Professor Kate Poirier | OL33 | Spring 2021

Category: Test #1 Solutions (Page 9 of 9)

Test #1 Solution

Evaluating indefinite integral by using the Sum Rule and U-substitution

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I found this problem a little hard because it was a lot to keep track of after starting the problem but using the Sum Rule gave me a big advantage because it divided the problem in 3 parts that i could solve separately and then put together to get a solution without forgetting the constant in the end.

Group + individual OpenLab assignment: Test #1 solutions

Due Sunday, March 21

This week’s group and individual assignments are combined. Each group member will submit their own post. Then the group’s secretary will compile links to each group member’s post in a group post.

Before you meet with your group

  1. Take a look over your solutions for Test #1 (if you took two versions, look over both versions). Pick the one question you struggled with the most. This will be the question you bring to your group.

When you meet with your group

  1. One at a time, each group member will present their question to the group and explain their thoughts about how to approach it. What topic is this question about? What were your ideas? What part made this question difficult for you?
  2. As a group, you will solve this problem together. Help the group member whose question it was to write a clear and complete solution, showing all work.
    • If you, as a group, spend some time and are not able to come up with a solution, please go to tutoring to get some guidance (you will get participation credit for attending tutoring). You are also welcome to email your instructor for help; if you do, please include as much information as you can about what your group has tried.
  3. After the group has solved everyone’s problems together, discuss as a group how you would like to prepare for the next test. Write a short guide to preparing for math tests. What worked well this time? How will you change how you prepare next time? Be as specific as you can be.

Individual post instructions

  1. Submit your work as your own individual post. Title your post Test #1 Solutions and include the topic in the post title. Choose the category Test #1 Solutions before publishing.
  2. You may type your work or add a photo of your hand-written work to your post. Include any other thoughts you had about this problem, like why you struggled with it initially and how your group helped you understand how to approach it.

Group post instructions

  1. The secretary will have to wait until all group members have published their individual posts before they can submit the group post.
  2. Title your post Group n Test #1 Solutions (where n is your group number). Choose the category Test #1 Solutions before publishing.
  3. List each group member’s name along with their question’s topic. Link to their individual post by copying the url and pasting it into the group post. (The secretary may wish to ask group members for their urls; since every student in the class is submitting their own individual post, your own group’s may be hard to find when it’s time.)
  4. Include the short guide to preparing for math tests that your group wrote.

All group members who submit individual posts which are linked from the group post will earn two participation points.

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