Due on the OpenLab by 11:59pm on Sunday, February 7.

During Wednesday’s class meeting from 12pm to 1:40pm, you’ll meet with your study group in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. You can find which group you’re part of here.

Before you meet your group

Read our class community agreement here. Pick out three words that jumped out at you—which words did you find most meaningful?

When you meet with your group

  1. Take a few minutes to introduce yourselves to your group members. Make sure everyone gets a chance to say their name, their major, and anything else they’d like to share.
  2. Elect a secretary. Your assignment will require one person to an OpenLab post for the group. While your group members will complete the assignment together, the secretary will be the one responsible for this post.
  3. Discuss the class community agreement. Share which three words each of you found meaningful. Did you find anything in common? As a group, decide which part of the class community agreement you think is most important. As a group, suggest one more sentence that could be added to the class community agreement.
  4. Come up with your group’s own community agreement. This agreement can be a lot more concrete than our class’s agreement. Make sure your group community agreement answers questions like:
    1. How will you choose each week’s secretary? Will everyone take a turn? Will you ask for a volunteer each week?
    2. How will you be in contact with each other outside of your official study group sessions on Wednesdays in BCU? WhatsApp? Email? Phone?
    3. If someone has to miss the official Wednesday study group session (for a valid reason) how can they make up the missed work?
    4. How will you support each other’s learning and discovery?
    5. How will you make everyone in the group feel like their contributions matter? How will make sure everyone feels safe contributing?
    6. How will you show each other respect?
    7. How will you decide on updates to the community agreement later in the semester?
  5. Discuss anything else you’d like to discuss as a group. Does anyone have questions about this week’s lesson or WeBWorK? Does anyone have questions about how our course is structured? Now is your chance to discuss them with each other!

Secretary’s report

Due on the OpenLab by 11:59pm on Sunday, February 7

The secretary’s OpenLab post must include:

  1. The title: Group n Week 1 group post – community agreements (where n is your group number)
  2. The group members who were present.
  3. A report of the discussion of the class community agreement. Which words did the group find meaningful? What is the group’s suggestion for one more sentence?
  4. The group’s own community agreement.
  5. Anything else the secretary would like to report.
  6. Select the category Week 1 group post before publishing.

All group members whose names appear in the secretary’s report will earn participation credit.