November wrap-up

Today we had our last class in November. It was a productive double-session that focused on peer review and self-reflection for Project #4. If you want to share additional advice, ask questions, or connect with classmates about Project #4, feel free to do so in comments to this post.

Project #5 and the ENG 1101-SPE 1330 speech assignment are now posted on the Assignments page of our site. If you didn’t get a paper copy, please be sure to look at the assignments there instead.

One other follow-up: one of the great features of using a WordPress-based system, which the OpenLab is, is that you can Google a question about how to do something and find the answer pretty quickly and easily. That’s how I found the solution for the hanging indent on citations. It requires switching from visual to text in the way you look at the post you’re writing, and then pasting in some HTML code before and after the citation. I’ve updated our Readings page to use the hanging indents–doesn’t that look better? If you’re inspired to learn a new trick, especially if you’re interested in trying to use HTML, feel free to try, too!

I hope everyone has a productive week, with some time for relaxing, too, whether you’re celebrating Thanksgiving or not.

See you on Monday for the first day of speeches!