Week 1 Wednesday Homework Assignment
DUE Monday, Aug. 30th
For Part 2 and Part 3 please reply to this post in a comment. Make sure to include your NAME !
COMPLETE the Technology Survey. Here is the link.
Technology Survey
READ: these 2 short “Tips” pieces
- “Tips for Online Learning Success”
- “Online Discussions: Tips for Students”
ANSWER: the questions
- Write a 1-2 sentence summary of each of these pieces.
- What are 3 tips that you learned that you might try this semester? Why?
- Did you find these pieces helpful? If not, why? Explain!
- Was there anything you would like to learn more about? Explain!
Part 3:
WRITE: Introduce yourself!
- Start with one word that describes how you’re feeling about this course as we get started. No need to explain, but you can if you want to.
- Talk about your worries, concerns, reactions to the readings and/or to being an online student… whatever you want to. No censoring… except keep it kind of clean, please ;-). And
- Add a picture that means something to you, and explain why you chose it — why does it mean something to you?
1) It is about student tips for online success. The second piece is about online discussion and tips for students.
2)Work hard, be consistent, and not procrastinate. This is because you have to do your best.
3) Yes because it helps me with tips and so it was helpful.
4)I want to learn more about taking notes easily.
Part 3
2) They are very specific and wordy texts.
3) The picture is the world because the world revolves around you.
Great. I would love to hear a little bit more of a detailed summary of the sources. HOW many tips do they provide. WHAT kind of tips? HOW are these tips helpful to students? WHO might benefit from reading them? WHERE did you see examples of what you describe (refer directly to the text)
Please make sure to write ALL of your responses in complete sentences. For example: The 3 tips I might try this semester are…. because…. The because should really have details. How can these tips help you become a better student or “do your best” as you said?
Thank you for sharing your introduction!
One word that I would use to describe is anxious
My worry is that I may fall behind because the speed and the way things are set up is a bit unorganized and being an online student can be a bit much at times so trying my best to keep up and pass the course
Hi Justin,
Thank you so much for your feedback.I would love to meet with you to make sure I can help you if you feel like the material is unorganized. I want to make sure you know where everything is and how to access it. I totally agree that being an online student can be hard. Please reach out to me if you have any questions.
Did you have a chance to read the 2 online tips pieces? I would love to hear your response.
1. 3 tips that I learned that I might try this semester is that there is free online tutoring which I will definitely take advantage of to complete or prepare for exams and assignments. Another tip that I learned that I might try this semester is reviewing the class syllabus to prepare for upcoming assignments. One last tip that I learned is to participate as much as I can not only for a grade, but to have a better understanding of what the professor is trying to teach us. There isn’t anything I would want to learn anything more about at the moment.
2. One word that describes how I am feeling about this semester is persistence.
I’m not sure how to post an image here so I put the link instead. I chose this image because I believe no matter how much you know there is still so much to learn and so much room to grow.
Dear Christopher,
Thank you for sharing! I would love for you to write a brief summary of each of the source. What I mean by that is answering questions such as: HOW many tips do they provide. WHAT kind of tips? HOW are these tips helpful to students? WHO might benefit from reading them? WHERE did you see examples of what you describe (refer directly to the text)
It was great to read about the tips that you learned and I hope that you find them helpful!
Love persistence! Yay! Great image! Thanks!
Student tips for Online Learning Success gives 10 tips which can help students maximize his or her learning online experience. It tells students to participate the most they can because for online learning it is extremely important since it can be difficult to interact and work well with their classmates and colleagues.
The second article “Online Discussions: Tips for Students” by the University of Waterloo gives useful support on how to have a clear dialogue when writing a post, engaging in conversations or responding to what others had to say. The article also makes it clear that using the right terms like “I’m confused about” or “I feel strongly ” when conversations in groups can lead to better understating of each other and better responses.
Three tips I might try this semester is asking questions to my peers like “Why do you agree” or “Can you clarify your reasoning” to help others explain more on the side that they are standing on. The second tip is to speak up if I am having problems. This tip is important because with online learning it can sometimes be difficult to learn and understand the class and so if I ask questions if I am having problems then I will be able to get the help I need without having to worry about falling back. The last tip is to participate the most I can. Participating is a huge part of the grading for some classes and so it is important that I do it, so I can be ahead of my class. I definitely found these pieces helpful because they offer so much in how to have a good experience with online learning.
