WEEK 6 WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT (Thurs. March 11th)

What you KNOW/  What you want to LEARN! 

1. Come up with 5 facts that you already KNOW about your discourse community. Important information that will help you as you begin this research project.

2. Come up with at least 5 things you would like to learn more about your discourse community.

Remember we are using these as our driving questions:

What impact do you want to have on your community? 

What changes do you want to make in the world to benefit your community? 

You can think of the Problem/ Solution in two ways: 

What is a problem in your discourse community do you think needs to be fixed? 


How do you think your discourse community can help address a problem in your community / world?


  1. Hamely Jose Taveras

    What I know;

    *I know low-income schools are not getting enough funding to invest in sports clubs.
    * I know many low-income schools don’t have proper facilities and equipment.
    * I know that many schools don’t have a lot of sport due to the lack of equipment.
    * I know that many schools have to go to the park for training.
    *I know that low-income is getting targeted for poverty.

    I wanna know;
    * Why are low-income not getting enough funding?
    * I wanna know why people are not talking about it?
    * Is there an average of funding for school?
    * How do they get funding?
    *Where is the funding going?

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Excellent Questions!

      * Why are low-income SCHOOLS not getting enough funding? BE SPECIFIC. IN NY
      * I wanna know why people are not talking about it? WHO? NEWSPAPERS? PARENTS? STUDENTS? POLITICIANS?
      * Is there an average of funding for school?
      * How do they get funding?
      *Where is the funding going?

  2. mustapha

    I know that the community mostly consists of respectful fight fans. What I’d like to know is why when it’s a big bout, the hidden hatred and sometimes racism becomes apparent.
    5 facts:
    1. Very diverse
    2. Usually intelligent
    3. It’s a good way to socialize
    4. It’s normally a good time.
    5. Can learn alot

    What I’d like to know:
    1. Why the toxicity comes out so severely during big bouts
    2. Why does it seem like they are fueled by racism
    3. What the good of us in the community can do to combat this hate
    4.Why do they wait until the community is excited or angry to be hateful
    5.Is this a community worth saving

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Excellent Questions!

      1. Why DOES the toxicity come out so severely during big bouts? MORE SO THAN SMALL BOUTS? IS THERE EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THIS?
      2. Why does it seem like they are fueled by racism?
      3. What CAN the good MEMBERS of the community do to combat this hate?
      4.Why do they wait until the community is excited or angry to be hateful? WHO IS THE THAY? THE HATERS?

  3. Annie

    Being a health care professional means giving care and knowing your ways into the community you immerse yourself in so being part of that community I want to advocate for more detailed study of the black women body in medical school and the potential threats that it imposed .

    What you KNOW
    1)Black women are dying in childbirth 2½ times more often than white women
    2)black women make up about 13% of the population of American women, they die in numbers not far behind white women, who make up 60%
    3) social determinants of health and socioeconomic status and genetics.
    4) Racism
    5) assurance problems
    What you want to LEARN
    1)Ways to remedy to the mortality rate
    2)Prenatal care specially for black women
    3)What are the trusted facilities that could help
    4)What are the law and bills passed in order to stop the problem
    5) how to educate the healthcare professionals on black people heath problem

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Excellent Questions!

      1)Ways to remedy to the mortality rate HOW DO YOU ADDRESS THE INEQUALITY? BETTER DOCTORS? TRAINING?
      2)Prenatal care specially for black women IS THIS A SOLUTION
      3)What are the trusted facilities that could help
      4)What are the law and bills THAT WE SHOULD pass in order to stop the problem
      5) how to educate the healthcare professionals on black people heath problem GREAT

  4. Tenzin Namgyal

    The gaming community is a place where people who play all types of games come together and have fun. Even though it is supposed to be fun gaming causes many to become toxic and this leads to a negative experience for others in the community.
    What I know:
    1. Diverse
    2. Usually enjoyable
    3. Can be competitive
    4. A lot of people
    5. A way to socialize

    What I want to learn:
    1. What causes players to be so hostile and toxic?
    2. What is the point in being toxic?
    3. What can we do to lessen the amount of toxicity?
    4. Is it even possible?
    5. Is it worth trying?

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Great Questions!

      1. What causes players to be so hostile and toxic?
      2. What is the point in being toxic? THIS FEELS LIKE ITS CONNECTED TO THE FIRST QUESTION
      3. What can we do to lessen the amount of toxicity?
      4. Is it even possible?

  5. Arian Qosaj

    What I know:
    1. Most nurses are required to work overtime
    2. It affects a nurses personal health in many negative ways
    3. Mandatory overtime can cause fatigue which then leads to medical mistakes
    4. Nurses can show poor performance
    5. Nurses can have poor sleep quality

    What I want to learn:
    1. What are the risks of having mandatory overtime for nurses?
    2. How long is a overtime shift for nurses?
    3. What health issues can mandatory overtime lead to?
    4. Why are nurses required to work overtime?
    5. How can overtime for a nurse affect a patients safeness?

