Noemi Mendez- N.Y Times Travel Section Assignment #2

The article “How to rent a Europe Villa (and Not Go Broke)” by Stephanie Rosenbloom published in the travel section of the New York Time is an excellent source of information for travelers who are planning a vacation with a limited budget. In this article, Ms. Rosenbloom talked about how you can rent a villa and not to go broke during a vacation trip to Europe by following some strategies when planning a vacation to a foreign country. One of the strategy that the writer recommended, is to nab a couple deal by using legitimate company’s website that offer great deals for a family package. The second strategy that the writer recommended, is to venture farther afield by renting homes that will be more affordable that a private and luxury hotel.  The third strategy, is to plan your vacation from October to April in the off seasons, when prices are usually low because most of the people usually don’t travels during that time. The only downside of planning your vacation on low season, is that the weather will not be the same as the high season but your can also enjoy your vacation with more indoor activities that outdoor. The fourth strategy is to go with a group of family and friends and split the bill between themselves. By splitting the bill,  you and your family could have a great vacation and your vacation to Europe will be less expensive and more affordable. The final strategy is to be flexible when you are planning your vacation because that the only way that you can find a good offer discounts. With all these strategies, the writer guarantee that your pocket will not be broke in a trip to Europe, you just need to take your time and plan your next vacation very carefully.

summary of chapter one –Gao,zhigang

Zhigang  Gao [Gina]                                      HMGT 1101 draft:  summary                           

9/28/15                                                                            Prof. Damien Duchamp

       Chapter one focuses on service. Service is the most important facet of the hospitality industry. This chapter spend at least 10 pages to explain how important the service is, it also gave Disneyland as an example case to show us services is the key of success, and how to improve the services. Hospitality and tourism industries since the early 1443s began to sprout, from ancient times to the medieval, and then to the French revolution and 19century 20 century. Hospitality and tourism industries had been through a long and tortuous development period. Now it already becomes the largest and fastest-growing industries in the world. For this reason, that industry needed huge amount professional and passionate employees join it. It requires employees or managers know how to set a goal, total quality management has helped improve service to guests by empowering employees to give service that exceeds guest expectations.

Corporate philosophy-textbook def: Embraces the values of the organization, including ethics, morals, fairness, and equality. My example: employees have corporate philosophy make company stronger. For instance, Disneyland’s employees they learn to corporation and share, now this company already becomes the biggest entertainment company on the world.

Empowerment- textbook def: The act of granting authority to employees to make key decisions within their areas of responsibility. My example: The boss gave employees some empowerment can save more time for themselves and customer. For instance, one customer wants a special discount for live in one hotel for 7nights, the front desk agent gave customer reasonable price without permission then serve next customer.

Front of the house- textbook def: Front of the house is who serving the guests. My example: customers get first impression through the front of the house. For instance, I went to Korea on vacation I choose four season hotel because the front desk agency was very caring and patient.

Goal- textbook def: A goal is a specific target to be met. My example: people with a clear goal are easy to success. For instance, a student wants to be a chef, so he focus on learning and develop cooking skill, he will not far near his dream.

Guest satisfaction- textbook def: which leads to guest loyalty and, yes, profit. My example: The restaurant owner knows guest satisfaction important. For instance, he always taught employees put warm smile while they serve customer.

Heart of the house- textbook def: Someone in the back of the house. My example: because someone in heart of the house support well, so the front of the house can serve customer well.

Hospitality- textbook def: The cordial and generous reception of guests or a wide range of businesses. My example: when we serve customer we always make sure they feel our good service and hospitality.

Inseparability – textbook def: The interdependence of hospitality services offered. My example: Inseparability is the characteristic that a service as which renders it impossible to divorce the supply or production of the service from its consumption.

Intangible – textbook def: meaning the guest cannot “test drive” a night’s stay or “taste the steak” before dining. Our product is for the guest’s use only, not for possession. Even more unique. My example: travel is a intangible experience, we can’t taste it just review other’s feeling about the destination before we go.

National Restaurant Association (NRA) – textbook def: The forecasts a need for thousands of supervisors and managers for the hospitality and tourism in industries. My example: NRA provide a system for guest search the hotel that they really want.

Perishability – textbook def: The limited lifetime of hospitality products. My example: service is inseparable, so it’s perishability, can’t resell.

Total quality management (TQM) – textbook def: TQW is a continuous process that works best when managers are also good leaders. My example: TQM is the soul of a company, it works by itself benefit employees and customer.

Tourism – textbook def: Travel for recreation or the promotion and arrangement of such travel. My example: the tourism support Miami’s economy.

