is if you have a relationship with kanye.  This album has no cuss words and is gospel. Kanye used creating this album to connect with god the writer claims. This album was very highly anticipated and he uses a lot of bible verses while rapping. Overall according to the variety of this album is not very good and is one of the weakest projects kanye has dropped.


Barker, Andrew, Jesus is King. The Variety

October 26,2019 6:03 AM PT


Rolling Stones College Drop out


According to the rolling stones Kanye West made his name off of this album. Many of the audience would tend to agree because it is his debut album. According to the writer “Jon Caramanica” he says that this album has a lot of pop,soul, and gospel to it. With hit songs like “All Falls Down” this album is considered a classic. There were a lot of A listed artist that helped Kanye. Some of the artists that were guests were Jay Z. This Album showed the skill that Kanye had in Music. From production to be mixing drums according to Caramanica. Overall this album is great and is the reason why Kanye is where he is today.


Caramanica,Jon, The College Dropout. Rolling Stones]

March 4,2004 5:00 AM ET

Ángel D. Torres Speeches

Martin Luther king Jr
”I have a dream” speech

The speech Martin Luther king Jr gave to the people in Washington was to make them see that people are still treated the same as that was a long time ago. The speech he made was to end racism and segregation in the nation and for people to be united, no matter the race or culture. In his speech he repeats the words ,” I have a dream”. This means that he had a dream that the nation could and should be better and get rid of all the racism.


Abraham Lincoln
Gettysburg address

The speech Lincoln made was to stop the civil war and to be heard that the civil war can end the nation. Also that the civil war can be the end of the nation. The speech he made was to also express himself how the nation has become from having freedom into civil wars. Also spoke for some people who also thought that war was wrong and trying to avoid the civil war. One of his quotes from his speeches was “We shall either nobly save, or meanly lose, the last great hope of mankind.” This explains that Lincoln’s idea is that the nation should avoid all threats that can destroy the nation and live in peace as one. Lincoln also stated that the speech was a test whether the nation will survive in the future or the nation gets destroyed.


Barack Obama
2008 presidential election victory

The former president Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election in November 4, by most votes and he had the most of popular votes. Barack Obama worked really head to earn his place at one of the most important thing to do in the country. He changed a lot of people view of America and for younger people. It was a very important moment in American history because Obama became the first black president and changed the world and changed how people can reach their own dreams and goals. He talked about how he can change the country to make it better for everyone. One quote from his speech is “ If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy , tonight is your answer.”This quote was to tell people that he can change the country just how people want to to be and the unified all hope and dreams together to come true.

Queen Elizabeth
Golden speech

The golden speech was a letter delivered by Queen Elizabeth to stop the increase of prices in the country due to the economic issues they have with the country. The speech was to fix and make people earn more money and balance the money the country had. The speech was delivered to the Palace Council Chamber, to the 141 Members of the Commons on November 30, 1601.


Franklin D. Roosevelt
Infamy speech

The infamy speech was to have the US congress come to an agreement to accept the declaration of war against the Japanese forces. The declaration was good and bad at the same time because World War 2 was happening. The meeting was one day after the attacks on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on December 8, 1941. The speech was a form of saying that the US should accept the declaration of war from the Japanese forces and attack japan as well. The speech was  motivational because Japan attack without declaring war on the U.S and did an surprise attack on the Pearl Harbor bay in Hawaii. 


Joseph goebbels
Total war speech

The total war or sportpalast was a speech delivered by Joseph and it was for a special purpose. The speech was delivered on February 18, 1943. The speech was to turn nazi Germany allies against them in Europe. The speech made many countries turn the tide of World War II and made them turn against Nazi Germany and its Axis allies. Also explaining why the nazi should be eliminated because they were a huge threat in WW 2 and for near by countries as well.


Annotated Bibliographies ; Collections of Poetry

Kaur, Rupi. “The Sun and Her Flowers”. Andrews McMeel Publishing. October 3, 2017.