One word that would describe how I feel about this course would be a little bit concerned because we are just starting this class I don’t know what’s ahead. I would say my worries as a student during online learning are not forgetting to do certain assignments because I might forget and being able to try my best and give my best quality work.
I couldn’t drop a picture in the comments but I would drop a picture of a place I like to travel with my Family, like the beach or the river.
-Waldy Guzman
Love this! Thanks so much for sharing!
Dear Waldy,
This is an EXCELLENT summary and description of the two readings. Thank you so much. Would it be okay if I used them as class examples?
I loved the tips you highlighted and how you envision that you might use them!
Amadou Niangadou
Tips for online learning success summary : while online during class it will feel overwhelming but it just takes time to get used to , it is important to take notes and participate .
Online Discussions : Tips for student : during discussion time it is important that you participate so that you can provide reasonable ideas to your peers so that everyone gains new perspective and a new understanding of the topic
3 things i will try this semester is actually participating even if its through message our out loud , also by asking questions when I am stuck, and lastly using the resources to an advantage . These pieces were actually helpful since it related to me as which i don’t really participate a lot but that’s something i want to work on .
Dear Amadou,
Great. I would love to hear a little bit more of a detailed summary of the sources. HOW many tips do they provide. WHAT kind of tips? HOW are these tips helpful to students? WHO might benefit from reading them? WHERE did you see examples of what you describe (refer directly to the text)…
I love how you described the 3 things you will try this semester!
Part 3 :
Nervous , I am feeling nervous about the amount of work that will be provided since most of my classes are pretty challenging , also i writing is not any easy skill specifically when we will be reading some difficult texts
The image that i wanted to put up was cars , I ultimately love cars and i want to work hard to get my dream car and that is what really motivates me to do good .( Having issues uploading the image )
Dear Amadou,
Thanks for sharing! I think that this semester will be very manageable (in my class) as long as you stay on top of the work. Additionally, I will be here to help you improve as a writer and to support you in all of your writing projects .
Taking full advantage of provided resources and checking course work frequently are great steps to take to succeed in the field of education. Not only that but discussion is just equally as important, responding to others will enlighten and possibly expand your own views. However those are just the two takeaways from the two articles posted. Three tips to benefit the average freshmen would be, staying diligent in work, plan ahead, and least we not forget to do apply ourselves. The two articles really provides a great degree of tips for those looking to enrich themselves.
Confident. Seeing the work posted and future lessons really gives me an insight in the effort I’ll have to put into this year. All and all I believe that if I really apply myself this year will be of great academic success.
Dear Justin,
Great! I love what you took away from the tips! I would love a little more of a brief SUMMARY (what is the article about, who is the intended audience, etc). We will discuss more today!
Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself! I can’t wait to see your great success!
Part 2: 1a. The first piece “Tips for Online Learning Success” was about giving tips on how to succeed when attending school online. It also gave helpful information we can use if we need help on the website.
1b. The second piece “Online discussion tips” was about giving useful tips on how we can leave a good post on the discussion board of a class. It also gave us tips on how we can reply to another classmate’s response in a better way.
2. Three tips that I learned about that I would like to try this year would be to participate more, complete work on time and set schedules.
3. Yes, I did find these pieces helpful because now I can use the tips for my online discussion boards and make my points clearer.
4. One thing I would like to learn more about is how to be more organized when it comes to all the assignments and projects for this semester.
Part 3: 1.Excited.
2. A few worries and concerns I have for this course would be keeping up with everything and doing good on my assignments, projects and exams. Also, balancing other classes with this one.
3. I added an image of sunflower seeds because during the pandemic I got a hamster. I got a hamster because I was feeling really lonely at home and once I brought my hamster home I started feeling happy again. I chose sunflower seeds because those are his favourite snacks when I give them to him and it means a lot to me because giving him sunflower seeds is what helped me get through the pandemic.
Dear Jasmin,
Great! I enjoyed reading about what you took away from the articles. I think that learning how to participate in an online class is the key challenge! I will think of ways of supporting students ( am sure you are not alone!) in organization / staying on top of the work!
Thanks for sharing your introductory piece. I LOVE the description of your image and why you chose it! What is your hamster’s name?
