-Member’s Present: Brandon M, Jeffrey, Michael, Ryan, Mohammed

In our community agreement we decided that everything was fine and that we didn’t want to make any changes to it as of right now. I believe that every other group’s community agreement was good as well and that it brought a lot of positivity that we will use throughout this whole semester.

Standard 1 Question:


1) Find u

2) Derive u to get du/dx

3) Make du alone

4) Simplify the question to ” integral u*du”

5) Do the antiderivative of u to get rid of the integral and du

6) Plug in u

7) Do the subtraction between the 2 points

Standard 2 Question:

We ended up helping each other out with each other’s questions. We spent time clearing all the confusion. Throughout the week we will communicate to solve Standard 2 questions.