BHS Walk

Today was the best day in college so far. Instead of my speech class and english class, My professors took us on a walking trip to Brooklyn Historical Society. We walked there and in the way we made 2 stops. The first stop was at the Columbus park a block up from city tech. The park is pretty big and includes the borough hall and many famous statues of the people that have made any impact. One of the statue we looked at was of Henry Ward Beecher. He is known for fighting for the freedom for the slaves and the one slave that stands out is Pinky. Beecher brought her freedom when she was being sold by her owner. The next stop we made was at the Plymouth Church. The church is where Lincoln came before he was selected as a president. Than we walked around the Brooklyn bridge. It was great to see all the construction going on, the Brooklyn bridge, the city and the Statue Of Liberty. Than we went to BHS. It has got 6 heads sculpture of famous from the history such as Shakespeare Beethoven and Christopher Columbus. inside also included the head of Pinky. That was added their 2 yrs ago by a local painter. Inside was really nice and the structure was really nice as well. We went to their library and saw a lot of interesting things and many old books were there too. Than we saw their new made classroom for college students. We talked about the policies and rules of the BHS.

Walk to BHS

On Monday we had a walk to the Brooklyn Historical Society. It was fascinating because it was my first time walking around in Brooklyn. As we walked we came to a post office which was back in time a Brooklyn Theater which burned down killing about 300 people. I never knew about it and it was sad knowing that people couldn’t make it out and burned. We also came to the Columbus Park and saw a statue of Henry Ward Beecher who was an abolitionists for the end of slavery. There was another statue of him at the Plymouth Church which was a few blocks away. We then came up to Brooklyn Heights from where we got a beautiful view of Manhattan and The Brooklyn Bridge. I also saw The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Our last stop was the Brooklyn Historical Society. It was made up of a red brick which is called terracotta. Along with that the building had five faces sculpted in it. As we went in we saw another face sculpture of Pinky who was a slave set free by Henry Ward Beecher. The stairs were made of wood and were kinda creepy. The library had everything made of wood like tables, chairs, pillars etc.

Summary of BHS

On Monday our class went to a small field trip to  know and learn of  many places including the BHS. While we walked we came upon a really big court house. Prof. Rosen explained to us that that court house was once a big movie theatre but sadly it burned out. We learned that there were only 2 main exits thus, the people couldn’t get out on time. There we about 300 bodies found the next day! Then we crossed the street and saw a statue of Henry Ward Beecher. He looked so brave and with his eyes straight forward like if he was someone very important. there were Also kids trying to reach out to him like if he was their only hope. That’s when prof. Rosen explained to use that he was a very important preacher who use to help slaves. He received a lot of hate from people for trying to help slaves but many people use to cross on boats from Manhattan to Brooklyn just to listen to him. We also saw one of the church that he used to preach at. We also walked up to the edge of Brooklyn were we observed from across all of Manhattan. We was even able to see the Statue of Liberty. Lastly, we visited the BHS. it was very pretty and historic. There were heads of very important people surrounding the building. When we went to their library it was quite unique. Gladly I got to see these things in person not only through pictures. Its always better to see things in person that can see many more details that in a picture is not visible.

Trip to the Brooklyn Historical Society

Today our english class took a trip around the outskirts of downtown Brooklyn. This area was pretty familiar for me because I used to do deliveries all over downtown. Even though, I still enjoyed it from the perspective of a student learning more about each landmark I had passed and payed no mind to originally. Our first stop was the post office/ bankruptcy court. This building says a lot about what downtown Brooklyn is going through right now as far as restoration and construction. One thing I had not known before this trip is that this very building used to be a huge theater where one of Brooklyn’s worst tragedies occured. There was a fire that burned down the whole building and killed hundreds. This is very sad but also very significant. I’m glad I have the knowledge now. Brooklyn is also happy to have the knowledge because they changed their whole building code to try to avoid anymore of these terrible incidences. Our second stop was the statue of Henry Beecher in Columbus Square. Although I had a little bit of trouble hearing at this particular checkpoint, I gathered that he was an abolitionist of slavery and he was successful in freeing as many as he could by holding “mock auctions”. The next and third stop was a church with yet again, another statue of Henry. This time he seemed more in the spirit of preaching considering his posture and gestures. The court yard that he was front and center of was beautiful with green grass and an architecturally masterful building behind. The fact that there was a preschool just to the left is perhaps a juxtaposition of young and old. It also shows how they can benefit each other. Our last stop before the museum was the water front, which I had been to before, but never really had the clarity or necessity to take it all in. I saw everything I had seen before, just from a different view. As we walked from there to the museum, I noticed that we not only had walked for a bit of a distance, but we walked in one big circle. This would mean that the museum was just in our own backyard. I had passed the building many times as it is not far from my old job and maybe had looked up and said, “Wow those are some interesting heads.” I had never thought that there was a library and an entire historical society that had been around for well over a hundred years. Everything in that building, even though it may be recent, has some historical significance. Some of the books are so old that you need to keep them in certain light and humidity to keep them preserved, along with many other rules and regulations upon entry. These books and stories help us understand the past. Even though they may not be true; but only someones interpretation or ideas; they still come from a time that we don’t have a chance to visit other than records that can be proven to come from that time period. Having a tour guide definitely helps me understand things a lot better because you can ask any questions and they will more often than not have the answer. If they don’t, they can certainly point you in the right direction so that you can figure it out. I can take my experiences today and improve on my understanding of my Project #2 location by going back and considering what may have been there before that; what brought it to be located where it is; and other historical factors such as those. Certainly I could go to the society when it is open to do a little research and just become more well-rounded on the subject all together.

