Week 9 Weekly Assignment (Tues. April 6th)

We are about to begin Drafting Our Article. Make sure that you have a specific Genre Chosen (based on your mentor article) and that you know the elements of the genre (what you have to include in order for it to be an example of the genre. 

For your Homework this week, I want you to look carefully at your research questions, the quotes, paraphrased information and summaries of your sources that you wrote. Using that information, it is time to start to answer questions. 


  1. Think about what you know about the problem. Look at your (What I Know / What I Want to Learn charts). How can you frame or provide context about the problem in a way that your audience will understand?
  2. Describe the problem. 
  3. Analyze the problem to identify its parts, its causes and its effects. (look at your research questions, quotes, summaries and paraphrased information) 
  4. Describe what other people think about the problem (both those who agree with your position and those who disagree. (use your sources and research)
  5. Identify and describe: Who suffers from the problem?
  6. Identify and describe: Why should readers care about the problem?


  1. Go through your research. What possible solutions to the problem have been proposed? Which do you think is the most effective? Or do you have a better solution?
  2. Propose a possible solution to the problem and then explain why you think this solution could work.




  1. Hamely Jose Taveras

    We are about to begin Drafting Our Article. Make sure that you have a specific Genre Chosen (based on your mentor article) and that you know the elements of the genre (what you have to include in order for it to be an example of the genre.
    For your homework this week, I want you to look carefully at your research questions, the quotes, paraphrased information, and summaries of your sources that you wrote. Using that information, it is time to start to answer questions.
    I will be using two mentor articles. The first one is the “Why I’m Behind the Athletes’ Bill of Rights” by Cory Booker, I will be using just genre of being an opinion article. For my second article, I will be using “Understanding Discourse Communities” by Dan Melzer. I will be using his structure and breaks down my article into pieces like my personal story, problem, benefits, and the two solutions. Therefore I will make it very easy for my audience to understand my reading. I will also start adding visual aid for and more exciting article. I will also make sure to be very clear on what I say.
    Describe the problem.
    What I know;
    *I know low-income schools are not getting enough funding to invest in sports clubs.
    *I know many low-income schools don’t have proper facilities and equipment.
    * I know that many schools don’t have a lot of sport due to the lack of equipment.
    * I know that many schools have to go to the park for training.
    *I know that low-income is getting targeted for poverty.
    I wanna know;
    * Why are low-income not getting enough funding?
    * I wanna know why people are not talking about it?
    * Is there an average of funding for school?
    * How do they get funding?
    *Where is the funding going?
    The problem is that low-income schools don’t have the proper facilities and equipment. This led schools to cut sport or ask parents to pay for their kid’s expenses. According to Kelley Hollard in the article “Shut out: Young athletes sidelined by money By Kelley Hollard” informs how students are being shut out of the sport because of the money expense. The rhetorical appeal is that the new user is an example of a family showing evidence that it happens to people. The author uses facts about the families with all income and how they are not able to cover the expense for sport. The low-income schools are getting shut out of school because they can afford the high expense. Low-income schools tend to not receive enough funding and most of the funding to the academic side like the classrooms, books, and school equipment. A lot of schools tend to leave the sports club for last or forget about it. The effect of these problems is that low-income school students are getting shut out of all the sports benefits. Some think that sports are not very important and that why some schools forget about school. I think some people think like that because they don’t know all the benefits of sports. There some people that agree with me because they understand the importance of sports. There are many articles that explain all the benefits of sports from long-term and short-term health benefits, academic benefits, and social benefits. According to the article “The Benefits of Playing Sports Aren’t Just Physical!” A survey of individuals at the level of executive Vice President of 75 Fortune 500 companies showed that 95% of them played sports in high school. We can’t argue that If you play sports you’re going to have a good job and make good money. I can say that sports show leadership skills, teamwork, hard work, and determination to help students prepare for the future whether it is a career or community. To add more there an article that explains that the health benefit and they are many articles that explain the health benefits. According to the article posted by the US National library of medicine National Institution of Health Name “ Physical Activity and Sports—Real Health Benefits: A Review with Insight into the Public Health of Sweden” practicing physical activity reduces stress. They surveyed age 16-84 and they measured people’s stress levels Of people who practice a sport or any physical activity for 30 min per day and others that don’t. Research showed that the people who practiced sport levels of stress were lower, but people who didn’t practice physical activity were having bad health and stress levels were very high. In addition in the article ‘Believe of sports to students By Amir la is KHELIL explains the different benefits of spores not only to get in shape but play sports teaches you life lessons and many social benefits. The author uses many rhetorical appeals. For example, he uses pathos and ethos to show his credibility. We explain as a student why he learns while playing sports. The author says “ I learned that I’m not always going to get the results that I want but no matter why I have to persevere and not give up” which shows emotional appeal and what he learned and benefited from sports. He also uses facts explaining how the healthcare professional recommends physical activity to manage stress activity. The author’s tone is very professional and formal. The one that suffers from these problems is low-income schools. The readers should care about this problem because the youth is the future and they need to grow and experience life. They are the future they should be part of the sports and not get shut out.
    1.You could donate money to the organization on the website Leveling The Playing Fields that focuses on donating sports gear to low-income schools and they also give free sports gear for free.
    2.You can also donate used sports gear to the sports shed organization by going on the website and following the instructions. I will be providing the links in my article. If you can do neither of these you can raise your voice on social media bring up awareness so other people can hear it.
    “Donate to Sports Charity.” Leveling the Playing Field, http://www.levelingtheplayingfield.org/donate/.
    “Home.” The Sports Shed, 5 Dec. 2020, thesportsshed.org/.
    Donating money and actual gear are very effective because they are given differently to clubs, programs, and low-income schools. I think it could work because you know that they will be getting the actual gears and you know what they are used for.