“The sun and her flowers”, by Rupi Kaur, is a collection of poetry structured in a specific order to create an effect on the reader using rhythm.The book talks about grief, self-abandonment, love, honoring one’s “roots”, and empowering oneself. She divides these themes into five chapters which she titles them wilting, falling, rooting, rising, and blooming. The book is filled with short poems starting with the first chapter “Wilting”, this chapter includes poems describing the narrator trying to move on from a relationship while still being in love with the person who left. She describes her life to be sad and lonely without this person and finds it extremely difficult to readjust, making the audience feel sorry or sympathetic for the narrator. As the book progresses each chapter describes her slowly healing and the hardships that came with it, as if the audience is growing and experiencing it all with her. She uses a lot of symbolism in her book starting with the flowers in the title. Then symbolizing her healing process as the stages of a growing flower, which are also the names of each chapter. Not only did she make the book physically appealing to readers by dividing each life experience by growing phases, giving the reader options between chapters.  But made the audience feel a sense of growing or changing throughout the book.

Kaur, Rupi. “Milk and Honey”. Andrews McMeel Publishing. November 4, 2014.

“Milk and Honey” is another collection of poetry structured in a specific order to create an effect on the reader using rhythm, by Rupi Kaur that talks about the experience of violence, abuse, love, loss, and femininity. These experiences are split into four chapters, all with short poems serving  a different purpose. The four chapters are titled ‘the hurting’, ‘the loving’, ‘the breaking’, and ‘the healing’. The book starts off with poems describing an experience involving sexual abuse and broken relationships. She portrays the childhood of a girl who was raped and left hopeless, and the destruction it caused. Kaur lets her emotions flow freely as if the words are pouring out from her heart rather than her mind. In “the hurting”, it is described that the pain being felt is deep within the heart of the victim and shatters their purity. “The loving” shifts the tone of the book, as the poems become intimate and sensual, she describes the power love has to change the soul completely. “The breaking and “The healing” go hand in hand both describing the journey of heartbreak to happiness. She is aware of her younger audience, a group of lovers who may have been abandoned and broken for the first time. The pain is told with innocence and passion, making it relatable for the readers. Finally, the speaker encourages readers to feel a sense of beauty and radiance within themselves and the meaning of independence and identity. Despite the change in subject matter, Kaur maintains her voice and keeps the rhythm of her poems short and simple.

Robinson, K.Y. “The Chaos of Longing”. Andrew McMeel Publishing. September 26, 2017.

“The Chaos of Longing”, by K.Y Robinson, is a poetry collection structured in a specific order to create an effect on the reader using rhythm. The book explores what it is to want in spite of trauma, shame, injustice, and mental illness. She organizes these topics into four chapters and titles them ‘Inception’, ‘Longing’, ‘Chaos’, and ‘Epiphany’. In the chapter ‘Inception’ she explains her need for affection and affirmation that someone needs her due to feeling unappreciated by her parents. In ‘Longing’ she describes the foundation of the relationships being made were built in lust instead of love. Along the way she felt alone and questioned if God gave up on her, making the readers feel sympathy for her. ‘Chaos’ was a chapter of realization, she finally saw how messed up love could be. She shows how finally moving on was a lot scarier than being used to the heartbreak it caused her. Finally, in the last chapter ‘Epiphany’ there was a change in tone, it was time for change and take action. She got tired of denying that all she needed was self-love and to know her worth more than anyone or anything. This collection of poems don’t just tell a story but takes the reader through a journey that was personal and powerful to the author. She allows the reader to know her, invading her private space and thoughts and be a part of her road trip to self-love. 

Cook, Alicia. “The Stuff I’ve Been Feeling Lately”. Andrew McMeel Publishing. April 11, 2017

“The Stuff I’ve Been Feeling Lately”, by Alicia Cook, is a collections of poems structured in a specific order to create an effect on the reader using rhythm.It is designed like an old-school mixtape. The book is broken up into two parts side A and side B. Side A features poems talking about the aspects of the human conditions such as life, death, love, trauma and growth. It covers a variety of different topics and experiences without feelings all over the place. Not only does she provide short poems but a soundtrack along with them. After every poem she includes a song that she had listened to, giving the book a personal feel similar to a diary. The songs also symbolize what the author was feeling when the words were written. Side B however is blackout poetry, which is where the author blacks out words from within a story to create another. In this case, the author used her poems from side A to recreate a haunting black-out remixes of those poems. The author makes her collections of poems not only creatively but relatable, symbolizing there’s always two sides to things and to remind you that your feelings are valid. 

