Professor Kate Poirier | OL33 | Spring 2021

Category: Introduce yourself (Page 4 of 9)

Introducing Jeffrey Mai


-I major in Computer Engineering

-I hope to get a good job after I graduate from CityTech

-My hobbies are video games and handball

-My favorite animal is probably a panda

-I will be taking MAT 2580 after MAT 1575

Introducing Owen D

This is my third semester at city tech in pursuit of a bachelors in mechanical engineering meaning this class is a requirement, though I do tend to enjoy math classes. I’m a lover of pets, my favorite book is Catch 22, and I’ll take winter vacation over summer vacation every time.

Introducing Henry L.

Hello, my names Henry, i am currently a junior at city tech majoring in CST. I developed an interest in CST when i was younger messing around with computers and software. After graduating from city tech i hope to find a career in the computer field hopefully one that allows me to travel and eventually a long term goal i have is to be able to travel the world. Some other interests i have are reading and gaming. The pandemic hasn’t impacted me much aside from allowing me more time for my other hobbies such as catching up on my favorite shows.

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