Part 2:
So basically you have to do everything that is necessary for you to get better in college(online school). You will have to participate consistently, you have to log in your course frequently so that you don’t miss out on anything and you are upto date on everything, try to manage your time wisely and complete all work on time and ask the teacher for help if you are having some issues with anything. For online discussion, you will have to provide a thesis, argument, or a question to which your classmates will respond. Make the title as the same as the topic so that the reader can understand what the post is about and make the post short and meaningful because no one would want to read a long paragraph so just simplify whatever you want to say and that should be good enough.
The 3 tips that i will try is that i will participate consistently(at least try to) because participation is a big part of my grade and participation makes the class more fun and enjoyable. I will try to log in my course consistently so that i don’t miss out on anything and i will try to complete all my work on time. I found these pieces really helpful because they taught me many ways to get better in online school and get a good grade in it. I would like to learn more about how i can make my communication skills better so that i can easily communicate with my classmates easily.
Part 3:
I feel really anxious about this course. I really hate online school if im being honest and the reason behind it is that i cannot focus during my online class, i don’t know why but i just cant and another reason is that i am always tired in the morning so i am not able to focus during online school. I don’t have a picture which means a lot to me.
Dear Ahmed,
Great! Thanks so much for sharing your take aways from the articles. I am glad to hear you found them helpful. I would like to work as a class on improving our communication skills / ability to connect with each other online.
I, too, hate online school. I hope we can make the best of it and I am sure we will have a wonderful year.
Part 2:
The tips for successful online learning article explains the adjustments and requirements for attending online classes, and how to do it well. Things like being aware of the challenges that can come with virtual learning and not being embarrassed of asking for help when it’s needed are key factors in a successful semester. For online discussion tips, you are not only writing for yourself but also to discuss with peers. When responding to someone’s idea, it’s important to explain why you agree or disagree to keep the discussion flowing.
I will be trying to incorporate questions to explore the different views that may arise from others, speaking up if I am struggling with a text or writing assignment, and trying my very best to participate. No matter how uncomfortable it may be. I found these pieces to be helpful, especially the Online Discussions: Tips for Students article. I am new to online learning and discussion boards, so I feel like I have more guidance now after reading these tips. I currently do not have any confusion about all of this new information.
Part 3:
One word that describes how I am currently feeling is anxious. As someone who hasn’t been in school for 5 years and is pursuing a career change, facing something new is a bit uneasy but exciting.
I don’t really have any worries about readings and completing assignments as an online student, as I work best on my own. I am excited about getting back to writing and analyzing, English was always my favorite subject.
If I could attach a photo, it would be a photo of my dog. He’s been a part of my life for 11 years now and he means absolutely everything to me. He’s like my little bit of constant joy amidst the chaos of the world.
Dear Kiana,
Great! Love the summary of these two pieces and your key take aways! I am so glad that you found them helpful and will try to apply the tips as you go forward! Congrats on the career change! It is always scary to make big changes, but I think that having the courage to start anew is so admirable! I can’t wait to get back to writing and analyzing with you!
Thank you for sharing your intro! What is your pup’s name?
Part 2
Both these 2 pieces talk about how succeed while learning online, although it may be kind of difficult the little things matter like just actually being in class, attendance is very important and participate as much as you can. Even if you talk at least 5 times during the whole class that still counts because your professor now knows who you are and sees that you’re learning and paying attention and it feels good to get recognition. A few tips that I’ve learned is to add value to the conversation by maybe saying “I agree, or I disagree” with my explanation on why, 2 other tips are asking probing questions and encourage the discussion which i’m getting better at.
Part 3
One word to describe how i’m feeling about this course is excited because I really enjoy writing. I am a little worried about if i’m not gonna get something the first time and I don’t like the feeling of being behind, I. do enjoy having classes online but I do eventually want to come on site
Dear Alisha,
Great! Loved reading your summaries and take aways from the articles. I think that learning how to participate and getting better at it online is so important, I am glad you enjoyed reading them.
I am excited and nervous about the year too! I also can’t wait to return, but am grateful we have this opportunity to be together.
Part 2
The first article offers “10 Tips For Being A Successful Online Student “ in which students are able to get comfortable with online learning and get the absolute most out of this learning experience . It includes information on how to conquer certain obstacles that may face your path , but most importantly not to be shy ,scared ,or embarrassed to ask for help
The second article has “Online Discussion Tips” gives us more ways on how we are better able to respond to our classmates discussions giving us better and more interpreted assignment.
