

Final In-Class Review

In Class

  • In Class Final Review. Please plan to present the following:
    1. Three poster panels complete
    2. Reader Rail complete
    3. Elevations complete and/or rendered images of a situated space in CityTech with your pop-up exhibit within. 
    4. Three Directional Messages: directing people to location from 3 places on campus. This should included 6-7 pictograms/ symbols that relate to the space and your exhibit (included in the directional messages).
    5. NOTE: If parts of your presentation are still works-in-progress be prepared to explain that and how you intend to finalize. 


  • FINAL DUE Next Monday 5/23 
    1. Three poster panels
    2. Reader Rail
    3. Elevations and/or rendered images of a situated space in CityTech with your pop-up exhibit within. 
    4. Three Directional Messages: directing people to locations from 3 places on campus. This should included 6-7 pictograms/ symbols that relate to the space and your exhibit (included in the directional messages)
    5. Collection of all pieces should be designed in presentation booklet and should be saved as a PDF into the folder titled >>Assignment 11 – FinalPresentationBooklet (But if you have limited time I would rather you focus your energy on items 1-4)
  • Nigel Home’s Readings >> Week 11 Agenda
  • QUIZ extended the deadline DUE 5/23 >>QUIZ HERE