Step 1: Choose an AUDIENCE and A Genre and Write a Project Proposal

We have talked a lot about genre this semester, now it is time for you to choose an audience and a genre that best reaches that audience. It is very important to consider your intended audience (note: it is not me!), your purpose, the best way to reach that audience and what genre would meet those criteria. What are the elements of the genre that you must include?

**NOTE: Professor Coleman must pre-approve the genre. **

**DUE: Project Proposal**

Step 2: Using Your Research Write about Your Topic in the Genre

Using your research from Module 2 and the genre you selected, it is time to compose your piece! We will go over these details of what to include in depth during class!

Step 3: Write an Artist’s Statement

You will also create an Artist’s Statement. This will provide you with an opportunity to thoughtfully reflect on your final project and on the work you have done together in this unit. In an artist’s statement, the author explains the decisions and choices that they made when composing the piece such as the choices behind the genre, rhetorical situation, use of rhetorical appeals, mode, and medium.  The author’s statement should be at least 300 words.

Step 4: Present and Share

Let’s celebrate! You have worked so hard on your projects, now it is time to present them to a real audience, your classmates! Please be prepared to present some aspect of your project to the class!