Project #2 (9/30-location choice)

imageThe place I chose for the project was the areas along the Fulton Street (Fulton Mall). As a teenage girl, I love shopping and when I explore the Downtown Brooklyn, I found this shopping heaven and I love it. Existing from the entrance of General building, turn left and walk straight down to the Fulton Street, then the left side is the Fulton Mall.

“You didn’t know that each time you passed the threshold you were saying goodbye.” The changing along the Fulton Mall is similar to that Chinese restaurant; someday, this store opens, someday, that store closed. People never know what happen tomorrow especially the fashion business. After a month, when you come back and shop in Fulton Street, you will find out your “old friend” was gone and a “new friend” came.

“Our old building still stand because we saw them, moved in and out of their long shadows
They are part of city we carry around. It is hard to imagine that something will take their place.” It is disappointed when you coming for something and after you get there, it is gone. And you can only put the old memories put inside your heart. Thus, you have to treasure every time you meet it.

Walk In New York

I have been living here in New York for about 10 years now. The best walk that i have had is with my family to the amusement park at still will ave, now called the The Luna Park. We walked on the boardwalk to the park and it took us about 30 mins to get there. it was a really good summer night with family. I was about 10 at that time and it was really new for me. All the lights and all the Rides i had never seen that kind of park before anywhere in New York. The thing that stood our for me was really all the rides, the weather, the location, and the most important thing was i was with my whole family. We went there around 10 at night. Me,my siblings, and my cousins were just running around and having the fun. We than also walked on the sand and walked barefoot in the water by the beach. It was really nice to enjoy the weather and also the moon light on the water was really beautiful. That moment was really special because i was having the fun of my life. The beach, the sand, the wind and my family. We walked walk back home on the sand barefoot and than ate ice cream on the boardwalk as well. Those moments were really good and precious for me as what was really the last time that my whole family was there, my cousins and everybody else. That was the walk of my life so far for me.

Walking New York

I’ve lived in Queens for pretty much my whole entire life. Out of all the long walks I’ve had, I will never forget my senior year prom night. A bunch of friends and I decided not to go to prom because we didn’t have any interest for the once in a life time special event. Since it was one of my friends birthday, we decided to go to the city that night without planning anything at all. We ended up in St. Marks entering a pizza shop called 2 bros. It was the best dollar slice pizza I’ve ate in a while. After that we just wondered around for three hours, and amazed at the amount of people out at 3am. I didn’t know why i was surprised, but I enjoyed the feeling of being outside in the city so late with my friends and these random people. Once we left Manhattan and got back to Queens, and went to Steinway in Astoria. We played pool and then ate from one of those mobile carts outside the streets. What I noticed that morning was that there was a huge difference walking in Manhattan streets versus walking in Queens streets. In Manhattan there were many stores open where you could hang out. Plus the huge amount of people in Manhattan  made me feel more alive then the streets in Queens. Queens at 4am is like a ghost town, which made the vibe dead. That’s when it came to me. The saying “New York City is the City that never sleeps”.

walking in New York City

I always think New York has many personalities, sometime he is very noisy and sometime he is so quiet. When I walking on the street in Chinatown after school, I think New York is so active. People are rushing on their ways to lunch, chatting on the street corner with their friends, gossip everything on the neighborhood and few workers are on their way to deliver the goods. Lively New York is not created by the people only; there are very important thing that make New York more like New York——-subways. Whenever I walk through, under the Manhattan Bridge, the noise produce by the trains were loud enough covers my voice, and my music in my earphone.

After the sunset, the dark came and there are less and less people walking on the street. Most of the stores are closed and the whole street became much darker. When I look up the sky, I can see the bright moon among the darkness; and sometime I was lucky, I can see the airplanes fight though the sky, with the weak, little spot light. When I was in China, my hometown calls “no night city” there are always light come from the stores and people still shopping on the streets or walking after dinner. For me, walking in Chinatown at night was so lonely.


A Walk In New York City

Since I was born and raised here I have been to numerous places in New York. One of my favorite places was walking around Central Park. At Central Park we walked around a lot for a good 4-5 hours and looked around to see all these activities that you can do. For example boating, fishing, etc. You also can have a mini family picnic as well. We took a lot of pictures in different parts of the park. At one of part of the park their are rocks which you can climb up and see the huge buildings. I was looking up and it seemed like i was about to fall down but luckily i didn’t. After the long day we went to get gyro from 5th ave. Their was a huge line but we managed to stand their because it was the yummiest gyro ever plus we were hungry. I recommend you guys to go to the park with family or friends because that way you guys could see the beautiful nature and spend a good quality time and make each moment memorable.

A Walk in New York City

Well since I’m born here I have seen many place’s in New York but one of my memorable moments is when I went to Times Square and Rockefeller Center at night with my sister and my aunt. It was like a dream come true for me. I always use to go in the mornings but at night its very beautiful. It was Christmas time so we went to see the tree lit up. I remember taking the F train to 47-50 street Rockefeller Center. It was very cold. There were so many people that it took us about 20 minutes to reach the area where the tree was. The tree was big and very beautiful. We took pictures and then headed toward Times Square. When we reached I was amazed by the beauty of it. After taking pictures there also we ate McDonald’s and then headed for home. I would recommend everyone to go check it out at night instead of the morning. New York City really is so fascinating that I don’t feel like going anywhere else.