Comment due on the OpenLab Sunday, February 14 at 11:59pm

At the end of last semester (December 2020) I asked my students to pretend they had a time machine so that they could deliver a letter to their past selves (the version of themselves from August 2020). They wrote themselves letters offering advice for how to succeed in their class.

Now we’ll pretend that you—the next generation—have found these letters and need to learn from your ancestors.

You can see the letters in the comments here.


  1. Read all the letters and pick which one you felt was the most helpful for you at this point.
  2. Right under that person’s comment, you can see an option to reply. Click REPLY to respond to that person’s letter.
  3. Begin your letter with “Dear [person’s name]. I am from the future and I found your letter to your past self! Your advice is really helpful for me now because [fill in the rest].” Write a few more sentences and include as much detail as you like or any questions you might have for your ancestors. (These students still have access to their OpenLab site, so they might reply! They are all very nice.)

Note that your reply will appear on last semester’s OpenLab site, not our own class site. You do not have to become a member of last semester’s group to comment, but your comment will have to be approved (by me, the site admin) before it will appear. So don’t worry if it doesn’t appear right away, it will appear eventually!

You will earn participation credit for this comment.