Tiayana Ward- Food Photography

Technology is on the rise with improvements. From Niepce’s first photograph and only being able to take pictures in one place to having portal cameras to capture things in the moment, photography is one of the many things changing. Technology is becoming so advanced you can upload a picture of your dinner within seconds online. Food photography is definitely one thing that almost everyone has done whether it’s on a cell phone or an actual camera. There’s something about capturing your food, your plate in the moment before you enjoy it. As mentioned in the article, Twitter is a big site that a lot of pictures get shared on. Instagram is another one. Instagram is a picture based site. As they say a picture holds a thousand words. These days people take pictures of a meal and also mention where you can buy it from. This convenience adds promotion for businesses, shows off the beauty of the food and continues to show different styles of food photography. Before I only took pictures of things I cooked but now that I’m stepping outside of my comfort zone with trying new foods, I try to capture photos any chase I get.

Tiffany Alphonso: Food Photography

Firstly, I would like to mention that food is life. Food is a language used to unite  different cultures and for recreational purposes. Most people choose  to enjoy the company of friends and family or celebrate special occasions by dining out, so what better way to share your experiences than a photographic memory . I think taking pictures of food creates an illusion that one is having or has a spectacular life. Also it gives the audience of people looking at your photos an intimate feel of who you are. Taking pictures of foods and events are usually done so that one can look back and appreciate good times and also to cherish fulfilling moments. Photographs of food is also a great way to advertise the skill and creativity of the person that prepared and cooked it. Nowadays, people seem to be intrigued by the idea of trying new food trends and exotic foods, so snapping a picture to share will always be helpful to the viewers .

Baked potatoes, steamed vegetables, garlic shrimp and fresh salad ... Made at home 😊

Baked potatoes, steamed vegetables, garlic shrimp and fresh salad … Made at home 😊


Felecia Stuart: The Food Photographing Generation.

It’s no secret that photography has taken over this generation. With the ongoing development of technology, and the growing dependancies on smartphones, you almost always have a camera available when needed. That being said, cell phones are being used less for direct contact and more for communicating via social media. Things like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and especially Instagram are changing the way we express ourselves to the world. Instagram specifically targets photography. You take a photo and upload it within seconds and almost immediately after, you get a notification of someone liking it. Like the “Iphone 5” video showed, it gives you this false sense of fulfillment. I myself am guilty of posting photos on Instagram and waiting for the likes to add up. And though I have never posted pictures of food, I do follow several food blogs. I follow blogs that post recipes and blogs that give recommendations to different restaurants around NYC, you can kind of say its purely educational. I think the only time I personally take photos of my food, its food that I make and pictures of the steps to get to it. Maybe its because i’m not that great a photographer, or maybe its because I don’t really get the point, but I don’t see myself posting a picture of my dinner anytime soon. IMG_7445

Homework #1: Photographing Food

Taking pictures of all types of food is something we see people doing everyday. I never understood why people did this, but I started to gain more interest once I started taking some of my hospitality classes. I started taking pictures of food because it was something new to me that I never had as far as taste and quality. The other reason why I started to take pictures is because of the way the food was presented in the plate. Pamela Hollinger, an independent radio programmer, said that she takes pictures of the food she is eating or the food she finished making and just show it off. I understand the feeling she gets when she receives comments about her postings. I like making food and asking family members their thoughts as far as the visual and taste. I like trying new things out and when it comes to food the visual part is very important since all of us eat with our eyes first. Joe Catterson, the general manager of Alinea restaurant in Chicago, said that there was a man who left his wife sitting on the table because he arrived with the wrong lens. I take pictures once in a while but I’m amazed that some people posts blogs everyday.