Professor Kate Poirier | OL33 | Spring 2021

Category: Introduce yourself (Page 3 of 9)

Introducing Mamadou Bah

Hi my name is Mamadou, I am currently a sophomore attending City Tech for a bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering. My hope after gradating is to have a secure job related to my major and later on to have or create my own company. I don’t like reading a lot. I enjoy playing football, gaming , and going outside. Umm I would say my favorite animal is a lion. Something that I am proud of is my resilience and adaptability,

“Introducing Jessica G”

Hiii guys. I’m Jessica I go by the pronouns she/her/hers. My new found major is Applied Mathematics and I became interested in this major when I saw how much I loved math and still wanted to stay within the field of computer engineering. So I’m going to use my degree to do IT work for a major company. After city’s high I would love to go straight into my degree.
During this pandemic I was working at Walmart and it’s the only one closest to the 5 boroughs. So it was life risking for me but I was a dedicated worker and suffered through. I don’t like wearing the mask but if it will keep me safe I have no choice. But I have learned that I have some hidden talents.

Introducing Kelvin Michaca

Hey, my name is Kelvin and i’m currently a junior. My major is Mechanical Engineering. I ended up choosing this major due to taking a robotics class and just enjoying hands on projects. Some hobbies of mine are gaming and playing soccer.

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