Sustability – textbook def: Is the ability to achieve continuing economic prosperity while protecting the natural resources of the planet and providing a high quality of life for its people and future generations. My example: we cut one tree should grow a new one make our natural can protect well.

Return on investment – textbook def: for owners and/or shareholders and society. My example: People invest money for us to run a  business, and they expect a fair return on their investment.

Jazmin Rodriguez – Chapter 1 Summary

This chapter focuses on introducing Hospitality. We learn about its ancient history and the modern and demanding  industry that now is. It describes this fast growing business with details of the characteristics of it, trends, goals, tourism, etc… Additionally explains corporate attitude and the importance of the service in the hospitality industry.  Furthermore it suggests ways to improve services.

Key Terms and Concepts

  1. Corporate Philosophy-Textbook def:  The core beliefs that drive a company’s basic organizational structure. My example: The core belief of charter schools is to provide children with the academic foundation and ambition to earn a college degree.
  2. Empowerment– Textbook def:  The act of giving employees the authority, tools, and information they need to do their jobs with great autonomy.  My example: As a staff supervisor, I have been giving the empowerment to authorize overtime when needed it.
  3. Front of the House– Textbook def:  Comprises all areas with which guests come in contact, including the lobby, corridors, elevators, guest rooms, restaurants and bars, meeting rooms and rest rooms. Also refers to employees who staff these areas. My example: Mr. John Doe is a consultant recently hired, to provide training to the front of the house staff at the new Marriott Hotel in Waters Place.
  4. Goal- Textbook def:  A  specific result to be achieved; the end result of a plan. My example: My end goal in the Hospitality Major, is to open my own business.
  5. Guest Satisfaction– Textbook def:  The desired outcome of hospitality services. My example: There are some luxury hotels, encouraging guests to comment on TripAdvisor and other review sites in an effort to access their guests satisfaction.
  6. Heart of the House– Textbook def:  The back of the house. My example: Red Lobster is currently hiring to work in the heart of the house, creating outstanding dishes.
  7. Hospitality– Textbook def:  1. The cordial and generous reception of guest. 2. A wide range of businesses, each of which is dedicated to the services of people away from home. My example:  Includes lodging, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise lines, etc…
  8. Inseparability– Textbook def:  The interdependence of hospitality services offered. My example:  For a doctor to give surgical or therapeutic services, the patient should be there.
  9. Intangible– Textbook def:  Something that cannot be touched. My example: My electronic version of the New York Times newspaper is an example, of an intangible asset.
  10. National Restaurant Association (NRA)- Textbook def:  The association representing restaurant owners and the restaurant industry. My example: A full-time student in a 2 or 4 year restaurant/hospitality program, who is 18 years or older can join the National Restaurant Association.
  11. Perishability– Textbook def:  The limited lifetime of hospitality products; for example, last night’s vacant hotel room cannot be sold today. My example: The 2015 summer season passes for Great Adventures cannot be sold after summer is over.
  12. Total Quality Management (TQM)- Textbook def:  A managerial approach that integrates all of the functions and related processes of a business such that they are all aimed at maximizing guest satisfaction through ongoing improvement. My example: A customer goes to a store before the sell period is over looking for an item that is sold out, and the manager promises to bring more and gives the customer a rain check.
  13. Tourism– Textbook def:  Travel for recreation or the promotion and arrangement of such travel. My example: I like to watch shows about tourism because I get ideas which places to travel next.
  14. Sustainability– Textbook def:  Is the ability to achieve continuing economic prosperity while protecting the natural resources of the planet and providing a high quality of life for its people and future generations. My example: The implementation of recycling Programs.
  15. Return on investment (ROA)- Textbook def:  An important financial measure that determines how well management uses business assets to produce profit; also used for planning and forecasting. It provides insight into how efficiently a company is being run by management with regards to its ability to generate profits from the assets available to the company.  My example: Most business owners hire an independent auditing firms to conduct this type of assessment.

Chapter 1: ‘Introducing Hospitality’

Deven Guerrero

In Chapter 1, ‘Introducing Hospitality’ focuses on many things. Such as, the history, characteristics, services, trends, tourism, and goals of hospitality. The history of hospitality began in B.C.E, and since then, it has grown immensely. Hospitality businesses are open 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, & is the largest industry running today, along with tourism.

One of the main keys to being a successful industry leader is by providing very efficient and sustainable service, for example:

1.Focus on guest
2.High end understandings of guest-contact employee
3. Developing the service industry into education and training systems.
4. Improving client experience, time by time.
5. Implementing setting, technology, and corporate philosophy.
The main goal in the hospitality industry is to become a director or high ranked employee. Ways to become that is through work experience. Experience will improve your knowledge in the hospitality business.

