Monthly Archives: March 2020

Imaginary Being Project

This is my imaginary Being Jackle Incubius. The green background uses unity to my work art, 6 shapes make up the composition of my work so my imaginary being is in the center of my composition. The strokes of the paint brush brings texture all around to the background. In my painting, the 3 red dots are the focal points the use of the white brings out the use of white in the imaginary being which shows value. The use of white compared to the green background shows value. I think the movement is the way my imaginary being brought up because he is kind of slocuhed over. There’s  definetly complementary color as in which there is different types of green   in there. Purple is another cool color you see int eh cubes because it’s not only one cube it’s in all the cubes.You can also see the different grays that I used.

Imaginary Being Project

My imaginary being is a supernatural being wanting to be a pretty mermaid but in order to create her body to move around, she had to use items she found underwater. I imagine this kind of character desperately wanting to have a body and look pretty that she did her best in creating a body with what she could find in the depths of the ocean. She would do her best to maintain the items she collected in good shape and constantly look at herself into a mirror thinking that she is the prettiest of them all. Though if anyone was swimming underwater and ended up seeing her, they would properly end up freaking out instead, especially once she starts to swim towards them. What I used for this collage was printing images, scissors, glue, and bristol paper. Most color focused is on the being while the background is monochrome.

Imaginary Being

my imaginary being I’ve come up with an idea of an anime character mixing the character with a reading novel I read about a few months ago  and watching the anime series death note. I pictured seeing the anime character Light Yagami as being a single dictator better known as big brother because he controls a majority of people who listens or obey any command he gives. The whole idea was to recreate the vision but using an anime character to show how it relates to light Yagami in the anime series. The elements I used to make this vision masterpiece come true were gray scale with little warm colors as it shows and displayed on the picture background of the Dystopia  world of light Yagami and a crowd listening to him. Other elements I used to make this collage was printing images from pexels ,scissors , glue , Bristol paper.  

Imaginary Being








This is my imaginary being, its two tornadoes that are turning into the sun on the horizon.I used ink to do the background and scales on the road. I used paper to make the tornadoes and the side of thew road using the paper with patterns.

Imaginary Being Project

Above is my imaginary being, a beast inspired by the book of revelations. The beast was assembled using at least five different textures that I found online, along with gouache paint to blend it all together. There is use of movement within the composition in that the beast is lunging to attack the lamb. The sky was made of clouds using grey scale. I think the focal point is found in the face of the beast along with the other faces and the lamb. Tension is found between the paw of the beast and the lamb. Shade was used throughout the work. As far as perspective goes, there is also a horizon line but no vanishing point. I chose to create this imaginary being because a lot of things that I see going on in the world seem to correlate to what is described in the book the bible. So I decided to create my visual interpretation of what’s written.

Imaginary Being Project

For the imaginary being project, I created a three-headed monster. He’s part cyclops, part angel in disguise, and part cartoon. I set the monster in front of rays of light resembling the iconic Virgin Mary look. That’s where grayscale and value come im. The further away from the creature the darker it is, for example, the corners are the darkest. The artwork is made completely out of magazine cutouts.  Almost the whole creature is made from all kinds of texture from clothing. Ranging from scarfs, plaid suits, trench coats, dresses, and even lingerie. It also has life in it like butterflies, a plant and an eyeball. I feel like that makes it contact to actually living things. I decided to add color only to eyes, noses, and mouths. The focal point is the whole creatures itself, just like a Virgin Mary picture.  I think I did a pretty good job not losing the creature into the background, that was my biggest concern. The details are the most important to me like the halo, the ocean in the sunglasses, or the shine on hair resembling a smile. The overall artwork has a good balance, one side is not overpowering the other.

Imaginary Being Project

My imaginary being consists a composition of lines and geometrical shapes to form a skeleton with an abstract background. The concept of the project is the skeleton is trying to escape the abstract scenery and is more curious of the outside of world. The focal point is more centered at the cartoon skeleton. My projects consists of a balance between white and black. I didn’t want a rhythm for the background of my being. The abutting shapes of my design consists of circles, rectangles and squares. There are also negative space where the hand is which is supposed to represent the outside world. More like a picture trying to come to life. Symmetry was also used to keep my being more focused and alive for the viewer to see. The being does consists of harmony but the abstract background doesn’t. I used shading to add some depth to my being.

Imaginary Being

This imaginary being is inspired by both past and current events. This being is supposed to look very divine, it’s supposed to represent how our phones are something that we can never let go. I tried to connect it to religion and how in most religions, people can never live without their god. The background is a piece of paper that I found from a christian magazine. It showcases a sunset like background, that all the more contributes to the calm and cool nature that the being is releasing. The head of the being is showing a modern side to things as well. In the moment of the current epidemic, cell phones and other technologies are being used now more than ever. We are using it to contact with family far away, to communicate through FaceTime with our professors, and submit homework online. Without today’s current technology things would be so much different and communication between people would be much harder.

Imaginary Being Project

“Although I didn’t follow instructions with the white border”. My focal point is what really grabs your attention first? is it the Bunny on the right side? The Three Eye Monster in the middle? or the Smoking Skull on the left side? I let the viewer decide. There’s a lot of value in this painting as if you look at the bunny you can see the black is mostly the dark areas on the rabbit such as inside the ear, the whiskers and eyes. For the smoking skull, the cracks on the skull can be seen as a shadow also the eye can also be seen as a shadow. Background wise can also be seen as a value if you look on the bottom left all the way to top left you can see dark on the bottom and it gets lighter as it goes up. I also incorporated some movement towards the middle of my three eye monster with the tears flowing down from top to bottom. There’s also a gradient with the grays with a darker gray in the bottom and the lightest gray on the top.