  2. mustapha

    What I know about the problem is that there is alot of toxicity inside of the fandom . In order to make the audience understand it a little better, I could give them a breakdown of all the positive aspects of mma to show that there is some good to it. The problem is how some people like to spread hate and negativity when the rest of the community could be expressing interest, happiness, or excitement towards something. It could result from biases or their favorite fighter not getting the light shone them, or it could be something personal. Still no excuse to be negative. It’s the general belief that the community would be much better off without those interactions within it. Of course there are some people that believe that maybe it’s required for someone to play devils advocate in order to further the discussion, but I disagree. The people who suffer from this problem are the people who enjoy mma and joined the community solely for that reason. Not to have debates, but to enjoy fights. Readers should care about this problem because this isn’t a problem that only pertains to this community, it could happen in any community and should be stopped at the source.
    Part 2: A possible solution that I have found for this problem is to just ignore block and mute the people who would rather argue their point and not listen to anyone else’s opinions, and when proved wrong, resorts to insults. Another is to just disband the community as a whole because if it’s based on the internet, there’ll always be toxicity and negativity. I don’t agree with this though because if you leave then you are letting the trolls win.

  3. Kevin Yu

    What I know:
    – Boeing uses 777s mainly for their fleet.
    -Uses Pratt and Whitney Engines.
    -Reliable Engines.
    -777s are flown by other countries
    -Can swap out engines when you buy a 777 jet.
    -Boeing was making planes since WWII.

    What I want to Know:
    -How Reliable are the Pratt and Whitney engines?
    -How good is Boeings Reputation?
    -Is Boeing covering up their own issues?
    -How much does it cost to maintain a Boeing Jet?
    -Can Boeing live up to its Promises?

    Define the Problem: Boeing 777 fleets have been grounded because of an issue with the engines they use mainly the Pratt and Whitney Jet engines.

    Describe the Problem: Boeing is grounding the 777 fleets for further inspections of the Pratt and Whitney engines that are on the Boeing 777s because of recent accidents in the air causing the jet engines to catch fire while in flight.

    Analysis: The causes of the Pratt and Whitney engines catching fire is the cause of lack of training and lack of inspection to identify if a fan blade from the engines are worn out and need replacement, a quote from the New York Times, “After investigating that episode, the N.T.S.B. placed blame on Pratt & Whitney, saying that one of its inspectors lacked the training needed to catch signs of a faulty blade, resulting in a blade with a crack being returned to service where it eventually fractured.” The effects of a faulty blade in service causes the blade to fracture in the engines causing massive damage or destroying engines completely The effects of human error on jet inspections cause list of damage, quote from USA TODAY, “The NTSB’s initial examination found: The inlet and cowling were separated from the engine. Two fan blades were fractured. One fan blade was fractured near the root. An adjacent fan blade was fractured about mid-span. A portion of one blade was embedded in the containment ring. The remainder of the fan blades showed damage on the tips and leading edges.