One main goal in the hospitality industry is becoming a director or high ranked employee of a large business or association. Ways of achieving that is by investing time in gaining experience through jobs or internship. Gaining experience in the hospitality industry will enhance your knowledge and work ethics within the field.

Perishability: The limited lifetime of hospitality products.

Example: Milk products cannot be served/sold to customers if it’s over expired.


Noemi Mendez Chapter #1 “Introduction to Hospitality”

This chapter focuses on the history of how Hospitality started from the beginning of the Ancient Times with the group called Sumerians. Who were the first to recorded elements of hospitality with Tavern that was created only from men to drink beers, and relax and enjoy other women companionship. Then in medieval times, with the demand of transportation, inns, and coffees houses the culinary history started to evolve due the oppressions of the French Revolution. In which, French immigrants travel to the United Stated and new food was discovered by the president Thomas Jefferson. That’s how the terms of hospitality, travel and tourism in the United Stated started to develop in the twentieth century and new restaurants all across the United stated were created to accommodate the demand of new tastes and flavor in the art of culinary.

Key Words and Concepts:

  1. Corporate Philosophy: The core beliefs that drive a company’s basic organizational structure. All CUNY staff should follow the corporate philosophy of CUNY policies and treat all employees with the same right and respect in an organizational structure.
  2. Empowerment: The act of giving employees the authority, tools, and information they need to do their Jobs with greater authority. All Employees should be empower by their supervisor to be able to build a liability and continuity among the staffs.
  3. Front Of The House : Comprises all areas with which guests come in contact, including the lobby, corridors, elevators, guest rooms, restaurants and bars, meeting rooms, and restrooms. Also refers to employees who staff these areas. All employees should provide superiors exceptional services to guest in a company or corporation or small business owners.
  4. Goal: A specific result to be achieved; the end result of a plan. To strive to achieve or surpassed a specific task that you propose in life.
  5. Guest Satisfaction: The desired outcome of hospitality services. To provide a services that it’s rewording and provide good feedback from the consumer.
  6. Heart Of The House: The back of the house. All staff involved in the development of an organization or establishment will provide superior services and attention to all guess.
  7. Hospitality: The cordial and generous reception of guests. A wide range of businesses, each of which is dedicated to the service of people away from home. To provide good services in an organization to all customers that are involved in an organization like restaurants and hotels.
  8. Inseparability: The interdependence of hospitality services offered. To provide a unique service that would surpass any competitor.
  9. Intangible: Something that cannot be touched. Maintained company policy and procedures to provide superior service that cannot be change until further notice.
  10. National Restaurant Association (NRA): The association representing restaurant owners and the restaurant industry. Is an organization that represent a franchise organization, like McDonalds restaurant in which is franchised with different owners.
  11. Perishability: The limited lifetime of hospitality products; for example, last night’s vacant hotel room cannot be sold today. It’s a produce or services that has its limited in services in an organization and it can’t be re-sell to a customer until the produce become available again.
  12. Total Quality Management (TQM): A Managerial approach that integrates all of the functions and related processes of a business such that they are all aimed at maximizing guest satisfaction through ongoing improvement. To provide the best services in an organization to a customer and this will allow customers to provides excellent feedback of an organization and attract potential new customers to the organization.
  13. Tourism: Travel for recreation or the promotion and arrangement of such travel. To plan a trip to a person or a group of people that will travel to a new city or country to acquired and learn new cultures values and experiences.
  14. Sustainability: It is encompass everything from how waste is managed, how employees are treated. How the food impacts the health and well-being of its patrons. To provide good services to a customers with excellences food tasted, excellences services and excellences experiences during a stayed in a company or organization.
  15. Return on Investment: An Important financial measure that determines how well management uses business assets to produce profit. It measures the efficiency with which financial resources available to a company are employed by management. ROI 5 Annual Profit divided by Average Amount Invested. The outcome profit of a company that are provide by a satisfy customer in an organization depending of the services that he or she received during the stayed in an organization.






Christine Chaper 1 Summary

Christine Delva


September 28th, 2015

Chapter 1 Summary



Hospitality is a friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers. The concept of hospitality began centuries ago throughout the world providing care or shelter for people who is traveling. The hospitality and tourism are largest fast pace business that is thriving in the industry and best field to join in today world. Many examples of exist people graduated and has been offered wonderful opportunity that allowed them to gain a good foundation of knowledge and experience to make a difference in this industry. Hospitality is a 24/7 (365) business running through the year so you couldn’t believe the opportunity and grew an individual can have in this industry. There is other business that running and making their business as phenomenal as they can. The one thing they wouldn’t have is the gift of lifetime happiness and the unstoppable passion for striving. Corporate philosophy embraces all their aspects such as their values of organizations, moral, fairness and etc. The goal of doing whatever it takes to make the satisfaction to their customers is the key to success.