Lovelace, Amanda. “The Princess Saves Herself In This One”. Andrew McMeel Publishing. February 14 ,2017

“The Princess saves herself in this one” ,by Amanda Lovelace, is a poetry collection structured in a specific order to create an effect on the reader using rhythm. The poems are about the authors important moments in her life and also the ‘weakest’. The book is broken down into four sections: the princess, the damsel, the queen, and you. The first section ‘the princess’ focuses on her early life where she takes the reader on a journey including how she developed a deep interest in books, her relationship with her mother and sister, her battle with an eating disorder and self harm, and her first kiss and the assault that followed. Lovelace didn’t fail on giving the reader a sense of bravery and courage when explaining her hardships. ‘The damsel’ contains more fairy tale analogies comparing her difficult experiences as dragons and the big bad wolf. This section really focuses on the power of self empowerment and rising from certain situations. ‘The Queen’ talks more about how she handles grief and what it feels like to fall in love with the right person. Finally in the section ‘You’, it consists of poems of encouragement and inspiration to the reader. Lovelace takes the reader on an emotional roller coaster filled with highs and lows from start to finish. She makes sure it’s clear to readers how different each section is and how each serves a different purpose by comparing her life moments to fairytale stereotypes.

Campbell, Courtney. “Pillow Thoughts”. Andrew McMeel Publishing. August 29, 2017

“Pillow thoughts”, by Courtney Peppernell is a collection of poems structured in a specific order to create an effect on the reader using rhythm.This collection is divided into ten different sections , no need to read them consecutively. They’re each intended to be read while the reader is in a particular state of mind. They all start in ‘If you are ..’ and there’s one for wistfulness, love, heartbreak, loneliness, sadness, emptiness, encouragement, soul-searching, finding reasons to live, and the final part is dedicated to her partner. Poets like Peppernell use very different metaphors to convey similar themes of heartbreak, self- love, inner strength, and finding beauty in the world around them. The author gave the reader not only the ability to read freely throughout the book ,with the consecutive storyline out the way, but  made the reader feel connected and validated. These poems are the sort that readers can truly relate to and each person’s interpretation will be different.

Movie Review – 6 Reviewers, 6 Movies

Any form of media, such as newspapers, music, videos, books and even movies are things people enjoy, as well as things some people don’t enjoy. There are also people who can’t decide and may need help with that. Luckily, there are people that help them decide by not just telling them, but explaining it, in great detail. Either by writing in a newspaper or a prompt on a website online. Sometimes, one person’s writing can change the minds of no one, or a million. It really depends on the audience they are trying to reach out to the most, and tell them how this one thing is good or bad.

A.O. Scott (Joker 2019):A.O Scott has been reviewing movies since 2000 and was later picked up by the New York Times where he can give his insight on movies to whatever audience the movie is towards. Joker is currently at the top of the box office as of October 10th, 2019, and people are saying it’s one of the best movies they had ever seen, some saying the opposite, with words such as bland or bleak and others saying not to take your kids to it. One reviewer opens up with “Are you kidding me?” As said in a post on the New York Times, the reviewer states that the title is at first just a boring title. Expecting the Joker to be much more dangerous and “clowney”, but instead says that it’s: “an empty, foggy exercise in second-hand style and second-rate philosophizing”. Also saying that the movie doesn’t come out of its shadow or is too scared to. He just finds the movie to be unfunny and boring, and wonders if that’s the joke hidden within the movie. Despite his claims on the movie being uninteresting, it went on to become the highest grossing R-rated movie of all time.

Roger Ebert (The Lost World: Jurassic Park 1997): Roger Ebert is one of the most famous movie reviewers looking at old and modern movies. He sadly passed away in 2013, but is still seen as the best that the industry had to offer. Back in 1997, Jurassic Park had received a sequel to the original Jurassic Park movie in 1993. On his website, he starts off by saying that the movie doesn’t start with the same awe that the first movie had, how it doesn’t have that same feeling as what would happen if dinosaurs still roamed the earth and that how the humans in the movie didn’t deliver the same amount of input as they were just there for plot conventions or cheap action shots. He found the structure to be weird and didn’t enjoy it, thinking one thing was over but it wasn’t. He saw this movie as a disappointment to the first movie and thought that Steven Spielberg didn’t have enough time to revise it. Either way, he shows that he didn’t like it as much as the first movie and wished it could have been done better.

Justin Chang (Terminator: Dark Fate 2019): Justin Chang is a known movie critic for the L.A Times, getting early showings of movies that aren’t out yet to give some early insight to those who may want to see the movie or not. Beforehand, he worked for Variety before being picked up by the L.A Times. Recently, he reviewed the newest Terminator: Dark Fate movie that is set to come out on November 1st, and says on the L.A. Times, probably the best Terminator sequel in 20 years. He says that the movie is a tie in to the 2nd movie back in 1991, almost 30 years later giving it the proper sequel that it deserves. He goes on to explain that it is a good movie in which Schwarzenegger is once again back onto the acting scene with his signature terminator character.