    What others Think: While the majority of people say that a better inspection of jets should be implemented and to train workers better should be a standard others might say it a waste of time and that the money should be spent more on jets or the maintenance of jets rather than spending it on workers and the training that they go through.

    Who suffers from the Problem?: Travelers who want to go away for the summer vacation, spent tons of money on a ticket, and want to travel and have a jet engine explode in mid-flight will scare me, and having to land and wait for another jet is annoying and time-wasting, I wouldn’t even want to go on another jet when an engine explodes and this will hurt the companies reputation because of the lack of maintenance and training.

    Why YOU should care about the Problem: Who wants a piece of the engine in their backyard? Safety in the air should be the first priority of any airliner because the amount of accidents in the air is unacceptable and having falling debris from a blown jet engine can fall on people and damage property, we want to go to point A to point B without accidents we can’t eliminate human error instantly but keeping regular maintenance and inspections while the superiors stand by them and teach them more about the fan blades would go a long way so YOU should care about these problems.

    Sources Solutions: Give more inspections on engines. While I do agree with Inspection it is not enough to avoid accidents and that’s why I’m proposing these.

    My Solutions: Give more hours to those who inspect the jet engines while superior double checks on the first inspection, maintenance should be a double standard for jets who are in storage and is going to be in service again, replace engines and maintain them once every three months just like how the MTA replaces wheels on the trains and give the trains new hulls. I believe that my solutions work because we cannot eliminate human error so we should check, double-check and triple-check the engines whether if they were in service or not, and replacing engines once every 3 months can lessen human error since it is a brand new engine which gives less stress to those who maintain and inspect engines.

  4. Elma Kastrat


    Cashiers are people who are working at the stores such as supermarkets, bouquets,etc. Their job is to handle payments and receipts on cash registers.
    I will use the article “Understanding of Discourse Community” by Dan Meltzer as my mentor article. I will try to break down my research into small pieces like what’s the cashier, what’s their job, problems with which they struggle before and during coronavirus time. I will try to write it in an easy way so that my audience will be able to understand what’s the point of this story.

    **What I know:
    – I know that casiers are people who really work hard and put all their effort in their work.
    – I know that cashiers are people who get the same rate paid like other people in the store but the amount which they earn by the end of each week it’s different from the amount which stock people get.
    – I know that cashiers although they work hard they almost never get an overtime schedule because most of the bosses don’t like to give their cashiers overtime.
    – I know that cashiers use different lexis of language to talk with customers and their colleagues such as produce codes, bakery codes, language which only people who work on cash registers can understand.
    – I know that anyone can be a cashier. It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, everyone has equal chances and rights to be a cashier.

    **What I would like to know:
    – Why are cashiers treated differently than stock people?
    – Why do cashiers usually work less than 40 hours?
    – Why do cashiers feel insecure during their work? Is it different during coronavirus times?
    – Why are customers usually so rude to the cashiers?
    – What do cashiers do and how do they struggle to work during coronavirus?