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Great Questions!
      1. What are the risks of having mandatory overtime for nurses?
      2. How long is AN overtime shift for nurses?
      3. What health issues can mandatory overtime lead to? HOW DOES IT IMPACT THEIR WORK / LIFE BALANCE?
      4. Why are nurses required to work overtime?
      5. How can overtime for a nurse affect a patients safty?

  6. Hanting Hu

    What I know:
    1)There are so many types of wastes that there is not enough space for processing.
    2)Poor air quality
    3)The dirty environment on Brooklyn Eighth Avenue
    4)High probability for people has Asthma
    5)People don’t care the environmental issues

    What I want to learn:
    1)What are the effects of these environmental issues on people’s health?
    2)Who is responsible for the garbage on Brooklyn 8th Avenue?
    3)How does to deal with garbage?
    4)How to change the environment in 8th Ave?
    5)Do people have enough money?

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Good Questions!

      1)What are the effects of these environmental issues on people’s health? BE SPECIFIC. THE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN SUNSET PARK BROOKLYN.
      2)Who is responsible for the garbage on Brooklyn 8th Avenue?
      3)How does to deal with garbage? CLARIFY. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SANITATION REMOVAL?
      4)How to change the environment in 8th Ave? HOW CAN WE IMPROVE THE ENVIRONMENT ON 8th AVE. in BROOKLYN?
      5)Do people have enough money? I AM NOT SURE THAT THIS IS RELEVANT.

  7. Elma Kastrat

    I know
    – Working hard
    – Getting less pay that other people
    – Almost never has overtime
    – Use different language to talk
    – That anyone can be a cashier it doesn’t matter if you are man or woman

    I would like to know
    – Why is cashier treated different than stock people
    – Why they usually has less than 40 hours
    – Why they feel insecure during they work
    – Why are customer usually so rude to cashiers
    – What do they cashiers do and how they struggle to work during coronavirus

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Great Questions!

      – Why ARE cashiers treated differentLY than stock people?
      – Why DO CASHIERS usually WORK less than 40 hours?
      – Why DO CASHIERS feel insecure during THEIR work? IS IT DIFFERENT DURING COVID TIMES?
      – Why are customer usually so rude to cashiers?
      – What do cashiers do and how DO they struggle to work during coronavirus?

  8. Shaniyah

    What I know:
    – Nurses are on average asked to stay for double shifts 4 of of 7 days a week
    – Nurses are often dealing with depression and sleep deprivation
    – Nurses went through a ton school and science to be where the are so they are often very dedicated to their jobs and patients forgetting about their own health
    – Nurses that make mistakes on the clock like administering the wrong medication often due that because they aren’t getting enough sleep
    What I want to know:
    – Why don’t hospitals hire more nurses so the shifts can be split equally
    _ Do hospitals bosses and managers care about the mental health and well being of their nurses
    – How many patients have died at the hands of a nurse running on no sleep
    _ What is the state policy for how much overtime a worker can get

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Excellent Questions!

      Why don’t hospitals hire more nurses so the shifts can be split equally?
      _ Do hospital’s bosses and managers care about the mental health and well being of their nurses?
      – How many patients have died at the hands of a nurse running on no sleep? IS THERE AN IMPACT ON PATIENT HEALTH DUE TO OVERWORKED NURSES?
      _ What is the state policy for how much overtime a NURSE can DO?

  9. Pedro Flores

    What I know:
    -Every sneaker has a meaning.
    – Sneakers is a form of art to the sneakerheads community.
    – There’s only a certain amount of sneakers that are released.
    – There is a different vocabulary.
    What I want to know:
    -I want to know how they price the shoes?
    – I want to know why resellers are selling them for so expensive?
    – I want to know how’s there security when is come to buying shoes?
    – I want to know how celebrities son/daughters are able to get popular shoes?
    – I want to know if shoe store worker keep some pairs making it harder for the community to buy sneakers?

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Excellent Questions!

      I want to know how they WHO? price the shoes?
      – I want to know why resellers are selling them for so MUCH MONEY?
      – I want to know how the security WORKS when IT comeS to buying shoes?
      – I want to know how celebrity’s son/daughters are able to get popular shoes?
      – I want to know if shoe store worker keep some pairs making it harder for the community to buy sneakers?

  10. BrandonP

    What I know:
    1) Many hype sneakers are made in limited qualities.
    2) All the limited shoes tend to sell for more than retail after they sell out everywhere (supply and demand).
    3) Many times there are managers of specific stores that backdoor (sell to specific people) to profit not allowing the general public to obtain sneakers at retail costs.
    4) Sneakerheads cause riots and fights at sneaker releases at times.
    5) Resellers tend to get multiple pairs easily while the average customer can’t even get one.