Michael Cavna (Finding Dory 2016): Michael Phillips is reviewer for the Chicago Tribune, in which here reviewed Finding Dory, which is a sequel to Finding Nemo released back in 2003. On the Chicago Tribune,  he explains how he saw the movie in his own words. To start off, he found it to be a satisfying follow-up, explaining that bringing back old movies can still bring back good memories to the original, even if it’s bad. He also finds the personality very vivid and bright but not so much with story with some errors, stating that going from a  marine institution to dry land was a weird change of pace for some action. Which was absent in Finding Nemo with only the ending having to do anything with dry land. He finds the movie fantastic and a great follow up from the 2003 movie, as well as him stating that it deals great with those who have disabilities in a charming way. This is a good movie for those with disabilities as it shows how they can impact one’s life in a good and funny way and not in a patronizing way, making them seem annoying and unpleasant. Here? They do it in a good way according to Michael. 

Leonard Maltin (Toy Story 3 2010): Leonard Maltin is a well known critic for his work on reviewing old popular movies. In reviewing Toy Story 3, on his own website, he begins by saying that it is one of the greatest movies of its time. The amount of work, creativity and imagination that is possible with it is what made Toy Story 3 great in his eyes. He finds its strongest aspect to be the main stars, Woody, Buzz, Jessie, Mr. Potato Head, all the familiar characters from previous movies, still the same and funny as ever. Even finding the ending quite dark and pulling on people’s heartstrings, he found it to be a really good tie in towards the Toy Story series. Even with the story changing tones very fast along with new characters having a bad meaning, it always seems to come out with a wholesome or good ending to leave a movie with. Maybe even the whole series as people thought 3 was going to be the final one. Leonard Maltin does review the 4th one, but that’s for another time. He gives the movie a good rating with its amazing plot and ending. 

Pauline Kael (GoodFellas 1990): Pauline Kael was known for her quotes about certain movies, such as the GodFather, JAWS and GoodFellas. For this one, she reviews GoodFellas, a 1990 crime movie loosely based on the GodFather. Some people gave this movie a good rating, however for Pauline, she didn’t find the movie all that great with a number of reasons. On the New Yorker, she first asks the question if it is a great movie. She doesn’t think so, but finds it to be a triumphant piece of filmmaking, having each frame just being active and vivid, as well as knowing that the director loved what he was making when these pictures were moving. She likes how it looks, but not how it is structured with its characters. One point is with a guy named Henry reacts to Tommy and Jimmy’s act of violence with a puzzled expression, and not scared or angry one. Another with Joe Pesci’s character shooting a teenager who was slow with serving a drink. She didn’t like how they were, which is what caused her to not find the movie all that great to those adults who want to see it. 

Scott, A. O. “’Joker’ Review: Are You Kidding Me?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 3 Oct. 2019,

Ebert, Roger. “’The Lost World: Jurassic Park” Roger Ebert, Roger Ebert, 6 Jun 1997,

Chang, Justin. “Review: ‘Dark Fate’ is the best ‘Terminator’ sequel in over 20 years” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 22 Oct. 2019,

Cavna, Michael. “How ‘Finding Dory’ and ‘Finding Nemo’ deal beautifully with disabilities” Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, 17 Jun, 2016,

Maltin, Leonard. “Film Review: Toy Story 3” Leonard Maltin, Leonard Maltin, 17 Jun 2010,

Kael, Pauline. “Tumescence As Style” The New Yorker, The New Yorker, 17 Sep, 1990,

Annotated Bibliography/Haiku Poem

Mohammad Andha

Professor Jewell 

English 1101 



Holmes, Paul. “October’s Gold.” Family Friend Poems, 14 May 2019,


Here is why fall should be your favorite season. “October’s Gold” is a haiku poem written by Paul Holmes which describes the beauty of the fall season in just 3 lines and the title. That’s what’s interesting about a Haiku. Paul Holmes isn’t too famous for his poems but this one stood out to me. Tree leaves that fall in October are a symbol that it’s fall. Paul compares these leaves to cornflakes showing the crunchy resemblance. First two lines of the poem reads “Like crunchy cornflakes, Gold leaves rustle underfoot”. He claims that those leaves are valuable for October by describing them as “Gold” leaves. Those gold leaves create the beauty of the season. The last line says “Beauty in decay”. The season of fall is most people’s favorite, because he describes a factor of the season as “Gold” and who doesn’t love gold. 