    The problem is that all the time cashiers are putting in different ranges than the other people. As well as the problem is also that so many times they have been abused and get fired from their jobs just because customers are rude to them. In all stores there is the phrase “Customers are always right and we need to make all customers happy even though they don’t make us” with which I disagree. This causes so many problems. In the article “The Our View: Cashiers Shouldn’t Have to Put up with Rude Behavior” by MetroWest Daily News we can see problems with cashiers faced at the beginning of the coronavirus with customers and what they were forced to do. Although so many grocery stores at the beginning of coronavirus gave employees a bonus for working with risk of their work, these people didn’t apply for jobs where they are criticized because of company policies. In addition, there have been much bigger problems which they met from customers’ side and that weren’t just words which came from the customer’s mouth, but their reactions which were abusive, uncivil;e and in some many cases led to the criminal. Another example of this situation is the video “Supermarket cashiers have become critical employees amid coronavirus pandemic” from YouTube, by Andre Malok, NJ Advance Media for NJ.com. It is about Lady Brandy who’s a cashier at a supermarket and what it looks like working at the supermarket during coronavirus. She told us that her job it’s not easy but it’s really nice. Helping people and working for them benefits our lives and gets us a better picture of the world. Although there are people who don’t appreciate cashiers work Lady Brandy tells us how she tries to help them and sanitize everything so that she can protect them at least for a little bit of coronavirus. Making an interview with a bookkeeper at my store (SuperFresh Market) I was able to find answers on these questions and understand the situation in which we have been for more than one year. She told me that there were a couple people who got sick because of coronavirus but it’s good that they recovered it without big consequences. She told me also that in the beginning of coronavirus they gave cashiers longer shifts and more hours because they had a lot of work to do in the store and they needed workers. They kept doing that for more than two months, but later when things started to slow down and when they got back their supplies with groceries and cleaning stuff they cut hours and gave cashiers back their regular hours. In addition, she told me that there were a lot of people who got scared of coronavirus and who got worried for their lives. They left work and it was very hard to find new people who would work because a lot of people were scared. There are a couple more problems with which cashiers used to force at the beginning of coronavirus. In the article “Grocery Workers Are Beginning to Die of Coronavirus” Abha Bhattarai told us that one of the biggest supermarket mistakes was that they didn’t allow employees to wear masks and gloves in the way they wanted to. However, just because of that it was hard to find new employees and it’s still hard because people have been scared and most of them stand that it’s better for them to be unemployed instead of risking their lives for this kind of job. On the other hand, there were people who liked to do this job and nothing couldn’t stop them. Example of a person like that is the 27th years old Leilani Jordan from Maryland who lost her job working at the supermarket. She used to say that she is going to work because someone needs to help senior people to get their food. However, she got sick from coronavirus and she died. Today everything is different. All stores are fully equipped with all stuff to protect their employees and all stores require their employees to use masks. People think that working in the supermarket it’s easiest job and that cashiers don’t do almost anything, but that’s not true. I know that there are people who agree and disagree with me, but after reading my article I hope that there will be people who will change their opinions and see that it’s not everything how it looks.


    I think the solution for this problem might be to try to make people read newspapers, articles, watch movies, short videos, etc. where ascent is given to the cashiers so that people can see that they are not fair and that they should change their behavior for cashiers.
    Although it might take months or years to implement this solution, it would actually take longer to implement the solution and led people to think that they should show at least a little respect to the cashiers just because of everything they do for them.
    There are critics who think that only a few people would benefit from solving the problem between customers and cashiers, but that fact is, we all benefit because I think that the world will look better if we will have respect for the people and treat them in different ways.
    In addition, I think that also owners of the supermarkets should make equality between cashiers and stock people and make them to be at least little equally.

  5. Arian Qosaj

    What I know:
    – Most nurses are required to work overtime
    – It affects a nurses personal health in many negative ways
    – Mandatory overtime can cause fatigue which then leads to medical mistakes
    – Nurses can show poor performance
    – Nurses can have poor sleep quality

    What I want to learn:
    – What are the risks of having mandatory overtime for nurses?
    – How long is a overtime shift for nurses?
    – What health issues can mandatory overtime lead to?
    – Why are nurses required to work overtime?
    – How can overtime for a nurse affect a patients safeness?

    Define the Problem: Mandatory overtime affects nurses in many negative ways.

    Describe the Problem: Mandatory overtime affects a nurses personal health, sleep quality, safeness, emotions, and the way they view their job.

    Analysis: When nurses are required to work overtime, they are being exposed to health problems, sleep deprivation, burnout, and job dissatisfaction. Not getting the proper amount of sleep affects the way a nurse does their job and the patients safeness. According to the article “Dangers of Mandated Overtime for Nurses” by Sarah Stasik, when a nurse is required to work overtime they are more likely to make mistakes and put a patient in danger. The article also states that not enough sleep can cause “declines in cognitive functioning, including concentration, reaction times, memory and motor skills”. Job dissatisfaction plays a large role in making nurses view their job differently and question it.

    What other people think: Most of my sources say that this is a problem that needs to be fixed, mandatory overtime should not be allowed.

    Who suffers from the problem: Nurses, because they are the ones that are doing the job and are the ones that are taking care of patients and their needs.

    Why readers should care about the problem: Because it’s an issue that is harmful to nurses that needs to be changed and banned.

    Solution: Ban mandatory overtime for nurses

    Possible solution: Ban mandatory overtime because it causes way too many health problems for nurses and it can be dangerous for patients.

