Monthly Archives: March 2020

Abstract being

My Imaginary being is somewhat based on the Statue of Liberty and all the people who work to end injustice. She represents all those who arenā€™t in power and their voices arenā€™t heard. Surrounding her are newspapers in the background showing the climate of the world focusing on money and stocks. She stands on two parts of the border, the left is a shrine to the immigrants that died and the right side calls for reform. A homeless man sleeps on the left and a sign on the left from a homeless person says Once I was like you. My imaginary being is a beacon of hope for those yearning for the goal of utopia. The focal point of my project is the beacon of hope she stands out because the background is made up of grayscale. I cut up pieces of different textures to make her clothes pop out and made her standing above protecting those in need around her.I tried to make her have the same silhouette as a picture of the Statue of Liberty I saw.Ā 

Sonia Lakeram Imaginary Being

In this project I created a cyclops who has a genie like tale. With this composition I ripped out articles from various magazines and glued them down for the background. The words from the magazines give a little texture, this goes well with the concept of the background being a cave because they act like the rubble and rock like features that are present in a cave. I used the gouache paint to bring the background to life using a black and white value scale. The top of the artwork is black and the bottom is left to be the color of the magazine while the middle shifts to grey. I purposely made the paint brush leave streaks so that there is a sort of rhythm to create the illusion of the stalactite that are usually formed in caves. To create a sense of balance with the top and bottom of the art I painted spikes to act as rocks. Overall the piece has an asymmetrical balance which creates a sense of unity with the background and the imaginary being.

Imaginary Being Project, Yessica Ramirez

The focal point of my imaginary being is clearly my imaginary being. But to make it stand out even more than it is it is filled of different colors. The composition of the background is random, but the rhythm of it is very smooth. Although I wanted the imaginary being to be the focal point, I did not want viewers to draw away from the background and thatā€™s why I incorporated bits of color in the background. It has a bunch of triangles overlapping each other and it may be hard to see, but there are also four separate big stars on each side of the imaginary being. The facial expression of the being is clueless. It does not know where it is or anything about itā€™s surrounding. It is lost. The four big stars that are hidden in the background signify its ā€œsensesā€, but it is hidden and lost in the unknown just like the being.