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Professor Sandra Cheng
Office: Atrium 642
Office Hours: Tu/Th 9-10 am or
by appointment
Office Tel: 718-260-5003
Email: scheng@citytech.cuny.eduNew York Times Arts
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Tag Archives: food
HW#3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram
This Thanksgiving, my family and friends ate rice with pork shoulder or arroz con pernil/hornado. This is my favorite meal because of the taste of the pork shoulder. Hopefully this Christmas we have the same meal with some other side … Continue reading
Kicchi Biryani (Bangladeshi Style) by Sumiya Shahan
The name of this food is Kacchi Biryani and is Bangladeshi Style. People use basmati rice, eggs, chicken, and many different types of seasoning, rose water, etc. My dad has his won recipe and any time I want to eat … Continue reading
Song’s HW #3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram
(Not a real representation aside from the rice and turkey) Food photography is a really trendy and people use it to share their food moments. The food moments would likely be showing the food at this certain restaurant so more … Continue reading
A.Z. HW #3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram
Over the holiday week, my family will be having hotpot. I personally think that food photography is useful in certain ways because you can share the photo on social medias for others to see to receive likes and comments and … Continue reading
HW #3: Color, Food Photography, and Instagram
Happy Thanksgiving! This week seems an appropriate time toĀ considerĀ color photography and the art of photographing food. Color is very important to creating an appetizing photograph but color photography was not accepted as an art form until the 1970s. William Eggleston … Continue reading
Posted in Homework Assignment
Tagged color photography, food, Instagram, photography, social media, William Eggleston
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HW #2 Food & Cofee during the Civil War
What’s most interesting to me about a Civil War soldier’s diet is the hardtack (cracker). I find it very fascinating that the hardtack these soldiers used to eat, even after 150 years have passed, it still looks eatable! This cracker … Continue reading
Song’s HW2: Food and Coffee during the Civil War
The thing that is fascinating and hard to believe about the soldier’s diet is that according to Charles Nott, Union Soldier, 16 yrs. old who seems quite young to me to be a soldier already says that all they ate … Continue reading
HW #2-Food and Coffee During Civil War
Gender roles played a big part in the evolution of culinary skills with Civil War soldiers. The Sanitary was responsible for supplying a reliable food source and rations for the soldiers. A member of The Sanitary worked to provide the … Continue reading