  6. Annie

    What i know :
    My problem is caused by racism
    there is many social factor contributing to it
    your social economics status is definitely one of the causes
    What i want to learn:
    Prenatal care specially for black women
    What are the trusted facilities that could help
    What are the law and bills passed in order to stop the problem
    Define the problem: The problem is the Racial and Ethnic Disparities Continue in Pregnancy-Related Deaths mostly black women.
    Describe the problem: Black mothers are often not listened to when they report signs of possible complications of pregnancy and birth.Rates of maternal death in the United States are disturbingly high . The maternal death ratio for Black women (37.1 per 100,000 pregnancies)
    Analyzing:Black women are consistently more likely than white women to die as a result of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Some have pointed to structural issues in healthcare as well as racial stereotypes made regarding patients. When a black woman is pregnant, she should always be aware that she will face racism in the healthcare system, a more forewarned way of knowing that there is always an in case of.
    What others think: The statistics talk for themselves and some people would be enraged and try to do something about it in their own ways. One of the way to remedy to the problem would be raising awareness and circulating petitions for legislative changes
    According to the New York times “ Protecting Your Birth: A Guide For Black Mothers”
    Here’s what you need to know:
    Step 1: Acknowledge Race and Racism In The Room
    Step 2: Create a Care Plan Anticipating That Racism May Impact Pregnancy
    Step 3: Identify How Racism May Impact Labor
    Step 4: Identify How Racism May Impact Postpartum
    Care providers must acknowledge that not only do we treat people differently based on race, but that this distinction affects their risks and experiences of care.

  7. Annie

    What i know :
    My problem is caused by racism
    there is many social factor contributing to it
    your social economics status is definitely one of the causes
    What i want to learn:
    Prenatal care specially for black women
    What are the trusted facilities that could help
    What are the law and bills passed in order to stop the problem
    Define the problem: The problem is the Racial and Ethnic Disparities Continue in Pregnancy-Related Deaths mostly black women.
    Describe the problem: Black mothers are often not listened to when they report signs of possible complications of pregnancy and birth.Rates of maternal death in the United States are disturbingly high . The maternal death ratio for Black women (37.1 per 100,000 pregnancies)
    Analyzing:Black women are consistently more likely than white women to die as a result of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Some have pointed to structural issues in healthcare as well as racial stereotypes made regarding patients. When a black woman is pregnant, she should always be aware that she will face racism in the healthcare system, a more forewarned way of knowing that there is always an in case of.
    What others think: The statistics talk for themselves and some people would be enraged and try to do something about it in their own ways. One of the way to remedy to the problem would be raising awareness and circulating petitions for legislative changes
    According to the New York times “ Protecting Your Birth: A Guide For Black Mothers”
    Here’s what you need to know:
    Step 1: Acknowledge Race and Racism In The Room
    Step 2: Create a Care Plan Anticipating That Racism May Impact Pregnancy
    Step 3: Identify How Racism May Impact Labor
    Step 4: Identify How Racism May Impact Postpartum
    Care providers must acknowledge that not only do we treat people differently based on race, but that this distinction affects their risks and experiences of care.

  8. Tenzin Namgyal

    What I know about the problem is that there is a lot of toxicity in the online video game community. People like to ruin the experience of others who are just trying to have a good time and enjoy themselves. People can be toxic for many reasons, sometimes it could be that they are mad that certain players are underperforming, there are also the “trolls” who just want to trigger people and love to get a reaction out of others. However, these are only about 5% of where the toxicity comes from majority of the toxicity comes from just the average person having a bad day. This is still no excuse to ruin the experiences of others by being toxic and hostile online. But since it is so common it has now become normalized as a part of the “gaming experience.” Some people think that this is fine and call it trash talk and that it is a key element to games. This is true to an extent but it shouldn’t become personal attacks or lead to sexually assaulting people or verbally harassing them either. Toxicity is something that is being normalized all over the internet not just online video games it is a problem that must be addressed.
    A solution to combat the toxicity is for games to start implementing chat filters and and ban players who are being hostile or abusive in the chat. Also if they find a way to get past the filters then just simply ban the player. If they players are talking in the mic then just simple mute them so you don’t have to hear their negative comments. Do whatever you need to just don’t be toxic back because then you are part of the problem.