Fox, David. “One Day Of Summer.” Family Friend Poems, 18 July 2019,


Summer is everyone’s favorite season of the month. Especially the kids, the beautiful sunshine keeps them running. “One Day of Summer” by David Fox is a haiku describing the eagerness in one to view the season of summer. David Fox isn’t famous for his poems but he claims summer is everyone’s favorite and who doesn’t like summer? He starts by saying “Beautiful Sunrise” creating this imagery in his audience’s head to give an idea of what’s coming. He describes the morning as beautiful and warm. First two lines read “Beautiful sunrise, on a warm summer morning” explaining what summer is in just a few words. He goes on and says “I wait for days start” to finish his poem. He empathizes the eagerness within him for his day to start in the season of summer. He expresses his love for summer connecting to his audience knowing everyone loves this season.


Jones, Savannah M. “Autumn Love.” Family Friend Poems, September 2018,


Haiku “Autumn Love” by By Savannah M. Jones summarizes what the poem is about just in the title. Savannah uses imagery to describe the love for the season and the outfit of people during Autumn. First line reads “Coolness fills the air” to describe what the weather is like, to express what Autumn feels like. Author uses imagery in her next line to vividly show what Autumn looks like. Second line reads “Scarves and sweaters everywhere”. People are cold, so they need colorful scarves and sweaters to warm them up. He also says “Fall weather is here” in his last line to portray senses of Autumn and how to detect it’s that time of the year. His last line also has a sense of that excitement of the arrival of this season. He connects to the audience by sharing the same chilly feeling. The need of a scarf and a sweater. 


Matsuo, Bashō “Examples of Haiku Poems.” YourDictionary, 24 May 2019,


Matsuo Bashō is the all time famous japanese poet. He has written many different haikus, most of them are about nature. His haiku about a frog and pond is one of his most famous writing. It stands out because it vividly shows the nature of a swamp. In his poem he claims that swamps are nothing but an empty pond with just frogs. It starts off by saying “An old silent pond…” which immediately creates an image of a swamp. Swaps are old with ponds. He goes on and says “A frog jumps into the pond” describing the wild life of the swamp. Only animal at a swamp you would find is a frog. The swamp is a quiet place with nobody around. He finishes his poem by stating “splash! Silence again.” His last line creates an image of the emptiness of a swamp with very little noise. Frogs move, create a sound, and back to quiet. He creates the sense for a swamp in his audience. 


Short, Ethan L. “Love For Mom.” Family Friend Poems, May 2018,


Have you ever told your mother how hardworking she is or why she’s the best mom? “Love For Mom” is a haiku by Ethan L. Short written for Mother’s Day to express how amazing and hardworking they are. Ethan starts the poem by simply describing his mom as “the best”. His first line reads, “Mom, you are the best.” By saying that he’s trying to convey that there is no one like her. She’s simply unique in every way. He continues the poem by saying “You work all day long” to give an example of why she’s the best. His mother works all day, showing a sense of hard work. His last line furthermore expresses the load of work of a mother. “I think you deserve a rest”, showing she works all day nonstop, no breaks and she simply deserves one. With this poem, he is not only speaking to his mother but to all the moms out there. Because they all do the same, work work and work. Author connects to the audience by showing resemblance in his mother with the readers. 


Maloof, Sandy. “Forever Love.” Family Friend Poems, 18 July 2019, 


Do you know what it’s like to feel true love? True love is a never ending and forever lasting love. “Forever Love” is a haiku by Maloof Sandy which shows what is a forever lasting love. The title itself says the claim, love is forever or at least should be forever. Author starts by saying “Friends forever in time” vividly showing the future of your friendship, showing that it still exists in the future. His next line explains what keeps the love and friendship strong. Second line reads “Bonded by our hearts and souls” showing the connection between you and your friends and what keeps your love together forever. “Our hearts and souls” shows how friends communicate with this love. By connecting your heart and soul with someone else, you can feel what they feel. This haiku targets all friends as audience and shows the deep meaning behind the love. His last line “Love forever lasting” simply repeats his claim of the never ending friendship.Â