Type Family On The Go

These are the Classifications of Type I found while riding on the train.

This “Mercedes Benz” ad displays a Modern typeface in the logo. There are thick and thin strokes in the capital lettering and smooth serifs.

photo 1

The “Black Enterprise” logo is done in a Slab Serif typeface. The serifs and Strokes of the font are both very thick and bold.

photo 2

The “Do not lean on door” sign that is located on every train door is in a simple Sans Serif typeface I believe to be Helvetica similar to other subway type.

photo 4

The Grand Central sign is done in a Transitional typeface where the strokes ease into the serifs.

photo 3

The Old Style typeface I found was in a sign on the train. The “Capital Program” type is done in a simple serif, which is kind of blocky like Old Style fonts

photo 5

Everyday typefaces.


This is an example of an Old Style typeface.  This logo has wedged shaped serifs and greater contrast between thick and thin strokes.


This is an example of a san serif font, Helvetica. No serifs, just clean and simple letters.


This is an example of a Modern typeface. A mix of vintage motel neon lights and different fonts. Just one with serif.


This is an example of Blackface typaface. Thick, heavy letters with serifs.


This is an example of Egyptian typeface.  It sign has thick, block-like serifs.

Five Families of type pictures.

It has  wedge sharped serifs,more upright serifs ,and greater contrast between thin&thick stroks
This typeface is olds style for many reasons, first of all  there are more wedge shaped serifs.Also,they have greater contrast between thick& thin strokes. The last thing I want to mention in this photo is the heavily bracketed or curved serifs


This is a sans serif typeface. I notice how the name is without any serifs.There is low contrast between thin &thick areas. In this photo I see serifs , this shows me it is a Egyptian (slab- serifs).IMG_1934

This picture has a Transitional typeface.  The contract between thin and thick strokes are increased and the serifs are more sculpted

This is a magazine that I found in the train station. It is a Modern typeface because it has a very high contrast between thick and thin strokes, the hairline is unbracketed, The serif is also very thin. This typeface is used a lot in magazines as design.
old style
This typeface I found in the lower east side of Manhattan, Which is a high school banner. This Typeface is Old style. It is old style because it has wedge shaped seif and It has great contrast between thick and thin strokes. I think that this type face is used because it is easy to ready but to also draw the viewer’s attention.
I found this on the jay street subway station. It is a san serif font. It has no serifs which indicates that it is san serif, but it also has low contrast. Most signs and posters in the subway use this font. I believe they use this font because the subway doesn’t have paragraphs of type just a few word, so they use this font as a design but to also make it easier to read for the reader.
This is a sneaker store that I found in Queens. This typeface is a slab-serif. The letters are blocky and big. It has rectangular serifs with the same thickness as the rest of the strokes. I think that this typeface is used because they wanted more of a design look to the company’s name and to catch the eye much quicker.
This I found in Jay street and it is a transitional font. It has great stress between thick and thin strokes. The head serifs are horizontal and it has a bracketed oblique serif. I believe this was used to attract people .