

Definition: the floor in front of or inside a fireplace

It was found in the first paragraph of the reading “Who Knows Brooklyn?”

The author was trying to say that Merlis’ new entry was “better in a hearth than upon a coffee table or bookshelf…” I now know that he was basically saying that his new entry belonged in a fire.

Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hearth




Definition: not able or willing to believe something

I found this word in the tenth paragraph of the reading “City Limits.” It said, “It saw the bewilderment  on your face as you stepped out of the stolen matinee, incredulous that there was still daylight after such a long movie.”

I didn’t know what Whitehead was talking about until I looked up the word.

Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/incredulous?show=0&t=1387163694



Definition: complaining in an annoyed way

I also found this on page 26 of “Reading Lucy.”

In the text, “querulous” was one of the difficult words that Lucy would use in her letters to Alfred. She put the definitions of words like that in case Alfred didn’t know what it meant. I didn’t know what it meant until now because the definition wasn’t in the text.

Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/querulous




Definition: A letter or other written message.

I found this word on page 26 of “Reading Lucy.”

I had no idea what the author meant by “missives” until I looked it up. Now I know that she was talking about letters.

Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/missive



emboldened : to instill with courage


Thus emboldened, I scrambled down a ladder as cars and trucks whizzed by my head, walked through a dirt trench and a doorway cut into a brick wall, and took a step back in time, into the arched tunnel.

The author was filled with courage and he decided that he will go down the ladder and into the tunnels of where Bob Diamond discovered.


retention:noun: the ability to keep something


“Visual aids are used to aid in retention, aid in clarity and aid in interest.”

The word retention is used in this context to say that visual aids are used to help people maintain their interest and retain it.

Extra Credit – Speech Competition

On Thursday 19th, a speech was hosted in City Tech, for extra credit Professor Davis gave us a list of things we could do for extra points. The list consisted of setting up the rooms for the competitors, to participate in the competition, or show up for the final round and write about it. Professor Davis encouraged us to participate in the competition and that if we managed to make it to the final round, an unholy amount of street credit was promised. My schedule did not permit me to be part of the competition because it first began at 12:15pm and my first class does not end until 12:45pm. I was lucky enough to make it to help my classmates with whatever they needed to set up and spectate the speakers. After the first round we were called to room 10-03 for refreshments. There most of the Competition Coordinators congratulated those who went and participated in the competition. The final round was said to start at around 3:00pm and was supposed to end, I couldn’t take part in that event because I had an upcoming class at 2:30pm which finished at 3:45pm even though I wasn’t able to earn all the extra credit I’m satisfied that Professor Davis even offered a chance for extra credit.