Summary 10/9

We had a double session of English today and I will be covering what we did in ENG 1101. On October 9th, we were asked to bring printed copies of our Project 2 Draft to class. Prof. Rosen gave us all a sheet that we had fill out. It was a review sheet with a number of questions. Our task was to read each others paper and answers as many questions we could. So, that is what class mostly consisted of. About 30 minutes later, we stopped in order to see how everyone was doing. Prof. Rosen brought up the idea of a thesis statement and the importance of having one. Thesis statement is something we all heard about in high-school but it really starts playing a role in your college years. All big research papers almost always have a thesis statement and it helps the reader understand your writing more. A thesis statement is less of a main idea but more a of statement your are putting forth to argue something. Thesis statements are usually broad and very general but not too general! Without one, someone might have trouble what it is you’re writing about it. Think of it like this, its like going on a road trip and all the highway signs are blank; You’ll eventually find your way but it might take you longer than you expect. Furthermore, we were given another review sheet to fill out and later, Prof. Rosen started talking about juxtaposition and how we should be putting it into context. She basically wants us to compare two things. It could either be happening at the same time or it could actually be two tangible things. You would have to compare and contrast what you see and what significance you believe the difference gives of.