We will begin each Monday COLD session with a learning dedication.
A learning dedication is a short acknowledgement of a person in your life who has contributed to your learning and is in some way responsible for helping you get to where you are. These can be as personal as you like. The person you choose can be living or dead; they can be someone you’re close to or not. You can read more about learning dedications here.
In our class, the learning dedications will be written as posts on the OpenLab and read aloud in class. You may unmute your mic and read the dedication yourself, or ask your instructor to read it for you. You may include a photo of the person you are dedicating the day’s learning if you wish.
Each student may contribute one learning dedication during the semester for participation credit. Make sure the OpenLab post is ready before class begins; don’t forget to give your post the category Learning Dedications before publishing.
Sign up on the learning dedication schedule here.
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