Week 11 Weekly Assignment (Thurs. April 22nd)

Project 3 Proposal

Note: Here is a link to where you can find the project description!

Write a BRIEF Project Proposal that describes your TOPIC, GENRE, AUDIENCE and PLANS for GETTING STARTED 🙂

  1. The prompt for this unit asks you to answer one or both of the following questions: “How has the past year challenged or changed you?” or “What have you learned from the hardships of the past year that you would like to share with others?”  What do you intend to write about in this unit? 
  2. The assignment also asks you to be specific– to talk about a particular aspect of the year that only you can talk about (or to tweak it in your own particular way!) How do you intend to make this project YOURS? (Remember to look at the “Tips” in the Week 11 PowerPoint – Thurs.)
  3. What discourse community (audience) are you trying to reach in Module 3– and what genre do you think will best reach them?  In other words, what kind of document are you going to make? A video essay with interviews? A series of infographics? A comic book?
  4. What is the first step you’ll take to get started?

REMEMBER, ALL PROPOSALS MUST BE APPROVED BY ME! This isn’t a matter of strictness– this is so we’re all on the same page– so you don’t spend your time doing something that I don’t feel fulfills this assignment!  If you decide to change your project, run the new project by me– for your sake!



  1. mustapha

    The topic I plan on writing about for this unit is the pandemic and how it made me realize that even if you are in a terrible situation, there are ways to view it as a positive. The aspect or time period that I will be writing about is last February/March. That’s around the time when schools first shut down and we saw how terrifying covid really is. The discourse community that I am trying to reach with this Module is students that are on the brink of quitting or students that are in school but aren’t applying themselves. The first step that I could take for this is to collect and remember my emotions and feelings during that time. I think its best that I write this in n article format, maybe with a few pictures because I want it to be taken as a serious heart to heart with some fun bits in it, so the reader wouldn’t get bored.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      EXCELLENT! Love this topic, audience, purpose. An article is a good format. Just to make it multimodal, make sure to add photos, maybe some hyperlinks and other visuals.

  2. Hamely Jose Taveras

    This past year has changed me in so many ways. It was the year where I decided to graduate early with no prom, senior trip, graduation ceremony, many deaths, protests, gun violence, and police brutality. While everything is happening there was no more volleyball or church, therefore ni was stuck home. Church and volleyball were my only way to reduce stress and just really have some rest from stress and all the chaos of the world. Not having those things led me to mature and build a relationship with God. Starting college is not easy and especially from home and while all that chaos is happening. The way im going to make this project mine is using photo essay almost like comic anime where I tell my story of transitioning from being a kid to being mature and responsible. My target community discord is to the people that starting college and have to transition from a high school mindset to this high learning where your matureness and responsibility are challenged. I will be used the photo essay like a comic book to just show that emotional appeal. I will be showing some way that I felt and just tell my story hoping that it helps anyone that may be struggling with the same. I will start writing down what I felt in that process at that time, what was happening around and then I will explain how everything change.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      LOVE this topic! Love your ideas for your multimodal text.

      This past year has changed me in so many ways. It was the year where I decided to graduate early [DID YOU DECIDE TO HAVE NO PROM ETC OR WHAT THAT CHOICE MADE FOR YOU?] with no prom, senior trip, graduation ceremony. IT WAS ALSO A YEAR WITH many deaths, protests, DEVASTATING ACTS OF gun violence, and VIOLENT EXAMPLES OF police brutality. While everything is WAS happening there was no more volleyball or church, therefore I was stuck AT home. Church and volleyball were my only wayS to reduce stress and TO just really have A BREAK FROM THE some rest from stress and all the chaos of the world. Not having those things led me to mature and build a relationship with God. Starting college is not easy and especially from home and while all that chaos is happening. The way I’m going to make this project mine is BY CREATING A using photo essay almost like comic anime where I tell my story of transitioning from being a kid to being mature and responsible. My target DISCOURSE community is the people that ARE starting college and have to transition from a high school mindset to this highER learning ESTABLISHMENT / PLACE / SETTING where your matureness and responsibility are challenged. I will USE the photo essay like a comic book to just show that emotional appeal. I will be showing some way that I felt and just tell my story hoping that it helps anyone that may be struggling with the same ISSUES. I will start writing down what I felt in that process at that time, what was happening around and then I will explain how everything changeD.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      LOVE this topic! Love your ideas for your multimodal text.

