Module 1 Reflection

Write a 250 Word Reflection on Module 1.

Please include the word count on the top of the page.

The reflection should be typed in Times New Roman 12 point font.

Questions to Consider:

Metacognition is what we call reflection: an awareness of our learning process—both how and what we learn.

 Transfer: Is the concept of how we can transfer this knowledge/ awareness/ learning into other aspects of our lives. For example, how can we use this learning in other classes (math classes, architecture classes, fashion classes) or in the world outside of City Tech (our careers, etc). 

 We have talked a lot about our learning process as readers/ writers/ speakers. Now, it is time for us to reflect on this learning!

 A Module Reflection asks you to reflect or look back at the module and think deeply about the readings, the major project, and the short writing assignments you completed.

First, let’s think about what each of these mentor authors taught us:

  • Donald Murray “All Writing is Autobiography;”
  • Amy Tan “Mother Tongue;”
  • Jose Antonio Vargas “My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant;”
  • Malcolm X “Learning to Read.”  
  • Jamila Lyiscott “Broken English
  • Mike Bunn “How to Read Like a Writer”

 Next, let’s think about what we learned from all of our different writing assignments, both short and long!

  • Short daily prompts,
  • Micro Autobiography,
  • Reading Responses,
  • Brainstorming,
  • Note Jotting,
  • Reading/ Writing Questionnaire,
  • Literacy Narrative 

 Guiding Questions

You do not have to answer each question, but rather use them as a guide or inspiration as you reflect or look back on the unit!

  • Discuss what you learned about yourself as a writer and a reader in the process of writing this Literacy Narrative. For example, what part did you find the most challenging? Or the most successful? Did you try anything new like using a narrative technique or revising with a specific focus?
  • Which of the readings, if any, influenced you or inspired you? Explain the influence, USE SPECIFIC examples. [Donald Murray “All Writing is Autobiography;” Amy Tan “Mother Tongue;” Jose Antonio Vargas “My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant;” Malcolm X “Learning to Read.”]


  • The focus of the unit was on Genre and Literacy Narratives, what did you find interesting? What did you learn? What would you still like to learn more about?
  • What are your thoughts on the experience in general? Was it a useful learning experience? What specific skills or perspectives did you acquire as a result?
  • How could you transfer something you learned in this Unit to other aspects of your life both in City Tech and outside of City Tech?
  • Is there anything else you want me to know about you as a writer or reader or your work in this class?



  1. WaldyG08

    Word Count: 292
    Writing the literacy narrative in English class did change me and helped me develop more as a reader and writer. What I found most challenging about writing was explaining in detail the experience that I went through and how it helped my development in literacy. Writing a literacy review this detailed felt new to me, so it was good practice for my writing.

    The reading that I found really inspiring was the story of “Learning to Read” by Malcolm X. This story was especially motivational and inspiring because Malcolm had a different experience in learning how to read and write.

    What I found interesting from the module on Genre and Literacy Narratives was that each story is unique and has its own meaning and message behind it, but they are all similar because they share the same genre and are literacy narratives. The experience of this module on Genre and Literacy Narratives was very useful since it opened my eyes on how someone can express their story through a form of writing that can also inspire their audience. As a result of reading and writing about different narratives that authors have written, it gave me the skill of being able to understand the journey that the author had to go through and how that made them a better writer.
    Learning how to see the struggles that built a person can be used in City tech because I might be studying a character or someone’s life and I will be able to have a better idea of who they are and what their life is about. In life outside of City tech, this skill can be used to connect better with others and it can help me find something to relate to them.

  2. Tehmina Imanat

    Tehmina Imanat
    Eng. 1101- section 0156
    Oct. 2
    Word count: 294

    My Module 1 Reflection

    One main thing I learned about myself as a writer is how to long essays. Over the years I have struggled with grammar and punctuation, but that skill has improved in my writing. This module taught me how to use resources, which as others writing pieces talking about similar issues and then incorporating that into my writing.

    Something I found most challenging was sticking to one part of my life to highlight about, when writing an autobiography, you want to include every major detail about your life. Literary essays focus on just one small part of your life that influenced your writing or reading skills.

    Amy Tan “Mother Tongue” influenced my writing and myself a lot, her reading connected with my life and how I used to feel as well. The style in the way she wrote influenced me to keep my writings straight to the point and clear but add emotion, dialogues, proper language, and little stories within your writing.

