“Reading Lucy” Summary

In this article “Reading Lucy”  by Jennifer Egan, Egan talks about her bonding with Lucille Kolkin. They met at the Brooklyn Historical Society on Wedmesdays and Fridays but later on lost contact with eachother. In 1943 Lucy met a Alfred Kolkin sooner amd later they both got married. Egan got the letters when Lucy and Alfred used to write to eachother while Alfred was away for World War II. Egan was eager to learn more about the Brooklyn Navy Yard and about Lucy’s life during her own free time. She wanted to know what was Lucy’s personalities were like. Egan noticed how Lucy sent many many emails to Alfred while he was away, While Egan was researching about Lucy she has noticed that she is getting to know about Lucy’s life. By Egan reading Lucy’s letter it seemed like Egan was so close to Lucy and connected as well.  By looking at this novel it shows how Lucy loved Alfred and their love letters from eachother through Egan’s narration and Lucy’s notes.


Retention: (noun)  the act of keeping someone or something


During Professor Davis Speech Lecture we have used this word while reviewing for Chapter 8.

I understand that this word means to keep whatever you like to yourself.



The Happiest And Saddest Places In New York City

The happiest place which I think is the Times Square because it’s a very crowded with so many huge buildings and a lot of shopping malls. It is a place where you will never get tired of. When it comes to Christmas time theirs the huge tree with so many lights and people are their taking numerous amount of pictures with their families and friends. It’s a place where you go and you don’t have to worry about anything at all. Just enjoy the environment.

The saddest place is the Sheepshead Bay because it’s a quiet area. I personally don’t like quiet areas because it makes me depressed and I think of back to the old bad times throughout my high school years. So that is why its sad for me. I’d rather not think about these things and go to a enjoyable area with a lot of people.

Brooklyn War Memorial- Project #2



I was born in Brooklyn, raised in Brooklyn, and walked on foot as well. To be honest I’m not bored with the borough because each day I’m finding something cool and surprising around the hood. Near City tech their are so many amazing places that I have seen. For example : I didn’t know Brooklyn Bridge was so close to City tech, I thought it was far far away. There is also memorial parks and famous parks named after settlers. What’s surprising details that my Professor Rosen mentioned was that there was a theater literally 2 min walk away from college. Other then that she told us so many details about specific locations that made me shock. I woudl around on my own or soemtimes be with friends and explore Brooklyn. We explored other the city as well but Brooklyn is my main home. I will never get tired of it.

My adventure has started when my friends took me to this park. At that park we all started playing football and  after awhile I noticed this big wall. So I stopped the game and we went and took a glimpse of what it was. It was that people who served during the WW2 had died. So in honor of them they built this wall. It’s one of the Cadman Plaza parks. Here are the directions to get their:  When you get out of the college from the Namm Building, You head north on Jay Street towards Tillary Street. Then turn left onto Tillary Street. Then turn right onto Cadman Plaza W.Then turn right at Clark Street. Then turn left and then finally you will reach your destination.

A juxtaposition is the fact that two things being seen or placed together. The first thing that is being placed is honoring them. The wall clearly dedicates that “THIS MEMORIAL DEDICATED TO THE HEROIC MEN AND WOMEN OF THE BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN WHO FOUGHT FOR LIBERTY IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR 1941-1945 AND ESPECIALLY TO THOSE WHO SUFFERED AND DIED MAY THEIR SACRIFICE INSPIRE FUTURE GENERATIONS AND LEAD TO UNIVERSAL PEACE.” This wall was built for the people who helped and gave their lives during the World War II through the years 1941-1945. The second thing that is being placed is erased. It’s being erased because people think this isn’t important. The way that the memoir is written on the wall, it’s unbelievable because it’s really really light like you could barely see it. That just shows how not that many people care. Only the ones who do care will actually go up, read it, admire it, and understand why they were so helpful back then.

Colson Whitehead states in City Limits “Maybe we become New Yorkers the day we relaize that New York will go on without us.” It basically says how no matter where we are in the worl…New York City will never change. It will remain the way it is. He states another statement saying ” History books and public television documentaries are always trying to tell you all sorts of “facts” about New York.” Basically says that these are the people who helped out during the World War II. It shows interesting facts about New York City. These 2 quotes relates to the Brooklyn War Memorial because even though the people who died during the war New York still kept on going. it didn’t stop because of them. So for their honor, this monument was built.


