Professor Kate Poirier | OL33 | Spring 2021

Category: Introduce yourself (Page 2 of 9)

Introducing Aleem Ahmed

Hello all my name is Aleem Ahmed. This is my third year at City Tech. My major is Computer Engineering Technology. Outside of school I enjoy playing videogames and coding at times. After math 1575 I am required to take differential equations and Introduction to Linear Algebra. After graduation I am looking to find a job within the field I would like to work in.

Introducing Irin Yela

Hello everyone, I am Irin. I am in liberal arts and sciences major still. My hobbies is photography. When I travel around, I often take quick pictures with my phone camera so that the moment and the feeling stays with me. My favorite animals are felines, I am allergic to them but can’t help from admiring them from afar.

“Introducing JianFei Zheng”

My pronouns are he/him. I am majoring in computer engineering technology, and when I graduate I think I’ll buy a boat and explore my passion for fishing for a while. My hobby includes fishing and cooking or just sitting on the coach with my favorite book “How the Steel Was Tempered” by Nikolai Ostrovsky.

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