Key Words Definition

1). Corporate Philosophy- the core beliefs that drive a company’s basic organizational structure. Example: Nike philosophy “Just Do It” helped the company become a worldwide phenomenon after it was first introduced in 1988, and it’s stood the test of time almost 30 years later. The phrase was actually inspired by the final words of a criminal who demanded the death penalty after committing two murders in 1976.

2). Empowerment- the act of giving employees the authority tools, and information they need to their jobs with the greater authority. Example: Marie arrive late for her check-in time, and all rooms where sold out. The front desk manager gives their sincere apology and was willing to accommodate the customer by paying for their stay at another hotel with transportation as well.

3). Front of the House- comprises all area with which quest come in contact including the lobby, corridors, elevators, guest room, restaurant, bars, meeting rooms and restrooms. Also refers to the employees who staff these areas. Example: The lobby attendant/doorman greets by opening and closing doors for every customer as they enter or leave the hotel.

4). Goal- the specific result to be achieved, the end result of a plan. Example: The key to running a good hotel is making sure objective of participating as a team to fulfill the guest’s needs is your number one priority.

5) Guest Satisfaction- the desired outcome of hospitality services. Example: Lindsay made a complain to the manager of way her room was clean, she found dirty sheets in closet then the manager arranged for her to have a new room for her with discount rate.

6). Heart of the House- the back of the house (hotel). Example: The kitchen is where the magic is created with all the pleasant food, deserts and appetizers are made to please the customers.

7). Hospitality- the cordial and generous reception of guest. B) A wide range of business each of which is dedicated to the service of people away from home. Example: At the Dorchester Hotel, they welcome customer with a small fruit basket and your towel made into a turtle representing how happiness to have you at their hotel.

8). Inseparability- the interdependence of hospitality services offered. Example: A doctor to offer the services the patient must take part and be prepared to be treated. Patient should be there when the surgery is taking place, but the doctor can’t offer his services if there is no patient.

9). Intangible- something that cannot be touch. Example: Guest is not allowed to take the television or refrigerator as they are signing out.

10). National Restaurant Association (NRA) – the association representing restaurant owners and the restaurant industry. Example: The General Manager for a request to the staff workers today is our hotel anniversary. We are going to go out with a bang with activates for children and spa for the adults. So they can remember our hotel and always want to come back.

11). Perishability-the limited lifetime of hospitality products. Example: Delta Airlines can only sell seats on an airplane prior to departure. The service is only available for that definite time period. An empty seat on a plane never can’t utilize or charged after departure. Once the plane has left, unsold seats lose their value.

12). Total Quality Management (TQM)- all managerial approach that integrates all the functions and related processes of a business such that they are all aimed at maximizing guest satisfaction through ongoing improvement. Example: My aunt brought Ginero Funeral Home enormous business throughout her life before she passed away. When she died the funeral home, gave my family a huge discount to show their graduated for all the business she provided them.

13). Tourism- travel for recreation or the promotion and arrangement of such travel. Example: My Uncle travels through the countries because he is an engineer. He is able to learn new languages and try different kind of food

14). Sustainability- the ability to achieve continuing economic prosperity while protecting the natural resource of planet and providing a high quality of life for its people and future generation. Example: Every year, the Stena Metall Group handles around 5 million tons of waste. We recycle and process society’s wastes into a resource in the form of new raw materials. Our recycling eliminates 8.7 million tons of CO2 emissions every year, equivalent to 1.3 million flights around the world. Thanks for helping us

15). Return on Investment- an important financial measure that determines how well management use business assets to product profit. It measure the efficiency with which financial resource available to a company are employed by management. Example: Tania trip to Puerto Rico was about $1,000 including hotel and flight, well taking care of and treated despite she had to fly by herself without her family.