Three tips that I learned is to take myself and the program seriously, participate (be involved /Don’t procrastinate), and plan everything as well as make sure you understand everything .
I found these pieces very Helpful as I’m able to apply all of it to myself to make me a better student and as well as a better overall person as some skills I will also be able to apply in my future
Some things I’d like to know more about is how I can make everything more organized and stay that way
Part 3
Some worries I have is making sure to not get behind in any of my classes as not only procrastination but everything is so new I don’t want to miss something especially if it’s important .it’s harder for me being an online student as I’m not a tech person at all so for some of my classes its going to be a struggle
If I was able to add a picture here I would add a picture of my parents as they mean everything to me ,I strive to be my best because I want to pay them back for making my life the best they could with what they had. They are my motivation to do the best I can always
Thank you so much for sharing this introduction. I am so glad to hear about your inspiration and your goals for this class.
Thank you!
Dear Adrian,
Thank you for sharing these wonderful summaries. I loved reading about your take aways and how you hope to apply what you learned to class. Many of your classmates are concerned about how to organize their work. I am going to work on providing some additional tips! I think it is so important and hard!
Part 2
1. “Student Tips For Online Learning Success” by Northern Hennepin Community College goes into detail about how we can be successful at online learning. “Online Discussion: Tips for Students” give a lot of helpful information when it comes to online discussions. I personally found this to be a lot more helpful than the first article.
2. 3 tips I’ll use from both articles will be to complete my work on time and really have a routine and then I also will be trying to add to the conversation.
3. No I found the second article to be really helpful though.
Part 3
1. One word that describes how I feel about all oof my classes really is determined.
2. I feel like I might be a little bit overwhelmed with the work. But like I said I’m determined to pass and I will.
3. My photo is a picture of me in a dress that I had made on my last day of school. I was able to meet up with my friend and we went to the park and did a little photoshoot and it was just nice. I also wanted to make something successful because I did struggle a bit in high school.
Dear Sara,
Great! I loved reading about your take aways from the articles. In general, would love to hear a little bit more of a detailed summary of the sources. HOW many tips do they provide. WHAT kind of tips? HOW are these tips helpful to students? WHO might benefit from reading them? WHERE did you see examples of what you describe (refer directly to the text)?
Thank you for sharing your introduction with me. I believe that determination is so important and you seem so on top of your work, I am sure the semester will be wonderful! I wish I could see the photo!
1. These two articles are meant to provide tips for online learning to make the transition into college easier.
2. The three tips I would try are: completing work on time, asking probing questions, and checking my classes frequently.
3. I did find these tips helpful because I should be open to any advice since this is all new very new to me.
4. I would like to delve deeper into “feeling free to disagree with your peers” because I usually don’t voice when I disagree with someone in case it ever leads to an argument.
Part 3
A word I would use to describe how I’m feeling is nervous. I am the first generation in my family to go to college in the U.S. so I have some pressure on me to do well and I don’t want to mess this up. I struggled last year when we first switched to online learning but once things were rolling I soon got the hang of it. However, I realized as soon I fell a little behind, it made things tremendously difficult for me. I hope to not falter this time around.
(I’m having trouble uploading a personal photo on here so I uploaded a photo from the internet, sorry)
The picture I chose is of the South Korean band, BTS. They mean a lot to me since I first discovered them when I was 12 and I’m an adult now haha. I resonate with their message of self-love and self-respect. They also make awesome music with a wide discography. So, whether I’m in the car or simply doing English homework from your class, there is a good chance I’m listening to them.
Dear Marzan,
I really enjoyed reading your takeaways from the articles. I am glad that you found the tips helpful. I love the idea of learning how to disagree with your peers, it is such an important skills.
Thank you for sharing your introduction with me. I am glad to hear that you will stay on top of your work. I also find online school really challenging, but I know that together, we can do it! BTS is great! Thanks for the photo!
1) The first piece was giving tips for new students for online classes and what can be done to be a better student. The second piece is giving tips for anyone that are making online arguments with their classmates and how to make it appropriate and better for everyone.
2) There are 3 tips that I learned and that I might try this semester. One of the tips is Budgeting my time because I usually end up procrastinating heavily and end up trying to catch up. Another is speaking up if I end up having problems because sometimes I don’t say anything if I’m having problems and I end up dealing with it. The last tip that I learned and that I want to try this semester is when there is a discussion and I need to extend the discussion I could use probing questions such as “Could you clarify that remark?” in order to make the conversation clearer.
