Professor Kate Poirier | OL33 | Spring 2021

Author: Irin Yela (Page 2 of 2)

Test #1 Solutions – Fundamental Theorem Calculus

My question was …

I thought you really had to solve it, so this is the work I do …

However, it turned out to be that this question is asking me to just change the variable to the variable x, in this case, my variable is t, so my answer is simply tan(x^5). I was very surprise to learn this, I didn’t think they will ask me a question where they also give me the answer as well.

Introducing Irin Yela

Hello everyone, I am Irin. I am in liberal arts and sciences major still. My hobbies is photography. When I travel around, I often take quick pictures with my phone camera so that the moment and the feeling stays with me. My favorite animals are felines, I am allergic to them but can’t help from admiring them from afar.

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