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Professor Sandra Cheng
Office: Atrium 642
Office Hours: Tu/Th 9-10 am or
by appointment
Office Tel: 718-260-5003
Email: scheng@citytech.cuny.eduNew York Times Arts
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Tag Archives: coffee
AZ’s HW#2: Food and Coffee During the Civil War
What fascinates me most about the Civil War soldier’s diet is that the soldiers are heavily reliant on coffee. The soldiers would drink coffee whenever they feel like it, even during combat. Coffee was being made constantly with anything they … Continue reading
Song’s HW2: Food and Coffee during the Civil War
The thing that is fascinating and hard to believe about the soldier’s diet is that according to Charles Nott, Union Soldier, 16 yrs. old who seems quite young to me to be a soldier already says that all they ate … Continue reading
HW2: Food and Coffee during the Civil War
If you had a choice, which would you give up? Food? Or coffee? We have just explored the photography of the Civil War, and we are reminded of the difficulties of producing photographs during war, especially with the wet-plate collodion … Continue reading