Meeting Agenda 5—Tony, Samson, Goutam


Meeting Date: Friday, December 12, 2014

Start time: 7:00 pm

End time: 8:20pm

Location: Skype Chat

Attendees:Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong

Objective:  To discuss about Final write-up report and PowerPoint


7:00 to 7:15                 Discuss in-class peer review

7:15 to 7:30                 Discuss after class meeting with Professor Belli

7:30 to 8:00                 Discuss what each group member need to improve

8:00 to 8:20                 PowerPoint slides and presentation discussion


Agenda -Goutam

Minute – Tony


Meeting Minute 5—Tony, Samson, Goutam

Date: 12/12/2014

Start Time: 7:00 pm

End Time: 8:20 pm

Location: meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Tony Chi, Skype.

Attendees: Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong

Objective: Final Report Wrap-up and Presentation

Work Assigned

  • Tony is going to be minute take for this week.
  • Goutam is made the agenda to be discussed for this week online meeting.
  • Samson is going to write the last progress report

Last Meeting Peer Review

  • Base on what we read from other group report, we really our table of content need to be fix.
  • Tony said appendices are not clear cut comparing to others.
  • Our work cited is missing
  • We embedded too much images

Group Meeting with Prof. Belli & Final Report

  • Goutam will reconstruct introduction for the report
  • Goutam will also fix the background base on what Professor Belli suggests.
  • Tony will take charge of fixing and editing the full report
  • Tony will also find out to make table of contents interactive.
  • We going to get more survey done and analyze the result
  • Samson will write about survey and fixing major error


  • Discuss about whether we should dress professional
  • Assigned parts of the power point to present in class
  • Complete the power point for in class presentation for next Wednesday

Next Class Meeting

  • Our group will be present our progress on the final project.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM

Minutes respectfully compiled and submitted by Tony Chi

Progress Report 6—Tony, Samson, Goutam

This is final week before the final report and presentation is due. Our plan was to have everything completed on Monday and submitted. Then we will work on the presentation on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, we’ve meet with the professor after class and received a lot of advice in regard to improving our final report, Such as sorting the table of content, and ways to clarify our contents. Before leaving, Professor Belli handed back our draft with comments made throughout the package. At night, our group member that had the draft scanned all of the pages and sent it to the rest of the members.

We all started working on our part of the final report, report back our progress, and continue to distribute our survey throughout City Tech with the help our friends’ network. On Friday, we communicated through a chat client (Skype) to keep up to date on what is missing from our work. We’ve clarified our work again and see if any other members need help with their part.

The survey, terms of use, and introduction revision was completed on Sunday night. Response data from the survey was collected from Google survey Sunday evening and used in our survey discussion. We’ve added more research materials within our final report. Such as materials we’ve had used before but left out.

On Monday night, we put everyone’s work together and all members proof read the report for errors before finalizing and submitting on to dropbox.




Progress Report 5 —Tony, Goutam, Samson

Progress Report

In the last class we discuss how the requirement of the final write and first draft of the collaborative project. After class, we briefly assigned part of the project report for each one of us to complete and upload to google drive. Samson is going to upload the survey rationale on openlab for professor belli to comment on it. For our synchronous meeting, we are still going to held on Skype on December 7, 2014. Tony is writing the meeting agenda for this meeting, while Samson is doing meeting minute and Goutam is writing the progress report.

For the first draft of the final collaborative project Tony, Samson and I put together everything we did over the past two month. During our meeting on Skype, we have specifically talk about what each of us need to do to accomplish the report as a whole. For the discussion part of the report, Tony is going to discuss about mobile application design and layout, and application features; Samson is going to discuss about survey and term of use, he also made a simple term of use for our mobile app; finally Goutam is writing about the report conclusion and recommendation as well as introduction.

After we have done each individual parts of the report, we have upload everything on google doc. Then we are are going to do proof reading and discuss about the error that might occur. Finally, Tony will be responsible for uploading the first draft to dropbox.

Meeting Minute 4—Tony, Goutam, Samson

Date: 12/07/2014

Start Time: 6:00 pm

End Time: 7:00 pm

Location: Skype video chat at 6:00pm

Attendees: Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong

Objective: To complete the first draft of the final write up.

Work Assigned


  • Work on the part of the project that was assigned.



  • Complete survey rational and post on Openlab.

First Draft

  • Complete introduction, report and conclusion for the first draft.
  • Put together all progress report, minutes and agenda for appendix.
  • Put together the first draft.

Next Class Meeting

  • Complete final draft of the final paper and powerpoint presentation.