      This past year has changed me in so many ways. It was the year where I decided to graduate early [DID YOU DECIDE TO HAVE NO PROM ETC OR WHAT THAT CHOICE MADE FOR YOU?] with no prom, senior trip, graduation ceremony. IT WAS ALSO A YEAR WITH many deaths, protests, DEVASTATING ACTS OF gun violence, and VIOLENT EXAMPLES OF police brutality. While everything is WAS happening there was no more volleyball or church, therefore I was stuck AT home. Church and volleyball were my only wayS to reduce stress and TO just really have A BREAK FROM THE some rest from stress and all the chaos of the world. Not having those things led me to mature and build a relationship with God. Starting college is not easy and especially from home and while all that chaos is happening. The way I’m going to make this project mine is BY CREATING A using photo essay almost like comic anime where I tell my story of transitioning from being a kid to being mature and responsible. My target DISCOURSE community is the people that ARE starting college and have to transition from a high school mindset to this highER learning ESTABLISHMENT / PLACE / SETTING where your matureness and responsibility are challenged. I will USE the photo essay like a comic book to just show that emotional appeal. I will be showing some way that I felt and just tell my story hoping that it helps anyone that may be struggling with the same ISSUES. I will start writing down what I felt in that process at that time, what was happening around and then I will explain how everything changeD.

  3. Elma Kastrat

    Last year was really hard for me especially because of switching from remote to online learning, work and being in lockdows for a long time. However, respecting all rules and protecting myself and my family by using masks and gloves God saved us and keeps saving us. I learned that there is a lot of people in the world who always have problems with the food and clothes, and that after coronavirus started spreading people started to learn and see what does it mean bee without food especially when you are not able to buy it because store were empty or because you lost the job and you don’t have money.
    I would like to make this assignment like an essay which can explain how me and my family struggled in the beginning of coronavirus and as well as I have family in my country so I would like to talk about them. As a result, I will write an essay about how my family was fighting with coronavirus on two fronts, in the USA and Montenegro. It will be an opinion essay which can be completed with some pictures related to it. First step that I will take it’s that I will try to collect all information about my family in my country and put it together with facts that I know about my family here.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Last year was really hard for me especially because of THE SWITCH FROM REMOTE TO ONLINE LEARNING switching from remote to online learning, work and being in lockdowNs for a long time. However, respecting all rules and protecting myself and my family by using masks and gloves, God saved us and keeps saving us. I learned that there is a lot of people in the world who always have problems with OBTAINING / GETTING food and clothes, and that after coronavirus started spreading people started to learn and see what does it mean be without food especially when you are not able to buy it because storeS were empty or because you lost the job and you don’t have money.
      I would like to make this assignment like an essay which can explain how me and my family struggled in the beginning of coronavirus. SINCE I have family in my HOME country, I would like to talk about them AND THEIR EXPERIENCES AS WELL. As a result, I will write an essay about how my family was fighting with coronavirus on two fronts, in the USA and Montenegro. It will be an opinion essay which can be completed with some pictures related to it. First step that I will take it’s that I will try to collect all information about my family in my country and put it together with facts that I know about my family here. IN ORDER TO MAKE THIS A MULTIMODAL TEXT, I THINK IT MIGHT BE BETTER TO WRITE A BLOG THAN AN OPINION ESSAY, DOES THAT MAKE SENSE? YOU CAN WRITE YOUR OPINION AND ADD IMAGES AND MAYBE EVEN HYPERLINKS OR SOMETHING?

