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Alexander Tapia-HW#2-Food and Coffee During the Civil War

The thing that I found most fascinating about a Civil War soldiers diet is the limited amount if food they had. The problems they had related to the limited amounts of food and the lack of nutrition for the soldiers. … Continue reading

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Giovanni Morales – H.W#2: Coffee and food during Civil War

The thing that I found fascinating about the Civil War era was what the soldiers were eating during battles since they couldn’t have a good proper meal, all they depended on was a hardtack. When I first saw the image … Continue reading

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HW#2-Sumiya Shahan- Food and Coffee During the Civil War

For the Union soldiers food was one of the biggest problems, during that time most of the soldiers were men and they didn’t know how to cook so they eat raw meat. From my Biology class, I learn that raw … Continue reading

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HW#2: Marc Chu (Food and Coffee during the Civil War)

After reading the article of how civil war soldiers use hardtack got my attention. The reason why i got my attention is because hardtack was the way of survival for civil war soldiers in which it didn’t cost that much … Continue reading

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Guneet Kaur – Food and Coffee during the Civil War

The most fascinating thing about Civil War Soldier’s diet was the hardtack. It was a large thick cracker which had a lot of nutrients. There were a lot of things that made it unique. First of all, it can be … Continue reading

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Melanie’s HW #2 – Food and Coffee During the Civil War

The most fascinating thing about a Civil War soldier’s diet is that hardtack lasted for so long, and it was considered nutritious. Another thing that was interested is that if the hardtack got moldy soldiers would just cut off the … Continue reading

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David’s HW #2 – Food and Coffee During the Civil War

The most fascinating fact about the soldier’s diets during the civil war has to be the use of hardtack. Hardtack was used as the main foodstuff because it was inexpensive to reproduce, long-lasting and reasonably nutritious. I find it quite … Continue reading

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AZ’s HW#2: Food and Coffee During the Civil War

What fascinates me most about the Civil War soldier’s diet is that the soldiers are heavily reliant on coffee. The soldiers would drink coffee whenever they feel like it, even during combat. Coffee was being made constantly with anything they … Continue reading

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HW#2 Food and Coffee During the Civil War- Eva Tse

The Soldiers had a limited amount of food to eat because they needed food to have an extended shelf life. Although they ate the fruits and vegetables in season, it still wasn’t enough to satisfy their hunger. On top of … Continue reading

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Randy Antigua

What I found most fascinating about a Civil War soldier’s diet is their dependence on coffee. Amusingly, I can personally relate to them because I always feel like I need to have my coffee every morning during my commute to … Continue reading

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