Minutes respectfully compiled and submitted by Samson Gong

Meeting Agenda 4—-Tony, Goutam, Samson

Meeting Date: Sunday, December 7, 2014

Start time: 6:00 pm

End time: 7:00pm

Location: Skype Chat

Attendees: Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong

Objective: To work on the first draft of the collaborative project.


6:00 to 6:10 Discuss what we did last class.

6:10 to 6:20 Dividing working for the first draft of the report

6:20 to 6:50 Discuss how we going to wrap up our report and what do we need.

6:50 to 7:00 Upload the first draft on google doc and work on it together.

Next meeting date: Friday, December 14, 2014, 7/8pm


Agenda – Tony Chi

Minute – Samson Gong

Meeting Minute 3 –Tony, Samson, Goutam

Date: 11/30/2014

Start Time: 6:00 pm

End Time: 7:00 pm

Location: Skype video chat at 6:00pm

Attendees: Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong

Objective: To discuss our previous presentation, and how to improve upon it for final presentation

Work Assigned

  • Samson is assigned to do the minute.
  • Goutam was assigned to do the agenda.


  • A classmate suggested adding a comment section under the question “How often you visit City Tech’s website”.

Mobile Application

  • Talk about the usability of the features incorporated in the application.
  • Plan to export the application onto the iPhone

Final Presentation and Paper

  • We need to work on our delivery of our presentation
  • Talk slower, and more thought-out reply
  • How to write a “Term of Use”


Next Class Meeting

  • Try to complete the final paper.


Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM

Minutes respectfully compiled and submitted by Samson Gong




Meeting Agenda 3—Tony, Samson, Goutam

Meeting Date: Sunday, November 30, 2014

Start time: 6:00 pm

End time: 7:00pm

Location: Skype Chat

Attendees:Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong

Objective:  Class presentation and first draft of the final report of the project


6:00 to 6:10                 Our presentation in class and other group presentation

6:10 to 6:20                 Assigned works for group members to complete

6:20 to 6:25                 Ideas on how to start writing the final report

6:25 to 7:00                 Put together the information we have done so for on the project.

Next meeting date: Friday, December 7, 2014, 7/8pm



Agenda – Goutam Seepersaud

Minute – Samson Gong


Progress Report 4—Tony, Samson, Goutam

From our last meeting in class, we have presented our first draft project to the class.  During the Q&A, we  noticed that our survey was not effective towards our final app; we also learned that for our bulletin feature, rather than create a fully developed term of use, its better to embed it somewhere on the screen where its easy to be seen. Another thing that we have to improve is to include follow up question in survey for analysis purpose.

Over the thanksgiving weekend, Goutam and Samson have came up with a modified survey which will be available in dropbox and openlab. we will also have it ready for in class survey  next week. In addition, Samson was working on  rationale of the survey and have it posted on OpenLab. In terms of app, we have most of our expected features created in the app and Tony have made a demo version that is displayable in ios device. Hopefully when we finish conducting the survey on next wednesday, we could made some modifications to the demo accordingly of what users are looking forward to.

For this week synchronous meeting on skype and wechat, we have take turns writing agenda and minute, etc. Goutam is doing meeting agenda; Samson is writing meeting minute; Tony is writing the progress report for the week and he will also be doing revision and submit all works to both dropbox and openlab. During our meeting,  we have discussed about our first draft presentation, it is  mainly about what we need to improve in the final presentation and prepare all information and materials needed for the final report.  We have gone over our finalized survey and term of use for bulletin. Hopefully next week, we would have everything ready to be submit and ready for final presentation.


Meeting Agenda 2 —Tony, Goutam, Samson

 Meeting Date: Sunday, November 23, 2014

Start time: 6:00 pm

End time: 7:00pm

Location: Skype Chat


Attendees:Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong

Objective:  To discuss further research, App features, and powerpoint


6:00 to 6:10 Discuss last class meeting

6:10 to 6:20 Assigned works for group members to complete

6:20 to 6:25 Discuss about our progress so far we have done

6:25 to 7:00 Powerpoint slides and presentation discussion

Next meeting date: Friday, November 28, 2014, 7/8pm


Agenda – Samson Gong

Minute – Goutam Seepersaud


Meeting Date: Monday, November 24, 2014

Start time: 9:00 pm

End time: 9:30 pm

Location: Skype Chat


Attendees:Tony Chi, Goutam Seepersaud, Samson Gong

Objective:  To discuss the powerpoint’s presentation


9:00 to 9:30    Prepare and determine who to present which part and what to say

Next meeting date: Friday, November 28, 2014, 7/8pm


Agenda – Samson Gong

Minute – Goutam Seepersaud