  4. Arian Qosaj

    This past year has challenged me because of the switch to online learning. In this unit I want to focus on how quarantine and online learning showed a huge change for me and how it took some time to get used to both of these. Also, what I think of online learning. The discourse community that I will be trying to reach is other students that possibly feel the same way about this situation. I will be making a photo essay. The first step that I’ll take is to brainstorm ideas of what it was like during last March and how my perspective of online learning was like.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      This past year has challenged me because of the switch to online learning. In this unit, I want to focus on how quarantine and online learning WAS huge change for me and how it took some time to get used to both of these. Also, I WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS / TALK ABOUT/ SHARE what I think of online learning. The discourse community that I will be trying to reach is other students that possibly feel the same way about this situation. I will be making a photo essay. The first step that I’ll take is to brainstorm ideas of what it was like during last March and how my perspective of online learning was like.

  5. Kevin Yu

    Last year has been rough, from COVID-19 to injustice from hate to capital lockdown. America was in a tough situation and is starting to heal a bit from last year and with all of that comes politics, I don’t like politics but I don’t really have issues other than pushing forward and making it to the end of the semester. I rather talk about politics than myself because it’s hard to write about myself or even describe myself in words. Current events such as Russia-Ukraine the end of America’s long war or the Capitol Riots, are the topics I want to discuss. How I will reach my target audience is by comic or infographics because I do like drawing and drawing with politics won’t make it as boring as an article or newspaper would. I have many ideas on how to get started but I just need to focus on how I would execute my comic or infographic because I don’t want to overwhelm myself if it gets too difficult to do.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Last year has been rough, from COVID-19 to injustice from hate to THE capital lockdown. America was in a tough situation and WE/ IT is starting to heal a bit from last year and with all of that comes politics. I don’t like politics, but I don’t really have issues other than pushing forward and making it to the end of the semester. I rather talk about politics than myself because it’s hard to write about myself or even describe myself in words. Current events such as Russia-Ukraine the end of America’s long war or the Capitol Riots, are the topics I want to discuss. How I will reach my target audience is by comic or infographics because I do like drawing and drawing with politics won’t make it as boring as an article or newspaper would. I have many ideas on how to get started but I just need to focus on how I would execute my comic or infographic because I don’t want to overwhelm myself if it gets too difficult to do.

  6. Tenzin Namgyal

    This past year has been one of the strangest years I have ever experienced. COVID-19 made sure that I wouldn’t get to have the full highschool experience, and it also made sure I would be stuck home for most of the year. I also had to adapt to going to school everyday to then going to school online and not having anyone to talk to instead just stare at a screen for 5 hours a day. What I intend to write about is how the past year has taught me many valuable things. I had to start growing up and couldn’t just be a kid like before. The discourse community that I am trying to reach for module 3 is students who feel the same way I feel and their experience getting through this terrible year. I will write an essay and the first step I will take is to note down all of the things that I experienced last year.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      This past year has been one of the strangest years I have ever experienced. COVID-19 made sure that I wouldn’t get to have the full high school experience, and it also made sure I would be stuck home for most of the year. I also had to adapt FROM going to school everyday IN PERSON to then going to school online and not having anyone to talk to instead just HAVING TO stare at a screen for 5 hours a day. What I intend to write about is how the past year has taught me many valuable things. I had to start growing up and couldn’t just be a kid like before. The discourse community that I am trying to reach for module 3 is students who feel the same way I feel and their experience getting through this terrible year. I will write an essay and the first step I will take is to note down all of the things that I experienced last year.

  7. Shaniyah

    For me this year changed my perspective on nursing It made me think about the risk I will be taking everyday at work. It also made me think about how of much of a hero I will be for thousands of people. It opened up my eyes but I now know for sure that I want to be a nurse because the stories about the nurses in the pandemic, it didn’t scare me enough. It made me want to be a nurse even more because of the shortage in nursing . Academic wise I was challenged because I lost motivation for class. I thought too much was going on in the world to focus on school work. For this project I want to kind of add on to my previous article about nursing during the pandemic although I want to spin it in a different direction. I would want to do a speech about the dedication it takes to really be a nurse, and how you have to really have a passion to treat people because you are risking you and your families lives for your job. My intended audience would be future nurses and I want to make it a speech because I can make it more persuasive and engage my audience, by incorporating questions. My first step would be looking at speech templates .