3) I did find these pieces helpful because they gave me advice so I can do better as an online student this semester and how to provoke discussions during classes.
4) Something that I would like to learn more about is being able to take notes easier and to make sure that I don’t write something that is not necessary even if I think it might be.
1) One word that describes how I’m feeling about this course is anxious. I feel anxious about this course because I personally feel that I can’t write a good original thesis statement and be able to support it with appropriate evidence.
2) I’m worried about not being able to pass this course because it seems that it’s a harder English class that I’ve had before and I’m scared of not passing with a good grade.
3) I don’t really have a picture that means something to me
Thank you for sharing your introduction. We are going to work a lot together as a class on adding supporting evidence and coming up with sold questions / theses! I think that you will end up finding the course beneficial and in fact, even fun, at times! I can’t wait to get to know you better.
Dear Christian,
Great! These are excellent summaries! Thank you for sharing your take aways and how you hope to use the advice. I enjoyed reading about what 3 tips you found most helpful. I will definitely work on note-taking this semester. Thanks for the idea!
1) it is many tips that teach student how to be in full confidence and full participate also giving many advise that would help student for their online classes.
2)it is a tips for student to prepare for online classes because it give many key words and teach you how to extend a discussion and also how to make context clear that mean how to tell other the thing you trying to say in a better way.
3 tips that i learned that i will try this semester are time management, online classes, and participate. I learned time management because online classes can be really messy and making me confuse all the time. I learned how to be a great online student because we were not in a classroom and it making it hard to have interact with others. Participation this is a most important thing for me because im a very easily getting distracted and i try to learn how to be more participation in online classes.
4) i found these tips very helpful because im not so used to online classes and it give me many tip that would definitely help me in the future.
One word that i would choose to represent how’s my feeling is worry. I feel like im not prepare for college and not prepare for online classes also. I had it for the whole year in high school but feel like i cant learn what need for the class.
My others worries would be an online student because i always forget things and doing homework late and for this college life i want to make myself a goal which is completing college life on time! and also a great memory of it!
Dear Jin,
Great. I loved reading your summaries of the articles and seeing what you took away from them. I am glad that you found the tips helpful and will try them out in your classes!
Thank you for sharing your introduction. I think being an online student is so difficult and challenging for almost everyone, I am glad that you know what is hard for you and can work on getting better at it.
Diamond Williams
Part 2: Both of these articles were giving tips on how to navigate online school, from succeeding in online school to how to have good online discussions .
Three tips that I learned I want to try out are participate, complete work on time ,and be in class frequently ,because in online school it is very easy for people to fall behind an I want to be on top of my grades so I don’t have to cram in work at the end of the semester.
Part 3: one word to describe how I’m feel is excited ,some worries that I have about online school os slacking off the past times I was in online school I was slacking off and not doing my work on time so I have a lot of work to make up to be able to graduate and It was stressful and I don’t want that to happen again .
Dear Diamond,
Great! I loved reading what tips you found helpful and how you will apply them to your experience this year. For your summaries, I would love to hear a little bit more of a detailed summary of the sources. HOW many tips do they provide. WHAT kind of tips? HOW are these tips helpful to students? WHO might benefit from reading them? WHERE did you see examples of what you describe (refer directly to the text).
Thank you for sharing your introduction. I think worried and excitement are two very common feelings among your classmates. I very much look forward to getting to know you better this semester.
Part #2
1. “Student Tips for Online Learning Success” gives students tips on how to do well in your classes while being online. It explains how you need to take it seriously and keep everything in order to stay on track with all your assignments.
“Online discussion: Tips For Students” gives good points on how to be involved in discussions and writing a post. It encourages students to give in their own ideas during discussions.
2. 3 tips that I learned and will be using this semester is to login to my courses frequently so I stay on track on what assignments to complete by the due date. As well as setting schedules such as journals to jot down any tasks I need to get done by certain date. And also engaging in online chats or online discussions so I can share my ideas as well as learn from my classmates.
3. I did found these pieces very helpful because I am a new student in college so this gave me ideas on how I can stay on track and be involved with my classes.
4. One thing I would like to learn more about is learning to be more sociable when it comes to class discussion because I have trouble sharing my opinions and i would like to be more involved.
