Step 2 – Research

The second picture is shelf impact. Lipton is at the top and as you can see takes up the entire shelf almost. as for other teas such as bigelow they were way below lipton therefore lipton is the most advertised and seen tea when it comes to shopping for tea. It sticks out for sure but as I watched many customers preferred bigelow, other green branded and colorful, picture filled tea brand packaging. None really preferred or reached for lipton, hence it is fully stocked as well.

1 thought on “Step 2 – Research

  1. joseph asimeng

    All of this looks pretty good, because it seems like you put some pretty decent info into this. and i don’t even know why lipton would be at the top of the shelf and the rest of the other tea boxes, would be at the bottom of it.

    i don’t know why the store would make that decision. for the life of me. not saying its horrible. i’m just over here saying i don’t even know what the reason was behind it.

    its pretty interesting though.


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