View of the World from 9th Ave, 1976

“View of the World from 9th Ave” shows Saul Steinbergs view of how 9th ave looks like. From looking at the map it shows what he outlined. He outlined 9th ave, 10 ave, Hudson River, New Jersey, and the oceans. It shows how 9th and 10th ave the buildings, lots of cars, and loads of people walking. The other thing that shows is that Hudson River and New Jersey are right near eachother.  From looking at the title he means that if you stand in a location high up top then you can see how all all these area are near eachother. New Yorker magazine is with all the articles, essays, lots of interviews and etc. This should be part of the cover because this shows how New York is connected to everything.


Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: untrue words or ideas

Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hokum

Encountering of Word: History books and public television documentaries are always trying to tell you all sorts of “facts” about New York. That Canal Street used to be a canal. That Bryant Park used to be a reservoir. It’s all hokum.

Understanding: I now understand this word because by reading the sentence before and after it all makes sense what he means by its all hokum.

Brooklyn Historical Society

On Monday September 30, my class and I went on a trip around the area near City Tech. We walked around Brooklyn Heights, Columbus Park, and monuments. We even stopped by the boardwalk area where you can see across the river, The Statue of Liberty,New York City huge buildings, Governors Island, Staten Island Ferry, the nice flowing water, and so many other beautiful scenarios.After all that looking around we finally headed to where we had to go to The Brooklyn Historical Society. Over their we saw beautiful skulptures inside and outside the building. We even went inside the library. The library was so ancient looking. Like the lights were dimmed and the room itself was cold because of the books and the way they were placed. Over all I had a great day. I hope we have more upcoming trips like this.

Location Choice

My location choice is the Brooklyn War Memorial.It’s one of the Cadman Plaza parks. Here are the directions to get their:  When you get out of the college from the Namm Building, You head north on Jay Street towards Tillary Street. Then turn left onto Tillary Street. Then turn right onto Cadman Plaza W.Then turn right at Clark Street. Then turn left and then finally you will reach your destination.

This monument is dedicated to the ones who died serving the during the war. The memorial was meant to be a larger plan to show this area of Brooklyn, which included the Brooklyn Civic Center building, new municipal facilities, and expanding housing opportunities.

The Quote’s I’m using from City Limits are:

  • ” Maybe we become New Yorkers the day we realize that New York will go on without us.”
  • “History books and public television documentaries are always trying to tell you all sorts of “facts” about New York.”

I chose these quotes because they relate to my location choice. The second quote really relates to this because this monument is history. These are the people who helped out during the World War II. It shows interesting facts about New York City. The first quote it basically says how no matter where we are in the worl…New York City will never change. It will remain the way it is. This relates to the Brooklyn War Memorial because even though the people who died during the war New York still kept on going. it didn’t stop because of them. So for their honor, this monument was built.

A Walk In New York City

Since I was born and raised here I have been to numerous places in New York. One of my favorite places was walking around Central Park. At Central Park we walked around a lot for a good 4-5 hours and looked around to see all these activities that you can do. For example boating, fishing, etc. You also can have a mini family picnic as well. We took a lot of pictures in different parts of the park. At one of part of the park their are rocks which you can climb up and see the huge buildings. I was looking up and it seemed like i was about to fall down but luckily i didn’t. After the long day we went to get gyro from 5th ave. Their was a huge line but we managed to stand their because it was the yummiest gyro ever plus we were hungry. I recommend you guys to go to the park with family or friends because that way you guys could see the beautiful nature and spend a good quality time and make each moment memorable.

Group B “City Limits”

The story “City Limits” written by Colson Whitehead is about a guy that observes the city of New York, he explains the amazing city that he saw and that makes other cities seem very weak next to New York City. It’s a great place because when you live here there are lots of opportunities like awesome schools and amazing jobs. Everyone has their own city, based on their memories and those memories create many different “New York Cities.” Many remember New York City with old buildings and those buildings might not exist anymore but to the person who saw them, they still are there. Everyone has a different prospective of New York, everyone experienced it in a difficult way. With Colson’s description of a New Yorker is no wonder that towards the end of the reading he starts to say that once you are a inside New York you will not want to live anywhere else.