Monthly Archives: November 2021

Step 2 – Research

The second picture is shelf impact. Lipton is at the top and as you can see takes up the entire shelf almost. as for other teas such as bigelow they were way below lipton therefore lipton is the most advertised and seen tea when it comes to shopping for tea. It sticks out for sure but as I watched many customers preferred bigelow, other green branded and colorful, picture filled tea brand packaging. None really preferred or reached for lipton, hence it is fully stocked as well.

Step 1 – Discover

For lipton I had found a couple things questionable. The bright yellow packaging, the iced teaas the stamp for their black tea. the use of red and the reason for constant repititiveness for recyclying and heart benefits. The labeling all around the box was filler once i began reading and studying the box. there was no point to have the same information wrapped around the entire box. As for bigelow, the box was clear and straight forward therefore I did not further investigate since everything was well thought out and relative to the tea and branding.

Joseph Asimeng-project 1 step 2-define(just in case if the professor needs this to be on here and for your viewing pleasure)

the 3m disinfectant shown above

Typography: Kinda hard to read

Shelf Impact: i’d say was pretty good

Photography: no photography or imagery whatsoever

Target audience: anyone who is 18 to 65 years old

Packaging: gray spray top, white bottle. With the 3m logo. The words “TB quat disinfectant ready to use cleaner, on the purple space.” Two sentences also on the same purple area. Followed by miscellaneous information in a black space.

Analysis with new design conclusion(in simple words): People want a new look. They want one that they can try to understand. With of course, one that has all the information, that you would ever want in a spray bottle. They would probably love the shape of the spray bottle, keeping the original 3m logo, with also keeping all the other necessary info on the label design itself. That’s what i plan to do.