summary of chapter one –Gao,zhigang

Zhigang  Gao [Gina]                                      HMGT 1101 draft:  summary                           

9/28/15                                                                            Prof. Damien Duchamp

       Chapter one focuses on service. Service is the most important facet of the hospitality industry. This chapter spend at least 10 pages to explain how important the service is, it also gave Disneyland as an example case to show us services is the key of success, and how to improve the services. Hospitality and tourism industries since the early 1443s began to sprout, from ancient times to the medieval, and then to the French revolution and 19century 20 century. Hospitality and tourism industries had been through a long and tortuous development period. Now it already becomes the largest and fastest-growing industries in the world. For this reason, that industry needed huge amount professional and passionate employees join it. It requires employees or managers know how to set a goal, total quality management has helped improve service to guests by empowering employees to give service that exceeds guest expectations.

Corporate philosophy-textbook def: Embraces the values of the organization, including ethics, morals, fairness, and equality. My example: employees have corporate philosophy make company stronger. For instance, Disneyland’s employees they learn to corporation and share, now this company already becomes the biggest entertainment company on the world.

Empowerment- textbook def: The act of granting authority to employees to make key decisions within their areas of responsibility. My example: The boss gave employees some empowerment can save more time for themselves and customer. For instance, one customer wants a special discount for live in one hotel for 7nights, the front desk agent gave customer reasonable price without permission then serve next customer.

Front of the house- textbook def: Front of the house is who serving the guests. My example: customers get first impression through the front of the house. For instance, I went to Korea on vacation I choose four season hotel because the front desk agency was very caring and patient.

Goal- textbook def: A goal is a specific target to be met. My example: people with a clear goal are easy to success. For instance, a student wants to be a chef, so he focus on learning and develop cooking skill, he will not far near his dream.

Guest satisfaction- textbook def: which leads to guest loyalty and, yes, profit. My example: The restaurant owner knows guest satisfaction important. For instance, he always taught employees put warm smile while they serve customer.

Heart of the house- textbook def: Someone in the back of the house. My example: because someone in heart of the house support well, so the front of the house can serve customer well.

Hospitality- textbook def: The cordial and generous reception of guests or a wide range of businesses. My example: when we serve customer we always make sure they feel our good service and hospitality.

Inseparability – textbook def: The interdependence of hospitality services offered. My example: Inseparability is the characteristic that a service as which renders it impossible to divorce the supply or production of the service from its consumption.

Intangible – textbook def: meaning the guest cannot “test drive” a night’s stay or “taste the steak” before dining. Our product is for the guest’s use only, not for possession. Even more unique. My example: travel is a intangible experience, we can’t taste it just review other’s feeling about the destination before we go.

National Restaurant Association (NRA) – textbook def: The forecasts a need for thousands of supervisors and managers for the hospitality and tourism in industries. My example: NRA provide a system for guest search the hotel that they really want.

Perishability – textbook def: The limited lifetime of hospitality products. My example: service is inseparable, so it’s perishability, can’t resell.

Total quality management (TQM) – textbook def: TQW is a continuous process that works best when managers are also good leaders. My example: TQM is the soul of a company, it works by itself benefit employees and customer.

Tourism – textbook def: Travel for recreation or the promotion and arrangement of such travel. My example: the tourism support Miami’s economy.

Sustability – textbook def: Is the ability to achieve continuing economic prosperity while protecting the natural resources of the planet and providing a high quality of life for its people and future generations. My example: we cut one tree should grow a new one make our natural can protect well.

Return on investment – textbook def: for owners and/or shareholders and society. My example: People invest money for us to run a  business, and they expect a fair return on their investment.

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