  9. Christina Bethelmy

    What I know about the problem is that there are a lot of negative comments that people can receive under the post about almost anything. The problem involves some negative situations about online social media platforms. People can spread horrible comments and reviews under someone’s page and they can lie about them or the products they might be selling that isn’t true and create a negative impact on their business/ professional social media platform. It is meant for expressing people’s interest, or to compare and contrast ideas about something. There is no need to spread the negative aspects about anyone or their page. A good solution for situations like this iks to report bullying or unnecessary comments and block them from bothering you on whichever platform you’re on or community you are currently in, it’s very unfortunate that everybody can just post nice content or if not, then just nothing at all in oppose to unnecessary negativity, in the community.

  10. Jeimi Bravo

    The problem I will be focusing on is teacher’s assistants not being thanked enough or paid enough for the hard work they do. When I look at my problem, I focus on how teacher’s assistants are looked for in every situation to solve. While I was a teacher assistant I was told to do everything while the actual teacher would sit there and read books to the kids. Teachers focus more on teaching, while teacher’s assistants also focus on the teaching but I had many more other things to focus on.

    What I know:
    I know that if a child needed to go to the bathroom the teacher’s assistant was to take him; if things needed to be made a copy of something, or cleaning, the teacher’s assistant was put to do it. I also know teacher assistants are paid less than the primary teachers. A full-time teacher assistant who works full time will make 24,000 a little year. Teachers will make up to 55,000 a year, double what the teacher’s assistant makes. I would like to focus more on the appreciation teacher’s assistants receive. I know assistants do not get much appreciation, so it would be interesting to hear from others and know if they think the same. I will frame this by providing context by getting some opinions from others who may think the same or even the opposite who believe teachers assistants do get the appropriate treatment.

    The problem is that teacher’s assistants take more responsibility than they should be and are not paid enough. While I was being a teacher assistant I got a feeling of what it was like to be a teacher’s assistant, even though I did enjoy my job at times it felt as if I had a load of work to do and work. I understand that it is not the same situation for all teacher assistants but in some cases it is and others may not speak upon it.

    Some of my coworkers who worked as a teacher’s assistant would av conversations with me on how unfair it was and discussed if it should be addressed with our boss or manager. Some may agree that a teacher’s assistant is there for the help, which is true, but others may feel as if assistants are put to do more than needed.

    Assistants will suffer from the problem because from my personal experience I was put to do every possible thing that they needed help. I also work with another assistant that has been there for a while. She would order me to do all the work, and she was there to help out the teacher, but it seemed as if she would push me around. It affected me as the assistant.

    Readers should care because it is like any other job where some are pushed around, and assistants are not paid enough. While I look through the research that I have done I noticed many say the same thing. Many feel the workload may be too much, and there is not much respect. Some solutions include salary being raised and workload being non-abusive. This could work because some teachers abuse their power, and there is no consequence or action for them if it goes unnoticed.

  11. Arlene Perez

    I find that one of the issues causing these problems are the delays that the Department of Veteran Affairs have for a service-connected disability claims turnaround time. Decisions can take over 12 months to process, for an unemployed veteran with disabilities, that prevents them from being able to have a reliable income. The VA can assist us in our claims but are not always as accessible and available to help us individually. They are somewhat limited to only providing us with the forms for the applications for the service-connected claims for compensation. The American Legion is better known for assisting us in the claim’s procedures.
    The Veterans Affairs website states that the average time for a decision is about 153 days as of February 2021. Which does not consider that a large percentage of claims always get initially denied the first time. Which means that additionally about a 5-month waiting period for the first decision then once an appeal is submitted another 5-6 months is required to wait. During this process, the veteran is not receiving any benefits or income and can not really uphold an employment because they must be readily available to make it to the claim’s appointments and evaluations.
    A solution on improving delays in the turnaround time on the decision making for a veteran’s service-connected disability claim could be hiring more people to review cases at the VA. Even actually hiring veterans for the job because they would be better suited to understand the military terminology and service-connected disabilities on the claims. A current solution that is presently pending is a hearing that will be held in front of Congress in Washington D.C. According to Americanlegion.gov, “The American Legion’s National Commander will be testifying on September 10, 2021 about the Legion’s position on topics such as; protecting the VA from budget cuts, reducing the claims backlog, Improving the medical transition process for servicemembers, improving the VA medical care for women veterans, expanding the Veteran Employment and Training Service (VETS), passing a constitutional amendment to protect the U.S flag from physical desecration” especially during these times.

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