    • Rebekah Coleman

      LOVE YOUR TOPIC AND GENRE! For me, this year changed my perspective on nursing. It made me think about the risk I will be taking everyday at work. It also made me think about how of much of a hero I will be for thousands of people. It opened up my eyes, but I now know for sure that I want to be a nurse because OF the stories about the nurses in the pandemic. It didn’t scare me enough. It made me want to be a nurse even more because of the shortage in nursing . Academic-wise, I was challenged because I lost motivation for class. I thought too much was going on in the world to focus on school work. For this project I want to kind of REPURPOSE NOT ADD ON! add on to my previous article about nursing during the pandemic although I want to spin it in a different direction. I would want to do a speech about the dedication it takes to really be a nurse, and how you have to really have a passion to treat people because you are risking you and your families lives for your job. My intended audience would be future nurses and I want to make it a speech because I can make it more persuasive and engage my audience, by incorporating questions. My first step would be looking at speech templates . GREAT!

  8. Annie Obas

    This past year has been exhausting for everybody especially for the college freshman, graduating high school with no prom and all the magic of the last year. This year we have seen it all from extreme racism to a disease that kills with no warning. When everything was normal i used to write myself those little notes, those long memo and read them to myself as therapy but as quarantine started it was all stressed and my journal more empty. So i plan on writing a blog to myself and to people who understand how it felt to jungle between online classes and your own personal dilemma.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      LOVE THE TOPIC AND GENRE! This past year has been exhausting for everybody BUT especially for college freshman WHO graduatED high school with no prom and all the magic of the last year. This year we have seen it all from extreme racism to a disease that kills with no warning. When everything was normal, I used to write myself thEse little notes, thEse long memoS and read them to myself as therapy, but as quarantine started it was all stressFUL and my journal BECAME more empty. So I plan on writing a blog to myself and to people who understand how it felt to jungle between online classes and your own personal dilemma. GREAT!

  9. Isael Castillo

    This past year has been really difficult for me in a lot of ways. Trying to adapt to a new way of life, struggling in college. Covid has been a wild experience especially for young people, in my case covid has shown me the good and bad in life. The topic I want to write about is Black Life Matter. I think this topic is important to me because in the middle of a global pandemic I saw society go out and supported a fight that benefits the human race. The time period I will be writing about is around April/July. The discourse community I want to reach is everyone to give even more awareness to this situation to have more equal rights for everyone on this earth. I think the way I’m going to write about this in a photo essay format to shown pictures that tell stories about how society came together for a cause that will define generations.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      LOVE THE TOPIC AND GENRE. MAKE SURE TO ADD CAPTIONS TO THE PHOTOS! This past year has been really difficult for me in a lot of ways. Trying to adapt to a new way of life AND struggling in college. Covid has been a wild experience, especially for young people. In my case covid has shown me the good and bad in life. The topic I want to write about is Black LiVES Matter MOVEMENT. I think this topic is important to me because in the middle of a global pandemic I saw society go out and supported a fight that benefits the human race. The time period I will be writing about is around April/July. The discourse community I want to reach is everyone to give even more awareness to this situation to have more equal rights for everyone on this earth. I think the way I’m going to write about this in a photo essay format to shown pictures that tell stories about how society came together for a cause that will define generations.

  10. BrandonP

    Throughout the past year, life was very tough and required a lot of mental strength to get through things. I remember my last day of high school like yesterday. Everybody thought we would be back in class in a week when in reality we never did go back. These were tough times because you never got to say farewell to most of your friends. Also as a senior, you never got any of those special moments like a prom or even graduation. Graduation was held on youtube which is something I never thought would happen. Through the pandemic, my job shut down causing me to go on in life without an income, I got Covid as well as my entire family. It was a tough time to get through however with the positivity and family support I was able to get through it. In this unit, I intend on writing about keeping a positive mindset through hardships. The audience I will be writing to is people are not feeling their best and feeling down. I plan on using some cheerful pictures to bring good positivity to and as well as interviews.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      LOVE THE TOPIC, AUDIENCE AND GENRE. Throughout the past year, life was very tough and required a lot of mental strength to get through things. I remember my last day of high school like yesterday. Everybody thought we would be back in class in a week when in reality we never did go back. ThOse were tough times because you never got to say farewell to most of your friends. Also, as a senior, you never got any of those special moments like a prom or even graduation. Graduation was held on YOuTube which is something I never thought would happen. ThroughOUT the pandemic, my job shut down causing me to go on in life without an income. I got Covid as well as my entire family. It was a tough time to get through, however with the positivity and family support I was able to get through it. In this unit, I intend on writing about keeping a positive mindset through hardships. The audience I will be writing to is people are not feeling their best and feeling down. I plan on using some cheerful pictures to bring good positivity to and as well as interviews.