Carlos Amaro- N.Y. Times Travel Section Assignment #1

In the article ‘ What New Rules Means for Travel to Cuba” the author discusses the rapidly changing legal regime surrounding travel by American citizens to the island nation of Cuba. As a result of the recent rapprochement between the historically antagonistic nations there has been a loosening of travel restrictions on Americans visiting the island and a broadening of the legally sanctioned categories under which travel is permissible. The author goes into precise detail on how said legal changes are for example allowing American cruise lines and airlines to travel directly to Cuba and maintain active operations there. They also speak to the expansion of categorical license in travel to Cuba, so that now American citizens can visit simply if they have family on the island. They also are given license if they report that they have a vague professional, educational or religious goal behind there visit.
This article particularly intrigued me because as a person who for many years lived in South Florida, where a plurality of the nation’s Cuban-American population lives, this current state affairs would of been considered a miracle of sorts. Few people, including myself, would of thought there would of been such a expeditious tidal shift in policy on the part of the American government, but I can honestly that I am proud of how swiftly the U.S. government has abandoned its previous antiquated Cold War policy with respect to Cuba. Although in the article it states that Americans still cannot travel for purely touristic reasons, the twelve delineated categories of permissible travel allow enough room for the vast majority of current would-be travelers to obtain legal entrance. It is this progressive development that makes me personally look on with optimism at the future of the relations between both countries and the tremendous opportunities that lie ahead for the hospitality industry.

Jazmin Rodriguez-N.Y. Times Travel Section Assignment

A Computer Problem Delays American Airlines Flights

By Jad Mouawad

 I found this to be an interesting article, but also led me to think how technology has its pros and cons. For instance, recently American Airlines has been under loop because of its problems with its network connectivity that affected various computer systems: website and airport-check in counters area in three of its major hubs. In addition, the airline faced problems in the flight dispatch software that pilots have on their ipads. I see how this particular instance, a network problem resulted in major flight delays and cancellations. Nowadays, technology represent a major component of most of people’s daily activities, which makes me believe that this matter should be addressed as a serious matter. American Airlines has built and maintained a good reputation throughout the years. However, in this case its reputation has been affected after moving to a single reservation system upon merging with US Airways. This has highly affected a greater amount of passengers with persistent problems that often leads to cancellations and delays.

Airlines companies should be prepared to face technological issues. United Airways also encountered issues when in July, a faulty computer routed prevented from checking in passengers grounding its fleet. Finally, it can be said that technology has its advantages and disadvantages. Merging with another company can affect the company’s reputation either positively or negatively.

Travel Section Assignment – Mariama B.

Article: Hotels Fight Back Against Sites Like Expedia and Priceline – Aaron M. Kessler and Julie Weed.

When booking a hotel room for your next trip we tend to turn towards sites like Expedia and Priceline because of the commercials on TV and advertisement that are constantly being shown, but hotels aren’t too happy with that. When you book from this sites the hotels are automatically required to give part of the commission to the websites. Certain hotels have found new ways to make customers steer away from the online sites and book directly with them.  They are offering perks such as rewards points, digital check-in options, free meals, WIFI, and even picking  your own room. I mean if I could pick my own room just by booking with the hotel I would. Of course its easier said than done because hotels lose money either way. Booking online guarantees a customer a cheaper price then booking directly with the hotels and hotel aren’t allowed to because of the contracts they have with these online booking sites. Expedia lately has been on a huge takeover, they now own travelocity and an Australian booking site and is in the works of picking up Orbitz. From the hotels stand point they say if Expedia continues to grow it won’t be the hotel that have to pay for it but the consumers(us). Amy Klobuchar the senator of Minnesota states “The whole idea of cheaper hotels is very good, but if it all starts to come under one company, you can easily foresee the situation where they can charge higher commission that are then passed on to consumers.” Of course Expedia disagrees with this statement but it’s a debate that is still being settled and both parties both have valid points.


travel section-What New Rules Means for Travel to Cuba–Zhigang Gao

Gao, Zhigang                                                       HMGT 1101

9/24/15                                                                Pro. DUCHAMP

Cuba is a beautiful country, I have urge to travel around in Cuba. So every news about Cuba I interested in it.  According to the article, ” What New Rules Means for Travel to Cuba.” by Victoria burnett described some new rules for tourism who will visit Cuba. American can go to cuba without having a permission, but have to fit into 12 categories, for instance, visits relatives, professional research or journalistic and there forth. However, tourism still can’t fly to Cuba on a commercial carrier, they need fly through third country to Cuba. But they can go there by cruise. Havana is the most popular city in Cuba, hotel always overbooked and only few travel agency offer booking service like Cubania Travel and Trip Advisor. In addition, most of place don’t process credit card payment. so it would be wise bring cash, if you travel to Cuba, it may be a good idea to take British Pounds and Euros, which get a better exchange rate in Cuba than the United States dollar. another important policy is American can now bring back up to $400 in souvenirs. In my opinion, those new rules good to know, make our trip more smooth and make less mistake.