HW #1: Photography, Instagram, and the Food Industry (Samara Hernandez)

Social media has become one of the major factors within the food industry. Wether it be drinks, finger foods, ice cream, or food, social media has now been able to get up and coming businesses and even businesses that have been around for years,more business than ever due to many social media users posting their items on there accounts. While reading “How A New York Restaurant Uses Instagram Influencers To Drive Sales,” the main thing that caught my attention out of the article was that, “influencers will be more invested and will deliver better-quality posts if they believe in you, rather than just being paid by you.” I agree with that statement 100%. I rather post something and invite my friends and family to a place where I know they’ll get their money’s worth, rather than have them waste their money on something that has no type of taste or appealing appearance.

Personally, I always take photos of my food especially when I go out to a new place. The main reason being, they way they set the item up may have automatically caught my attention as soon as I got it. Sometimes I’ll take a picture so that if after my meal, if I enjoyed it, I can give positive feedback on my social media and hopefully gain them some new customers.

Emani Ahoua : Photography, Instagram, and the Food Industry

Emani Ahoua

Prof. Cheng

February 1, 2018


I feel that photography and food go hand and hand in this day and age. I do believe food is an art and should be considered as such, you make it, you have to plate it beautifully and sometimes you even design it as you would a painting so why not treat it as such with photography. I absolutely love taking pictures of my own food either when I make it or when I go out to eat. I want to share this amazing photo of food I created or food that I’m about to devour. It encourages others to want to try it. I usually post videos and pictures of food a bunch of my friends/followers leave comments on it saying “looks so good” and “I want some!!” it makes me feel really good about what I made or what I ate and encourages me to start my own foodie Instagram page which I will probably do this semester. When someone posts a picture or video of something that looks really tasty I’ll try and make it myself. I follow foodies on Instagram and 70% of where I go out to eat is based on what I saw someone post about. Social media’s impact on the food industry will continue to grow on food more and more in the future. Promoting different types of foods in different areas I believe Is a great career because you are sharing a really good experience with others so they can go see or try for themselves.

HW#1: Photography, Instagram, & the food industry (Dana Edmund)

Dana Edmund

ARTH 1100/ Sec.LC04

Prof. Chang

Jan 29, 2018


Homework #1


What is the first think that comes to mind when you look at a photograph? Is it thelighting? Art? When I look at a photo I tend to not only visualize it, but I would pick it area into different departments in my mind. Personally I have always been an advocate when it comes to sharing pictures online. Social Media tends to guide or mislead peoples perception of images they maybe viewing. Overtime, I would post images of food, places, and even manage to squeeze in a selfie or two on my Instagram. But when I am feeling  spontaneous to try a new dish or even look for new restaurant to dine at, social media sites would be my go to search engine. What determines me on clicking on a picture of a food image is the lighting, description, and mainly the comments underneath a post. At times I am inspired to manipulate that same food picture and want to try and cook it at home.But what would get me in the door of a restaurant is the amount of reviews and if the business is in a reasonable location. Social Media is the way to go especially if your starting up a small business or even if your trying to drive new customers in.







Christina Gulabchand: Use of Social Media in Hospitality

Christina Gulabchand

January 2018/Prof. Cheng

Social Media in Hospitality

ARTH  1100

The use of social media in hospitality, currently, is essential to the success of a business. Social media helps to draw attention to the new modern menus and restaurant layout also. People are going to restaurants just due to the idea that they look interesting to be in. This plus an eye- grabbing menu helps to brighten anyone’s attention to a business. Menu items are being created with more color and tastes. This alone draws in a larger crowd of people, since you’d be catering to multiple palettes.

Social media is the “word of mouth” of our times. Everything is posted on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for the public to see. The ports of social media help to draw customers, food critics, etc. The internet is the bridge connecting success and marketing. Utilizing social media correctly, in regards to hospitality, is what can help a business grow and stay successful, even among the different growing trends and fads that we have in the food industry. From milkshakes that have a piece of cake on top, to bubble tea restaurants, and even tacos with gold sheets on top, social media has helped the public to become more open minded and even support local businesses. Personally, I believe social media, again when used correctly, can be the adding factor to the success of any business.

HW#1: Photography, Instagram, and the Food Industry

Photos of food on Instagram

Photos of food on Instagram

For this homework, you will need to create an account on the OpenLab. To get started follow the directions on the OpenLab’s Getting Started Page and to learn how to post your homework, please review my Posting Homework Guidelines located above.

The objective of this homework is 1-to familiarize yourself with creating a post on our Openlab website and 2-to consider the use of photography in social media for the food industry.

What do you think of the use of social media in hospitality? Listen to this short newscast on Food Instagrammers who turned their social media presence into a business. New Fork City is a branding business developed from taking and sharing pictures of the food. The company is run by college students and their Instagram account is nearing a million followers. Even restaurants are designing their menus and decor to encourage the use of social media. A local Manhattan restaurant relies on Instagram to help sales and a Los Angeles-based teahouse designed their interior to encourage visitors to post photographs.

First listen and read the articles hyperlinked in the passage above. Then write and submit a 200-word post to share your thoughts on photography, social media, and the food industry with your classmates. Some points to think about include, do you take and share photos of food, do you look at food photos to help you decide where to eat out or what to cook?

Homework #1 is DUE on Monday, February 5 by midnight.

Art! Camera! Food! Looking at Food, Looking at Photography

André Kertész

André Kertész, Washington Square, New York, 1966

Welcome! If you’re here, then you’re probably enrolled in the “Art! Camera! Food!” Learning Community. We are three classes that will meet together in the Spring 2018 semester. All students are enrolled in Prof Cheng’s History of Photography ARTH1100-LC04 class and either Prof Zimmerman’s Culinary I HMGT 1203 or Prof Warner’s Baking & Pastry I HMGT 1204 class. This website is where you will find access to all materials for the History of Photography course and it is where you will submit some of your work. Although Professor Cheng will be grading your work on the OpenLab, Professors Zimmerman and Warner will be looking in too, as well as commenting and participating on our shared website. You will get many opportunities to think about what you produce in Culinary I and Baking & Pastry I in artistic terms, and better understand the history of the ever-changing medium of photography.

I look forward to meeting you in class. Look around, and check back often as I develop our class site, and please do not hesitate to contact me.

Professor Sandra Cheng