Part #3
1. I am feeling very nervous to start this course because it is my first semester in college and it feels more serious.
2. I prefer in person rather than online classes because I find that learning In person makes me understand so much more than at home through a computer. Also if we talk about the poor connection sometimes which frustrates me.
3. The picture I would choose is my kitty Sofie, she’s still a baby she was born in March. She means a lot to me and always cheers me up when i’m feeling stressed or upset about something. Its like all your problems drift away when you have a furry animal besides you.
Dear Saida,
Great! I loved reading your summaries of the articles and seeing what you took away from them. I am glad that you found the tips helpful and will try them out in your classes!
Thank you for sharing your introduction. I think being an online student is so difficult and challenging for almost everyone, I also much prefer in person learning. New kitty!! So special!
Edgar Centeno
Part 2
1. Both texts talk about the same situation that we are currently facing with school and this whole pandemic situation, but it gives us tips on how to work better while studying and going to school online. The first text speaks on 10 things that should be done by us to be much more successful in our online classes. Meanwhile, in the second text it speaks on how we should constantly be participating in what is going in during class to help us focus more and understand better.
2. There are so many tips that I would like to try and I will try, but the three tips that I would try myself constantly; accepting the fact that first online classes will be overwhelming, login to my course 4-5 times a week, and to participate/ ask for help when needed. I would do the first one because every since the pandemic hit, I wasn’t a very huge fan of this online class thing because I learn better in person and I just disliked how overwhelming it gets, but I need to start accepting thats how it would be and it will easier if I work hard on it. I will login into my course 4-5 times a week in order to help myself be organized and not forget important things that will help me in class. Lastly, I will participate more and ask for help when needed because it will help me be more focus on class and on the things I’m doing in order to be successful in this course.
3. I found this piece very much helpful. I already knew most of these tips from high school when we first started to take online classes, but they were so vague. On the other hand, the tips in these pieces were going into depth on how to properly do all these tips.
4. There isn’t anything else I would like to learn about. I believe everything I wanted and needed to know was already covered by the tips. If not, I will follow one of the tips and ask about something I’m not sure about.
Part 3
1. The word I would used to describe I am feeling as I’m starting this course is excited. I’m very excited because it’s going to be a whole new different experience than what I already am used to, but it will much better.
2. One of my biggest concerns while being an online student is being able to manage everything from school to work to even my personal life. I feel like at a certain point I will be to stressed out about all three and won’t be able to handle it correctly, but I will continue to try my hardest and never give up and manage it to the best I can.
3. The picture I was going to use was a picture of me playing one of the two main instruments I love to play, the cello. This picture was a screenshot from a music video that was filmed before the pandemic during my after school program in high school. This picture means so much because it shows how focus and calm I am while I played the cello. Music is one of the most important things in my life because it helps me to be able to calm down and not worry about anything. It helps me relieve stress or any feeling I have that might not be the best. Music is basically my bestfriend.
Dear Edgar,
Great! I loved reading your summaries of the articles and seeing what you took away from them. I am glad that you found the tips helpful and will try them out in your classes! I think that everyone finds managing the work and keeping everything organized challenging. We are going to work hard on implementing strategies to help!
Thank you for sharing your introduction. I loved your description of the photo. Music is SO important! Who are your favorite artists?
1)in these pieces it tells us and shows us how to be a successful online student. It tells us how hard is our first day in online classes and trying to help us by telling us the first class will be overwhelming.
2)3 tips of many tips is taking advantage of NHCC and taking advantage of and 24/7 access to library and many other things. log on course 4 to 5 times a day to see emails and assignments ect… last is to participate the more the better it will help other class mates get to know you when you work with them.
3)Yes i found this very helpful as a new student learning new things about college this helps me by telling me how to do things and explaining what is important and what i should be focused on more.
part 3)
1)One word that describes how i feel about this course is exited but nervous because i am not the best english learner.
2)some worries i have is if my english is strong enough for this course and if the assignments will be difficult because i don’t have a work place so it will be 2 times as difficult for me.
3)i cant post a pic but i can describe it its not much of a pic then a quote and the quote is “don’t work hard work smart.” i like to go by that to help me think around things and make things much easier.
Great! I loved reading your summaries of the articles and seeing what you took away from them. I am glad that you found the tips helpful and will try them out in your classes! Being a new student in college, and an online student at that, is SO hard.
Thank you for sharing your introduction. I really liked your description of the photograph.