Your group community agreements from Week 1 were awesome! Way to go, teams!
As usual, you will meet with your study group in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra on Wednesday from 12:00 to 1:40pm. Locate your study group here. (Note: group membership may have changed slightly since some new students have enrolled in the course and some students have dropped the course.)
Before you meet with your group
Review the other groups’ community agreements here. What do you like about them? Do you see anything you’d like to borrow for your own group’s agreement?
Open your HOT topics portfolio in WeBWorK/Rederly. Locate the two questions corresponding with HOT topics Standard 1: Evaluate definite and indefinite integrals by substitution and Standard 2: Evaluate definite and indefinite integrals by parts. (You can see all HOT topics standards here.) If you haven’t been through Lesson 3 and Lesson 4 yet, it might be hard for you to figure out which two questions you’re looking for, but look at all your HOT topics portfolio questions to narrow your list of candidates down.
When you meet with your group
If your group has a new member, introduce yourself to them and ask them to introduce themselves to you. Exchange contact information.
Review your group’s community agreement. Discuss the other groups’ agreements. What did you think of the other groups’ agreements? Do you want to update your group’s agreement based on what you saw?
As a group, share your HOT topic portfolio Standard 1 questions with each other (you can add screenshots to a shared Google doc, for example). If anyone needs help determining which of their HOT topic portfolio questions aligns with Standard 1, help them figure out which one it is. What do all of your problems have in common? Discuss how you knew this was the Standard 1 question.
Choose one of the group member’s Standard 1 questions to solve as a group. (You can all write on the BCU whiteboard, for example.)
As a group, write up a careful solution for the Standard 1 problem that includes a written description of what is happening at each step. Highlight which of the steps are most important in terms of meeting Standard 1.
Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 with your Standard 2 questions.
EDIT 2/9: I saw a lot of really great HOT topics presentations today! Spend some time with your group discussing the week’s presentations (not everyone will have given one yet).
I’ve asked a few people to share how they prepared for their presentations with their groups.
I’ve asked a few people to share what questions I asked them or what part of their presentation I bugged them about. Help them understand why I bugged them about a particular step or help them answer a question I asked them.
A handful of students struggled to figure out which portfolio questions aligned with which standards. If any of your group members struggled with this, you should have helped them already in the previous steps, but make sure they understand why those questions align with those standards. Spend some time helping them solve their HOT topics problems if they need it.
Discuss anything else you’d like to discuss as a group. Does anyone have questions about this week’s lesson or WeBWorK? Does anyone have questions about how our course is structured? Now is your chance to discuss them with each other!
Secretary’s report
Due on the OpenLab Sunday, February 14 at 11:5pm
The secretary’s OpenLab post must include:
The title: Group n Week 2 group post – HOT topics Standards 1 & 2 (where n is your group number)
The group members who were present.
A report of the discussion of the groups’ community agreements and any updates to your own group’s agreement.
Your group’s careful solutions for the Standard 1 question and the Standard 2 question. (You may include a photo of hand-written work if you like.)
Anything else the secretary would like to report.
Select the category Week 2 group post before publishing.
All group members whose names appear in the secretary’s report will earn participation credit.
The WeBWorK Q&A site is a place to ask and answer questions about your homework problems. HINT: To ask a question, start by logging in to your WeBWorK section, then click “Ask for Help” after any problem.
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