    What I want to know:
    1) Is there a way these sneaker companies can find out what sneaker stores are backdooring the sneakers.
    2) Is there a way that people can be more civilized at sneaker releases.
    3) Is there a better system than raffles to create fair chances for customers to win shoes
    4) How annoyed does the average customer get when resellers get all the shoes for themselves.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Excellent Questions!

      Excellent Questions!

      1) Is there a way these sneaker companies can find out what sneaker stores are backdooring the sneakers.
      2) Is there a way that people can be more civilized at sneaker releases.
      3) Is there a better system than raffles to create fair chances for customers to win shoes
      4) How annoyed does the average customer get when resellers get all the shoes for themselves. CAN YOU THINK OF A WAY OF ASKING THIS QUESTION THAT MIGHT PRODUCE MORE RESEARCH

  11. Jsantana

    What I know
    – [ ] thriving in the reselling business
    – [ ] recognized by many sneaker brands
    – [ ] Diverse
    – [ ] Easy to advance in
    – [ ] Good way to gain sneaker knowledge

    What I want to know
    – [ ] How much money does the sneaker reselling community give to sneaker brands?
    – [ ] Will the hype over sneakers ever decrease?
    – [ ] How can sneaker brands help limit the price on sneaker reselling?
    – [ ] How can sneaker brands ensure that the value of sneakers will never decrease

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Great Questions!

      What I want to know
      – [ ] How much money does the sneaker reselling community give to sneaker brands?
      – [ ] Will the hype over sneakers ever decrease? THIS IS A HARD QUESTION TO ANSWER.
      – [ ] How can sneaker brands help limit the price on sneaker reselling?
      – [ ] How can sneaker brands ensure that the value of sneakers will never decrease. THIS IS A STRONGER QUESTION THAN THE SECOND QUESTION AND I THINK GETS TO THE ROOT OF WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW

  12. Kelvin Leon

    1) We come into contact with multiple people a day.
    2) We touch items that other people touch.
    3) The workstation is most likely dirty.
    4) We exchange currency with customers
    5) Encounter people who refuse to follow saftey health protocols to preventthe spread.

  13. Kelvin Leon

    1) We come into contact with multiple people a day.
    2) We touch items that other people touch.
    3) The workstation is most likely dirty.
    4) We exchange currency with customers
    5) Encounter people who refuse to follow saftey health protocols to preventthe spread.

  14. Ahsan

    I know
    1: Working hard
    2: Getting good pay
    3: Trying to develop new things
    4: Try to give good performance

    I would like to know
    1: How to develop new software
    2: does software engineer get extra hours
    3: if we do extra work does it effect us?
    4: does worker get extra pay if they do extra time?

  15. Ahsan

    I know
    1: Working hard
    2: Getting good pay
    3: Trying to develop new things
    4: Try to give good performance

    I would like to know
    1: How to develop new software
    2: does software engineer get extra hours
    3: if we do extra work does it effect us?
    4: does worker get extra pay if they do extra time?

  16. Christina Bethelmy

    1. Community shops like Etsy and Instagram bring diverse groups and subcultures together.
    2. Etsy is an American e-commerce website focused on handmade or vintage items and craft supplies.
    3. You can start your own shop in these communities with anything you want.
    4. You can share new interests and make recommendations.
    5. You can make reviews and rate how good or bad the product was, or inform the community about something similar.
    This discourse community can help spread kindness and products for everybody’s taste and you can find people who have the same/similar interests as you.
    1. I would like to know if someone disagrees with your product or interest how would different shop owners handle it.
    2. What to do if somebody resells your product.
    3. What if they spread hate or is mean to someone on your page.
    4. Do you have to follow rules from someone or can you be your own boss
    5. Should you report someone if they’re giving you trouble about your products

  17. Arlene Perez

    What I know:
    1. As a veteran I know and understand firsthand the struggles that we veterans go through after returning home from the military.
    2. One of the issues causing problems are the delays that the Department of Veteran Affairs and American Legion have for a service-connected disability claims turnaround time.
    3. Homelessness is of the leading issues that a veteran can deal with when they transition over to the civilian life.
    4. Unemployment is also another major issue that a veteran can deal with when they transition.
    5. Depression is a large problem in the veteran community.

    What I want to learn:
    1. Why are there delays in the turnaround time on the decision making for a veteran’s service-connected disability claim?
    2. Why do so many veterans become homeless soon after transitioning back to the civilian life?
    3. Why is it difficult for a veteran to obtain gainful employment when finished with their military service?
    4. Why are the suicide rates in the veteran community such high numbers?
    5. What can be done to help lower it and bring more awareness for better prevention?

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