  11. Pedro Flores

    The topic I would like to write about for project 3 is how the pandemic changed my life. I would also like to write about how these emotions you were feeling or the situation you were in will not last. believe in yourself and you will get through it. I want to focus on when the pandemic hit us really hard and when there were a lot of deaths. The audience Is people who were going through a hard time during the pandemic or lost a loved one i want to share my story so that they know that they are not alone and have someone to relate to. I am going to write this in a essay form.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      LOVE THE TOPIC. MY CONCERN ABOUT AN ESSAY IS THAT IT WILL BE HARD TO MAKE IT MULTIMODAL. I THINK MAYBE YOU COULD WRITE IT IN BLOG FORMAT WHICH IS SIMILAR TO AN ESSAY, AND LETS YOU WRITE YOUR OPINION BUT INSERT OTHER MODES SUCH AS MAYBE IMAGES OR GRAPHICS OR VISUALS OF SOME SORT? LET’S DISCUSS. The topic I would like to write about for project 3 is how the pandemic changed my life. I would also like to write about how these emotions you were feeling or the situation you were in will not last. HOW YOU JUST HAVE TO believe in yourself and you will get through it. I want to focus on when the pandemic hit us really hard and when there were a lot of deaths. The audience is people who were going through a hard time during the pandemic or lost a loved one. I want to share my story so that they know that they are not alone and have someone to relate to. I am going to write this in aN essay formAT.

  12. Hanting Hu

    The topic of my project 3 is the impact of COVID-19 on restaurants. In the past year, I get a test that is positive but mildly infected with COVID-19. At that time, I was scared, and with the help of my family, I finally got better. Later on, I often wondered how those people would not go out because they didn’t want to be infected and how the restaurant should get through the difficulties because there are no customers. My discourse community is restaurant owners and employees. I think the type of poster content is most suitable for them.

  13. Ahsan

    The last two years changed me in so many ways. My father passed away 2 years ago and we moved to USA. Especially it’s hard for me to handle life at home with my mom. I have no siblings and was having to take care of everything , which was very challenging. After we moved here I continued my studies. After few months I started the part time job to handle my expenses. but I will try my best to care of my mom.

  14. Christina Bethelmy

    What I plan on writing about is how during this pandemic I feel like I have got closer to my friends as well and feel like I have become more outgoing since this pandemic. I also feel like I have gained more hobbies during this pandemic and I realize what new things I can try because of all the free time that I have gained. It has helped me to learn some new realizations about myself as well. My mental health was not well during the pandemic but during this pandemic I have realized how much it affects me and it makes me wanna be better every day. The audience I will be writing to is people who’s mental health have changed when the pandemic lock down happened and how to keep a good attitude and handle or cope with situations/problems during this difficult nd complicated time.

  15. Jeimi Bravo

    I plan on writing is puzzling through the pandemic; when covid began I did not believe it getting worse until it did. Quarantine was announced, and there was nothing to do but stay at home. I was always fascinated by doing puzzles because it eased my mind, and it took time to do, so it became more of a hobby. Quarantine was very challenging because with so many deaths occurring it was scary to know that many loved ones were suffering and leaving this earth. My mom is an ill person, and it was so important to keep her safe, but my mom has always been active; she would go to the gym and work, so her staying at home for months making her feel down. My solution was puzzling, she was not able to do much because of her eyesight, but she tried her best; it was troubling seeing her suffer. I learned how to have patience and extend myself to trying new things. For my project, I plan on explaining the hardships but adding the aspects of a puzzle. I plan on reaching those who do puzzles and create them as a hobby. I plan on writing an essay with photos of my summer activities to tell a story and explain what I felt. First I would take a look at what I did and ask my family with whom I quarantined and ask how they felt.

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