Monthly Archives: April 2015

Ryan Yip: Final Ideation

Oculus Rift Project

Project Rakuen is a game where a player wears an oculus rift to view the game world while in flight. Flying will be controlled by either a mouse and keyboard or a custom controller. The game will feature fantasy elements and beautiful environments. Online interactions and events will also be present in the game.

Inspired by: minusT’s 3d Touhou animations, Sword Art Online

Tucker Oculus rift final project

I want to design a program/ mobile app for the Oculus Rift and it would be able to put you in the world of a favorite character. It will also feature an open community for designers where they can design their favorite characters world and then upload it. It will be for the Oculus Rift but based off of a mobile app.


Alessandro Lombardo Jr : Final Project Idea

Point to Point storytelling

Target: People who travel through there hometown for work or going out for fun

Features: Track your position through out your daily life. At certain points in your travel you could create a random story line. You can save this travel path with the story which other people can travel along this path and once they finish it they could add on there own story.

Inspirational Links: 


Amoni B: Final Project Ideation

Public Real estate records information in realtime phone app

TARGET: with inquirers, agents, and investors


  • property records
  • directory that allows you to know licensed contractors, developers, and salespersons (realtors), banks, real private lendors, and
  • Users can upload recent images of the property (whether its horrible or renovated), update the condition and submit other updates for review, see ownership, lien status, contact owner
  • tour/3d

Similar to:

  1. Couny Clerk offfice – all written documents some in computers somewhere, geared towards all who inquire, most investors go there to buy, renovate, and rent oout or flip houses. As you can see the websit for this information is messed up: (click on city register)
  2. (property sales/rentals totgally user based content geared towards buyers nd investors)
  3. – shows some public information must pay to access all data
    • Detailed property information
    • Property ownership search
    • Foreclosures and pre-foreclosures
    • Properties for Sale
    • Property Maps
    • Property Values & Comparables
    • High resolution building photos
  4. – shows some public information must pay to access all data, better than property shark. ran by a banking company mainly for realtors