Professor Kate Poirier | OL33 | Spring 2021

Author: Kate Poirier (Page 5 of 19)

Individual + group collab assignment: Test #2 solutions

Due on the OpenLab Sunday, May 9

The instructions for this week’s individual and group assignments are similar to those for Test #1 solutions, which you can see here. The group and individual assignments are combined. Each group member will submit their own post. Then the group’s secretary will compile links to each group member’s post in a group post.

The major difference between this assignment and the one for Test #1 solutions is that groups will be merged this week only to form mega groups:

  • Group 1 X Group 3: meet in Group 1’s BCU room
  • Group 4 X Group 5 X Group 6: meet in Group 4’s BCU room
  • Group 2 X Group 7: meet in Group 2’s BCU room

Before you meet with your mega group

  1. Everyone was assigned different Test #2 questions in Rederly, but the 8 questions on were divided roughly into 8 categories. For your 8 test questions, determine which question was aligned with which category.
    1. Taylor polynomials
    2. Ratio/root test
    3. Absolute convergence/conditional convergence/divergence
    4. Power series
    5. Taylor series with radius or interval of convergence
    6. Geometric series
    7. Divergence test
    8. Partial sums

When you meet with your mega group

  1. Select a secretary for the mega group.
  2. Exchange contact information.
  3. As a group, select one group member’s question from each of the 8 categories above to create your own 8-question test. Number your test questions according to the numbering of categories above.
    • If any group members struggled to categorize their own test’s questions, help them with this alignment.
  4. As a group, assign each group member one of the 8 questions on the group’s test to solve.
    • If the mega group has fewer than 8 members, one member may be assigned more than one question.
    • If the mega group has more than 8 members, the 9th member should be assigned the role of secretary (this is unlikely, but possible).
  5. If any group member is not sure how to solve their assigned question, work as a group to make sure everyone knows what they are responsible for.
    • If you need to split up into subgroups to have these discussions, some of you may move into the other group’s BCU room.

Individual post instructions

  1. Submit the full solution for your assigned question as your own individual post. Title your post Test #2 Solutions and include the topic in the post title. Choose the category Test #2 Solutions before publishing.
  2. You may type your work or add a photo of your hand-written work to your post. Include any other thoughts you had about this problem, like why you struggled with it initially and how your group helped you understand how to approach it.

Mega group post instructions

  1. The secretary will have to wait until all group members have published their individual posts before they can submit the group post.
  2. Title your post Group m X Group n Test #2 Solutions (where m and n are your group numbers). Choose the category Test #2 Solutions before publishing.
  3. List each group member’s name along with their question’s topic. Link to their individual post by copying the url and pasting it into the group post. (The secretary may wish to ask group members for their urls; since every student in the class is submitting their own individual post, your own group’s may be hard to find when it’s time.)

All group members who submit individual posts which are linked from the group post will earn two participation points.

Example: series representation of a function

Here are some notes I made last semester for WeBWorK: Series — Taylor and Maclaurin series — #10

This is a straightforward example, but it is somewhat long and requires the use of certain keys that make this approach work.

Remember that there is a second approach to finding the series representation of a function that does not require these keys: given a function and a center, you can always start taking derivatives to find the Taylor series. If you need to answer questions about that Taylor series, you will need to find a pattern for the Taylor coefficients, which is easy in some cases and not so easy in others.

Test #2 checklist

Wednesday, April 28 & Thursday, April 29

These are your step-by-step instructions for taking Test #2.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Start a timer for 2 hours and 30 minutes when you access your test questions; this will count down to when your written work must be uploaded.
  2. Access your test questions in Rederly by selecting Test #2 in the Exams unit.
    • Click the Units tab and scroll down to see the Exams unit.
  3. Write out your solutions to your questions on paper. Show all your work—do not skip any steps; if you are using a convergence test, write its name. Label your questions clearly. Include your name and EMPLID on each piece of paper.
    • Organize your work clearly. Suggestion: solve no more than one problem per page.
  4. Scan your work to create a single PDF of all your written work. Include your student ID card in the scan; place it on the page but make sure it’s not covering any of your work. Name your file lastnameMAT1575Test2.pdf.
    • Do not use Rederly’s Attach Work feature.
    • Include all your rough work (label it as rough work).
  5. Submit your work: upload your written work here.
  6. Fill out the post-test survey here. (You will earn participation credit.)

Most of the information below appears in the original Test #1 post and is almost identical for Test #2 and is copied here for convenience.

Academic integrity

  • Any work you submit must be your own. You may not consult anyone else (including classmates, other students, tutoring services) or any outside websites or apps (including Google, automated problem solvers) while you are taking the test.
  • You may use your textbook, the course hub, and your own notes from the class. However, if you used an automated problem solver or another resource that is not allowed to create your notes, you may not use these notes during the test.
  • Remember that you will have to defend your work at the post-test interview, so don’t write down anything that isn’t your work.


  • The Rederly test will be open for 48 hours: all day Wednesday (beginning Tuesday night at midnight, which is 12:00am Wednesday) and all day Thursday (ending Thursday at 11:59pm).
  • When you click on Test #2, Rederly will start a 2-hour timer which will count down on your screen. It will continue this countdown even if you log out of Rederly or lose your connection. You get to decide which 2 hours during the 2 days during which take your test (recommended: take it Wednesday).
  • After you submit your Rederly test, you will have another 30 minutes to upload your written work. For every 30 minutes your written work is late, 10% will be deducted from the written component of your test grade.

Checking your work

  • You cannot check your individual answers like you can in Rederly homework sets. You can check all of your answers at once by clicking the green Submit Answers button at the top left of the screen. You will have only two chances to click this button. (If you had a typo in one of your answers, you’ll get one chance to fix it.) Don’t click Submit Answers a second time until you are ready to submit your test. (This is different from the HOT Topic portfolio.)

A second attempt

  • Clicking Test #2 generates a test for you. After 24 hours, Rederly will allow you to click it again to generate a second test, but only if that is before Thursday at 11:59pm. This is a brand new version of the test with different questions.
  • Plan to take the test on Wednesday so that if you get interrupted while the 2-hour countdown clock is still running, you’ll have another chance on Thursday. (But you will have to wait a full 24 hours before you can generate your second test.) You need to submit written work for your second version using the same instructions and link above.


  • Your Test #2 grade counts for 10% of your overall grade for the course.
  • Your Rederly score will not count toward your Test #2 grade. Don’t worry if Rederly tells you your answer as entered is incorrect. Your written work is what matters and you can earn partial credit for it. You will earn credit for anything you write that is correct and relevant. Each question will be graded out of 10 points.
  • Your Test #2 grade will be calculated as:
    • 2/3 written work + 1/3 interview
  • Be familiar with your written work so you can defend it at your interview during your usual HOT Topic time slot next week. You already know from your presentations the kinds of questions I might ask you. (Usually, “Why? Where did that come from?”) Do not write anything down that you cannot defend as your own work.
  • If you submit two versions of the test, only the written work that corresponds to your second version will be graded.
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