Communicating With Symbols

Communicating With Symbols Quizz

Nigel Home’s argues if you can’t read a text until you have learned how to read the marks, it’s just another language to learn, not one you can “read” by looking at the pictures. What is the point of an international picture language?
Before finishing the design of any pictogram, designers should ask themselves and other, non-designers if possible, this question: what else could this pictogram mean that I haven’t thought of? And if the image is part of a proposed universal language, designers must ask that question all over the world before claiming it has universal meaning. Why?
Blissymbols or Blissymbolics is a constructed language conceived as an ideographic writing system called Semantography consisting of several hundred basic symbols, each representing a concept, which can be composed together to generate new symbols that represent new concepts. Blissymbols differs from most of the world's major writing systems in that:
LoCoS – Lovers Communication System is another attempt at a fully pictorial language system. Based on a number of simple shapes the symbols represent basic ideas and concepts and when used in combination create more sophisticated meanings. The communication system was:
Who was the brilliant artist behind the ISOTYPE (International System of Typographic Picture Education)?
The forerunners of emojis were emoticons defined as emotional icons, punctuation marks and other typographic characters arranged to make keystrokable pictures of faces. These first appeared in:
Otto Neurath (developed in the 1920s) claimed that he was inventing a total language. When he spoke about Isotype, the graphic system he thought of it as a complete substitute for the written word.
Instead of using the length of abstract bars to denote quantities, Neurath used small pictorial icons of the commodities (or people) being charted. All icons in a chart, whatever they were depicting, were drawn to be the same height and width (and visual weight), so that when lined up in rows, one row of icons does not visually outweigh the others.
ISOTYPE was developed as a way of making charts and graphs more readable to regular people. By adding pictorial elements, while at the same time presenting the statistics in them, they were early information graphics, deliberately designed to attract the public’s interest, not just to make pretty pictures.
What do pictograms really mean? The meaning can change depending on context. Modern emoticons were intended “to take the sting out of mocking statements” and other differences of opinion in online forums.
Visual sign systems in airports, hospitals, zoos, at the Olympics, on the road, etc. are wayfinding systems, not a language.