    Incorporating genre into your writing piece is very important, it gives the readers a base to rely your writing on. Having a clear genre makes your literacy narrative more structured and to the point. I learned how to present genre in your writing.

    I thought writing a literacy narrative would have been very difficult for me because I usually talk about more than one thing that led up to the experience and process but sticking to one part and event helped my writing flow easier. The feedback I received was very positive and it motivated to improve the skills I didn’t do so well on.

    I could transfer how to use other reading pieces and how to use that as a motivation or inspiration into my own writing piece outside if City Tech.

  3. Saida Akbarova

    Word Count: 269
    -I learned that you can pull out a lot of evidence from different texts that support the text you are writing and I also learned to start reading a lot better. And I learned to improve a lot more on my grammar when writing.
    -The text “Mothers Tongue” by Amy Tan was the article that stood out the most to me because I can relate a lot to her. I’ve also had parents with an accent that many people don’t understand growing up and most of the time I would have to speak instead of them. This text related a lot to how I grew up.
    – I found it interesting to see different articles of people sharing their personal experiences on how they became who they are. I could relate to most of the texts and know that there are a lot of people like this going through similar struggles.
    -It was a useful experience because I could see people that wrote the articles from different points of view and how they faced their challenges.
    -I know that a lot of people and students at city tech are going to struggle, we are all doing our best to do well in school or even in life in general to get through each day.
    -I am a slow learner and not very good when it comes to reading texts because I usually have to read it a lot slowly to understand the meaning. Usually when the text is long and there are a lot of words it gets me confused so I understand a lot better when I read slowly.

  4. Jamal Antar

    I’ve learned that as a reader there are a lot of readings that people can relate to, and as a writer I learned that I can expand my writing capabilities as this was my first time writing a 1000 page narrative. I now usually listen to music now while reading because I feel like it has helped me focus way harder than I used to before. The part I found the most successful was finishing the reading and reflecting on how good and inspiring it was, especially the Antonio Vargas reading when he was able to overcome so many obstacles and still reach his end goal which was to become an american.
    Like I said earlier, the reading that influenced me the most was Antonio Vargas because it related to my life in so many ways. I even tried to make my writing look similar to his writing style. It just made sense to me that it took inspiration because we both went to countries having to study new languages over again and get familiar with the culture until we felt accepted. That is the type of experience that will last with you for your whole life.
    In this class I personally feel that I’ve only gotten better as a writer. As I said this is the first time I’ve written a narrative so this experience has improved my writing and I’m now looking forward to other writings that we as a class may do in the future.

  5. Jamal Antar

    WORD COUNT:253
    I’ve learned that as a reader there are a lot of readings that people can relate to, and as a writer I learned that I can expand my writing capabilities as this was my first time writing a 1000 page narrative. I now usually listen to music now while reading because I feel like it has helped me focus way harder than I used to before. The part I found the most successful was finishing the reading and reflecting on how good and inspiring it was, especially the Antonio Vargas reading when he was able to overcome so many obstacles and still reach his end goal which was to become an american.
    Like I said earlier, the reading that influenced me the most was Antonio Vargas because it related to my life in so many ways. I even tried to make my writing look similar to his writing style. It just made sense to me that it took inspiration because we both went to countries having to study new languages over again and get familiar with the culture until we felt accepted. That is the type of experience that will last with you for your whole life.
    In this class I personally feel that I’ve only gotten better as a writer. As I said this is the first time I’ve written a narrative so this experience has improved my writing and I’m now looking forward to other writings that we as a class may do in the future.

  6. Mahdi ahammad

    to be quite honest I learned so much about myself as a writer and reader, obviously i knew that I enjoyed reading and I liked writing but during the process of writing my own literary narrative i learned that theres more to me thenn meets the eye. essays are still hard to write but im adjusting and my essay wrirting capabilities have increased with all the tips and slides provided by you. My favorite part of writing the narrative was getting a chance to go back into my life and view all the points and people that helped me progress in life with the reading and writing aspect of my life. Although im used to writing essays this was new to me but very beneficial.
    The reading that influenced me the most would have to be the reading on malcom x because, if you look at this mans life struggles and what he went through its crazy to think anyone can turn their life around and turn a new page in life like how he did while he was incarcerated. He picked up reading and writing and went on to become one of the most influential people to ever exist.If thats not inspiring then i dont know what is.
    what i found interesting about genre and litteracy narrative is how much you can learn about yourself, i learned a bit more about myself having a walk back into my life.

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