If you have already had your Test #1 interview, your graded Test #1 is now available in the OpenLab gradebook.

There’s a link to the gradebook on the right side of any page on our OpenLab site.

There you’ll find your Test #1 grade. A link to your graded PDF with feedback is included in the comments on your Test #1 grade. The PDF includes the grade for your written work and for your interview separately.

I’m having some technical issues right now, but soon I’ll be able to give you a rough idea of your midterm grade. This will appear in the OpenLab gradebook as well.

The midterm grade is unofficial; it’s just to give you a snapshot of how you’re doing in the course so far. If you’re behind on your HOT topic presentations, this will be reflected in your midterm grade. But we’re only about half way through the semester, so you still have a chance to make up for standards you’ve missed so far and improve your grade. You can see the schedule for the rest of the semester under About this course and here so that you can plan your HOT topic strategy accordingly.

As a reminder, our grading policy is also under About this course as well as here.